Browse Source


lcl 8 months ago
46 changed files with 0 additions and 8690 deletions
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+ 0 - 230

@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
- * @Author: 
- * @Date: 2023-03-01 19:20:44
- * @LastEditors: guicheng
- * @LastEditTime: 2024-05-14 14:52:51
- * @Description: kxs files
- * @filePath: 
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "Add"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { inject, ref } from "vue";
-import { useRenderIcon } from "@/components/ReIcon/src/hooks";
-import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from "element-plus";
-import Upload from "@iconify-icons/ri/upload-2-fill";
-import Close from "@iconify-icons/ri/close-fill";
-import { http } from "@/utils/http";
-// 获取当前板块接口列表
-import { getGroupUrl } from "@/utils/getUrl/getUrl";
-const UserUrl = await getGroupUrl(["User"]);
-const props = defineProps<{
-  submit: Function;
-  addVisible: {
-    type: Boolean;
-    default: false;
-  };
-  width: {
-    type: Number;
-    default: 50;
-  };
-// 表单数据
-const UpdateForm = ref({
-  RealName: "",
-  AdminName: "",
-  PassWord: "",
-  RoleId: ""
-// 传参选项数据
-const optionList = [
-  { Id: "1", label: "推荐" },
-  { Id: "2", label: "实物" },
-  { Id: "3", label: "虚拟商品" }
-// 选项卡参数(默认值为列表某项的id)
-const activeId = ref("1");
-// 穿梭框数据
-const transferdata = ref([
-  { key: 1, label: "1", disabled: false },
-  { key: 2, label: "2", disabled: false },
-  { key: 3, label: "3", disabled: false },
-  { key: 4, label: "4", disabled: false },
-  { key: 5, label: "5", disabled: false },
-  { key: 6, label: "6", disabled: false }
-// 提交函数
-const submit = async () => {
-  const { status, info }: any = http.request(
-    UserUrl.User.userSearch.method,
-    UserUrl.User.userSearch.url,
-    UpdateForm.value
-  );
-  if (status === "1") {
-    ElMessage({
-      message: "新增成功",
-      type: "success"
-    });
-    UpdateForm.value = {
-      AdminName: "",
-      RealName: "",
-      RoleId: "",
-      PassWord: ""
-    };
-  } else {
-    ElMessageBox.alert(info, "提示", {
-      confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-      type: "warning"
-    });
-  }
-const closeFn: any = inject("closeAddVisible");
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeVisible = () => {
-  UpdateForm.value = {
-    AdminName: "",
-    RealName: "",
-    RoleId: "",
-    PassWord: ""
-  };
-  closeFn();
-<template lang="pug">
-  el-dialog(v-model='props.addVisible' width="50%" title="新增" @close="closeVisible()")
-    //- 有选项卡模板
-    el-tabs(v-model="activeId" class="demo-tabs" @tab-click="handleClick")
-      el-tab-pane(label="选项卡一" name="1")
-        el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-          el-form-item(label='账户名称' prop="RealName")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.RealName' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入账户名称")
-          el-form-item(label='用户名' prop="AdminName")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.AdminName' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入用户名")
-          el-form-item(label='密码' prop="PassWord")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.PassWord' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入密码")
-          el-form-item(label="角色:", prop="RoleId")
-            el-select(
-              v-model="UpdateForm.RoleId",
-              placeholder="请选择用户角色",
-              clearable,
-              class="!w-[230px]"
-            )
-              el-option(:label="item.label", :value="item.Id" v-for="(item,index) in optionList")
-      el-tab-pane(label="选项卡二" name="2")
-        el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-          el-form-item(label='账户名称' prop="RealName")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.RealName' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入账户名称")
-          el-form-item(label='用户名' prop="AdminName")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.AdminName' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入用户名")
-          el-form-item(label='密码' prop="PassWord")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.PassWord' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入密码")
-          el-form-item(label="角色:", prop="RoleId")
-            el-select(
-              v-model="UpdateForm.RoleId",
-              placeholder="请选择用户角色",
-              clearable,
-              class="!w-[230px]"
-            )
-              el-option(:label="item.label", :value="item.Id" v-for="(item,index) in optionList")
-    //- 无选项卡模板
-    el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-      el-form-item(label='账户名称' prop="RealName")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.RealName' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入账户名称")
