using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using System.Linq; using System.Data; using MySystem; using MySystem.PxcModels; using Library; public class TestHelper { public readonly static TestHelper Instance = new TestHelper(); private TestHelper() { } public void Start() { Thread th = new Thread(setLdFee); th.IsBackground = true; th.Start(); } public void StartEverDay() { OtherMySqlConn.connstr = Library.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Pxc1SqlConnStr"].ToString(); DateTime end = DateTime.Parse("2022-04-19 00:00:00"); DateTime check = DateTime.Parse("2022-03-11"); while (check <= end) { StatMerchantTrade(check.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); check = check.AddDays(1); } } private void StatMerchantTrade(string date) { function.WriteLog(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff"), "执行商户交易额日志"); WebCMSEntities db = new WebCMSEntities(); try { DataTable selfdt = OtherMySqlConn.dtable("select MerchantId,BrandId,DATE_FORMAT(CreateDate,'%Y-%m-%d') as TradeDate,sum(TradeAmount) as TradeAmount from TradeRecord group by MerchantId,BrandId,DATE_FORMAT(CreateDate,'%Y-%m-%d') order by MerchantId,BrandId,DATE_FORMAT(CreateDate,'%Y-%m-%d')"); foreach (DataRow selfDr in selfdt.Rows) { int BrandId = int.Parse(selfDr["BrandId"].ToString()); int MerchantId = int.Parse(selfDr["MerchantId"].ToString()); string TradeDate = selfDr["TradeDate"].ToString(); TradeDate = TradeDate.Replace("-", ""); string TradeMonth = TradeDate.Substring(0, 6); decimal TradeAmount = decimal.Parse(selfDr["TradeAmount"].ToString()); PosMerchantTradeSummay merStat = db.PosMerchantTradeSummay.FirstOrDefault(m => m.MerchantId == MerchantId && m.TradeMonth == TradeMonth && m.TradeDate == TradeDate && m.BrandId == BrandId); if (merStat == null) { merStat = db.PosMerchantTradeSummay.Add(new PosMerchantTradeSummay() { MerchantId = MerchantId, TradeMonth = TradeMonth, TradeDate = TradeDate, BrandId = BrandId, }).Entity; db.SaveChanges(); } merStat.TradeAmount += TradeAmount; db.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception ex) { function.WriteLog(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\n" + ex.ToString(), "统计商户的交易额"); } db.Dispose(); function.WriteLog(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff") + "\n\n", "执行商户交易额日志"); } private void setLdFee() { // DataTable dt = CustomerSqlConn.dtable("select KqMerNo,BrandId from PosMerchantInfo where Id in (select BindMerchantId from PosMachinesTwo where BrandId in (10,11) and DownFeeFlag=1 and BindingTime<'2023-08-06 00:00:00')", ";port=3306;user=KxsProfitServer;password=FrW8ZfxlcaVdm1r0;database=KxsProfitServer;charset=utf8;"); // foreach(DataRow dr in dt.Rows) // { // function.WriteLog(dr["KqMerNo"].ToString(), "临时设置联动费率日志"); // string result = SetDepositPostService.Instance.LDFeeRate(dr["KqMerNo"].ToString(), "0.0063", int.Parse(dr["BrandId"].ToString()), 0); // function.WriteLog(result + "\n\n", "临时设置联动费率日志"); // } // function.WriteLog("000006026200825805", "临时设置费率日志"); // string result = SetDepositPostService.Instance.SetFeeForSft("40585414", "0.6300", "0"); // function.WriteLog(result + "\n\n", "临时设置费率日志"); // function.WriteLog("0000320226626450030145", "临时设置费率日志"); // result = SetDepositPostService.Instance.LDFeeRate("110000004265069", "0.0063", 1, 3); // function.WriteLog(result + "\n\n", "临时设置费率日志"); // function.WriteLog("0000320226624650409066", "临时设置费率日志"); // result = SetDepositPostService.Instance.LDFeeRate("110000004842951", "0.0063", 1, 3); // function.WriteLog(result + "\n\n", "临时设置费率日志"); // function.WriteLog("0000320226636450184893", "临时设置费率日志"); // result = SetDepositPostService.Instance.LDFeeRate("110000004744970", "0.0063", 3, 0); // function.WriteLog(result + "\n\n", "临时设置费率日志"); // function.WriteLog("0000320226636450180288", "临时设置费率日志"); // result = SetDepositPostService.Instance.LDFeeRate("110000004760326", "0.0063", 3, 0); // function.WriteLog(result + "\n\n", "临时设置费率日志"); // function.WriteLog("00003102702303069483466", "临时设置费率日志"); // string result = SetDepositPostService.Instance.SetFee("M7000615224RVXMbk7", "00003102702303069483466", 0.63M, 300); // function.WriteLog(result + "\n\n", "临时设置费率日志"); // function.WriteLog("00000302JBNL01471793", "临时设置费率日志"); // result = SetDepositPostService.Instance.SetFee("M900065131JVMYUBl5", "00000302JBNL01471793", 0.63M, 0); // function.WriteLog(result + "\n\n", "临时设置费率日志"); // return; bool op = true; while(op) { int page = int.Parse(function.CheckInt(function.ReadInstance("/TmpSetLdFee/page.txt"))); if(page < 1) page = 50; int skip = (page - 1) * 100; DataTable dt = CustomerSqlConn.dtable("select KqMerNo,BrandId from PosMerchantInfo where Id in (select BindMerchantId from PosMachinesTwo where BrandId in (10,11) and DownFeeFlag=0 and BindingTime<'2023-08-06 00:00:00') limit " + skip + ",100", ";port=3306;user=KxsProfitServer;password=FrW8ZfxlcaVdm1r0;database=KxsProfitServer;charset=utf8;"); if(dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach(DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { function.WriteLog(dr["KqMerNo"].ToString(), "临时设置联动费率日志"); string result = SetDepositPostService.Instance.LDFeeRate(dr["KqMerNo"].ToString(), "0.0063", int.Parse(dr["BrandId"].ToString()), 3); function.WriteLog(result + "\n\n", "临时设置联动费率日志"); } page += 1; function.WritePage("/TmpSetLdFee/", "page.txt", page.ToString()); } else { op = false; function.WriteLog("执行结束\n\n", "临时设置联动费率日志"); } dt.Dispose(); dt.Clear(); } } public void StartJk() { Thread th = new Thread(setJkFee); th.IsBackground = true; th.Start(); } private void setJkFee() { bool op = true; while(op) { int page = int.Parse(function.CheckInt(function.ReadInstance("/TmpSetJkFee/page.txt"))); if(page < 1) page = 1; int skip = (page - 1) * 100; DataTable dt = CustomerSqlConn.dtable("select KqMerNo,KqSnNo from PosMerchantInfo where Id in (select BindMerchantId from PosMachinesTwo where BrandId in (1,3) and (DownFeeFlag=1 or UpFeeFlag=0) and BindingState=1 and BindingTime<'" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(-90).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') limit " + skip + ",100", ";port=3306;user=KxsProfitServer;password=FrW8ZfxlcaVdm1r0;database=KxsProfitServer;charset=utf8;"); if(dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach(DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { function.WriteLog(dr["KqMerNo"].ToString(), "临时设置金控费率日志"); function.WriteLog(dr["KqSnNo"].ToString(), "临时设置金控费率日志"); string merNo = dr["KqMerNo"].ToString(); string sn = dr["KqSnNo"].ToString(); string result = SetDepositPostService.Instance.SetFee(merNo, sn, 0.63M, 0); function.WriteLog(result + "\n\n", "临时设置金控费率日志"); } page += 1; function.WritePage("/TmpSetJkFee/", "page.txt", page.ToString()); } else { op = false; function.WriteLog("执行结束\n\n", "临时设置金控费率日志"); } dt.Dispose(); dt.Clear(); } } public void StartSft() { Thread th = new Thread(setSftFee); th.IsBackground = true; th.Start(); } private void setSftFee() { bool op = true; while(op) { int page = int.Parse(function.CheckInt(function.ReadInstance("/TmpSetSftFee/page.txt"))); if(page < 1) page = 1; int skip = (page - 1) * 100; DataTable dt = CustomerSqlConn.dtable("select mer.KqMerNo,DownFeeFlag,UpFeeFlag from (select BindMerchantId,DownFeeFlag,UpFeeFlag from PosMachinesTwo where BrandId=7 and BindingState=1 and BindingTime<'" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(-90).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') tb left join PosMerchantInfo mer on tb.BindMerchantId=mer.Id limit " + skip + ",100", ";port=3306;user=KxsProfitServer;password=FrW8ZfxlcaVdm1r0;database=KxsProfitServer;charset=utf8;"); if(dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach(DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { function.WriteLog(dr["KqMerNo"].ToString(), "临时设置盛付通费率日志"); string merNo = dr["KqMerNo"].ToString(); string DownFeeFlag = dr["DownFeeFlag"].ToString(); string UpFeeFlag = dr["UpFeeFlag"].ToString(); string addRate = "0"; string Fee = "0.6300"; if(UpFeeFlag == "1" && DownFeeFlag == "0") { addRate = "3"; } string result = SetDepositPostService.Instance.SetFeeForSft(merNo, Fee, addRate); function.WriteLog(result + "\n\n", "临时设置盛付通费率日志"); } page += 1; function.WritePage("/TmpSetSftFee/", "page.txt", page.ToString()); } else { op = false; function.WriteLog("执行结束\n\n", "临时设置盛付通费率日志"); } dt.Dispose(); dt.Clear(); } } }