-      el-form-item(label='用户名' prop="AdminName")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.AdminName' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入用户名")
-      el-form-item(label='密码' prop="PassWord")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.PassWord' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入密码")
-      el-form-item(label="角色:", prop="RoleId")
-        el-select(
-          v-model="UpdateForm.RoleId",
-          placeholder="请选择用户角色",
-          clearable,
-          class="!w-[230px]"
-        )
-          el-option(:label="item.label", :value="item.Id" v-for="(item,index) in optionList")
-      el-form-item(label='取色器' prop="PassWord")
-        el-color-picker(v-model="UpdateForm.AdminName" show-alpha)
-      el-form-item(label='数字输入框' prop="PassWord")
-        el-input-number(v-model="UpdateForm.PassWord" :min="1" :max="10")
-      el-form-item(label='滑块' prop="PassWord")
-        el-slider(v-model="UpdateForm.PassWord")
-      el-form-item(label='开关' prop="PassWord")
-        el-switch(v-model="UpdateForm.PassWord")
-      el-form-item(label='单选框' prop="PassWord")
-        el-radio-group(v-model="UpdateForm.PassWord")
-          el-radio(:value="1") Option A
-          el-radio(:value="2") Option B
-          el-radio(:value="3") Option C
-      el-form-item(label='评分' prop="PassWord")
-        el-rate(v-model="UpdateForm.PassWord")
-      el-form-item(label='穿梭框' prop="AdminName")
-        el-transfer(v-model="UpdateForm.AdminName" :data="transferdata")
-    el-button(
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Close)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="closeVisible()"
-    ) 关闭
-    el-button(
-      type="primary",
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Upload)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="submit"
-    ) 确认提交
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-.collapsedom {
-  padding: 0 20px;
-  background-color: #fff;
- {
-  height: 40vh;
-  overflow-y: auto;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 206

@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
- * @Author: 
- * @Date: 2023-03-01 19:20:44
- * @LastEditors: guicheng
- * @LastEditTime: 2024-05-14 14:53:14
- * @Description: kxs files
- * @filePath: 
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "Add"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { inject, ref } from "vue";
-import { useRenderIcon } from "@/components/ReIcon/src/hooks";
-import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from "element-plus";
-import Upload from "@iconify-icons/ri/upload-2-fill";
-import Close from "@iconify-icons/ri/close-fill";
-import { http } from "@/utils/http";
-// 获取当前板块接口列表
-import { getGroupUrl } from "@/utils/getUrl/getUrl";
-const UserUrl = await getGroupUrl(["User"]);
-const props = defineProps<{
-  editVisible: {
-    type: Boolean;
-    default: false;
-  };
-  width: {
-    type: Number;
-    default: 50;
-  };
-  formData: {
-    id: any;
-    type: any;
-    default: {};
-  };
-// 表单数据
-const UpdateForm: any = ref({
-  RealName: "",
-  AdminName: "",
-  PassWord: "",
-  RoleId: ""
-// 传参选项数据
-const optionList = [
-  { Id: "1", label: "推荐" },
-  { Id: "2", label: "实物" },
-  { Id: "3", label: "虚拟商品" }
-// 选项卡参数(默认值为列表某项的id)
-const activeId = ref("1");
-// 提交函数
-const submit = async () => {
-  const { status, info }: any = http.request(
-    UserUrl.User.userSearch.method,
-    UserUrl.User.userSearch.url,
-    UpdateForm.value
-  );
-  if (status === "1") {
-    ElMessage({
-      message: "修改成功",
-      type: "success"
-    });
-    UpdateForm.value = {
-      AdminName: "",
-      RealName: "",
-      RoleId: "",
-      PassWord: ""
-    };
-  } else {
-    ElMessageBox.alert(info, "提示", {
-      confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-      type: "warning"
-    });
-  }
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeVisible = inject("closeEditVisible");
-const openVisible = async () => {
-  //通过ID获取表格数据
-  const { data, info }: any = http.request(
-    UserUrl.User.userSearch.method,
-    UserUrl.User.userSearch.url,
-  );
-  UpdateForm.value = data;
-  // 通过表格项获取数据
-  UpdateForm.value = props.formData;
-<template lang="pug">
-  el-dialog(v-model='props.editVisible' width="50%" title="修改" @close="closeVisible()" @open="openVisible")
-    //- 有选项卡模板
-    el-tabs(v-model="activeId" class="demo-tabs" @tab-click="handleClick")
-      el-tab-pane(label="选项卡一" name="1")
-        el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-          el-form-item(label='账户名称' prop="RealName")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.RealName' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入账户名称")
-          el-form-item(label='用户名' prop="AdminName")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.AdminName' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入用户名")
-          el-form-item(label='密码' prop="PassWord")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.PassWord' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入密码")
-          el-form-item(label="角色:", prop="RoleId")
-            el-select(
-              v-model="UpdateForm.RoleId",
-              placeholder="请选择用户角色",
-              clearable,
-              class="!w-[230px]"
-            )
-              el-option(:label="item.label", :value="item.Id" v-for="(item,index) in optionList")
-      el-tab-pane(label="选项卡二" name="2")
-        el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-          el-form-item(label='账户名称' prop="RealName")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.RealName' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入账户名称")
-          el-form-item(label='用户名' prop="AdminName")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.AdminName' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入用户名")
-          el-form-item(label='密码' prop="PassWord")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.PassWord' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入密码")
-          el-form-item(label="角色:", prop="RoleId")
-            el-select(
-              v-model="UpdateForm.RoleId",
-              placeholder="请选择用户角色",
-              clearable,
-              class="!w-[230px]"
-            )
-              el-option(:label="item.label", :value="item.Id" v-for="(item,index) in optionList")
-    //- 无选项卡模板
-    el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-      el-form-item(label='账户名称' prop="RealName")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.RealName' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]" placeholder="请输入账户名称")
-      el-form-item(label='用户名' prop="AdminName")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.AdminName' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]" placeholder="请输入用户名")
-      el-form-item(label='密码' prop="PassWord")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.PassWord' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]" placeholder="请输入密码")
-      el-form-item(label="角色:", prop="RoleId")
-        el-select(
-          v-model="UpdateForm.RoleId",
-          placeholder="请选择用户角色",
-          clearable,
-          class="!w-[230px]"
-        )
-          el-option(:label="item.label", :value="item.Id" v-for="(item,index) in optionList")
-    el-button(
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Close)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="closeVisible()"
-    ) 关闭
-    el-button(
-      type="primary",
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Upload)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="submit"
-    ) 确认提交
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-.collapsedom {
-  padding: 0 20px;
-  background-color: #fff;
- {
-  height: 40vh;
-  overflow-y: auto;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 174

@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-import { getRoleList } from "@/api/system";
-import { type PaginationProps } from "@pureadmin/table";
-import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from "element-plus";
-import { reactive, ref, computed, onMounted } from "vue";
-import { getGroupUrl } from "@/utils/getUrl/getUrl";
-import { http } from "@/utils/http";
-// 获取当前板块接口列表
-const UserUrl = await getGroupUrl(["User"]);
-export function useUser() {
-  // 搜索表单参数
-  const form = reactive({
-    Name: ""
-  });
-  // 级联选择器参数
-  const optionList = ref([
-    {
-      value: "resource",
-      label: "Resource",
-      children: [
-        {
-          value: "axure",
-          label: "Axure Components"
-        },
-        {
-          value: "sketch",
-          label: "Sketch Templates"
-        },
-        {
-          value: "docs",
-          label: "Design Documentation"
-        }
-      ]
-    }
-  ]);
-  const dataList = ref([]);
-  const loading = ref(false);
-  const dialogAddVisible = ref(false);
-  const pagination = reactive<PaginationProps>({
-    total: 0,
-    pageSize: 10,
-    currentPage: 1,
-    background: true
-  });
-  const columns: TableColumnList = [
-    {
-      type: "selection",
-      width: 55,
-      align: "left",
-      hide: ({ checkList }) => !checkList.includes("勾选列")
-    },
-    {
-      label: "序号",
-      type: "index",
-      width: 70,
-      hide: ({ checkList }) => !checkList.includes("序号列")
-    },
-    {
-      label: "角色ID",
-      prop: "Id",
-      minWidth: 130
-    },
-    {
-      label: "操作",
-      fixed: "right",
-      width: 200,
-      slot: "operation"
-    }
-  ];
-  // 当前页数量切换
-  function handleSizeChange(val: number) {
-    console.log(`${val} items per page`);
-    onSearch();
-  }
-  // 当前页码切换
-  function handleCurrentChange(val: number) {
-    console.log(`current page: ${val}`);
-    onSearch();
-  }
-  // 选择表格项
-  function handleSelectionChange(val) {
-    console.log("handleSelectionChange", val);
-    onSearch();
-  }
-  // 搜索列表
-  async function onSearch(type = "search") {
-    if (type == "search" && !Object.values(form).some(item => !!item)) {
-      return ElMessage({
-        message: "请输入查询条件",
-        type: "error"
-      });
-    }
-    loading.value = true;
-    const { data, other }: any = http.request(
-      UserUrl.User.userSearch.method,
-      UserUrl.User.userSearch.url,
-      {
-        ...form,
-        page_size: pagination.pageSize,
-        page_num: pagination.currentPage
-      }
-    );
-    dataList.value = data;
- = other.Count;
-    setTimeout(() => {
-      loading.value = false;
-    }, 500);
-  }
-  onMounted(() => {
-    // onSearch();
-  });
-  // 删除
-  function handleDelete(row) {
-    ElMessageBox.confirm(
-      `是否删除该用户?  用户名称为:${row.AdminName}`,
-      "提示",
-      {
-        confirmButtonText: "删除",
-        cancelButtonText: "取消",
-        type: "warning"
-      }
-    ).then(async () => {
-      const { status, info }: any = await http.request(
-        UserUrl.User.userDelete.method,
-        UserUrl.User.userDelete.url,
-        { SysAdminId: row.Id }
-      );
-      if (status === "1") {
-        ElMessage({
-          message: "删除成功",
-          type: "success"
-        });
-        onSearch();
-      } else {
-        ElMessageBox.alert(info, "提示", {
-          confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-          type: "warning"
-        });
-      }
-    });
-  }
-  // 新增
-  const addVisible = ref(false);
-  function handleAdd() {
-    addVisible.value = true;
-  }
-  // 修改
-  const editVisible = ref(false);
-  const editFormData = ref({});
-  function handleUpdate(row) {
-    editVisible.value = true;
-    // 表格数据赋值
-    editFormData.value = row;
-  }
-  return {
-    form,
-    loading,
-    columns,
-    dataList,
-    pagination,
-    onSearch,
-    handleSizeChange,
-    handleCurrentChange,
-    handleSelectionChange,
-    handleAdd,
-    handleUpdate,
-    handleDelete,
-    addVisible,
-    editVisible,
-    editFormData,
-    optionList
-  };

+ 0 - 179

@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "Template"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { provide, ref } from "vue";
-import { useUser } from "./hook";
-import { hasAuth } from "@/router/utils";
-import { PureTableBar } from "@/components/RePureTableBar";
-import { useRenderIcon } from "@/components/ReIcon/src/hooks";
-import Add from "./components/add/index.vue"
-import Edit from "./components/edit/index.vue"
-import Search from "@iconify-icons/ep/search";
-import All from "@iconify-icons/ep/refresh-left";
-import Addicon from "@iconify-icons/ep/document-add";
-const formRef = ref();
-const {
-  form,
-  loading,
-  columns,
-  dataList,
-  pagination,
-  onSearch,
-  handleSizeChange,
-  handleCurrentChange,
-  handleSelectionChange,
-  handleAdd,
-  handleUpdate,
-  handleDelete,
-  addVisible,
-  editVisible,
-  editFormData,
-  optionList,
-} = useUser();
-// 关闭修改
-const closeEditVisible = () => {
-  editVisible.value = false
-provide('closeEditVisible', closeEditVisible)
-// 关闭添加
-const closeAddVisible = () => {
-  addVisible.value = false
-provide('closeAddVisible', closeAddVisible)
-<template lang="pug">
-  div
-      label-position="left"
-      label-width="100px"
-      ref="formRef",
-      :inline="true",
-      :model="form",
-      :rules="rules",
-      class="w-[99/100]"
-    )
-      el-form-item(label="搜索内容框:", prop="searchMain")
-        el-input(
-          v-model="form.searchMain",
-          placeholder="请输入搜索内容",
-          clearable,
-          class="!w-[230px]"
-        )
-      el-form-item(label="级联选择框:", prop="searchMain")
-        el-cascader(
-          v-model="form.searchMain" 
-          :options="optionList" 
-          class="!w-[230px]"
-          clearable)
-      el-form-item(label="时间选择器:", prop="searchMain")
-        el-date-picker(
-          v-model="form.searchMain"
-          type="daterange"
-          class="!w-[230px]"
-          start-placeholder="开始时间"
-          end-placeholder="结束时间"
-          :default-value="[new Date(2010, 9, 1), new Date(2010, 10, 1)]"
-        )
-      el-form-item
-        el-button(
-          type="primary",
-          :icon="useRenderIcon(Search)",
-          :loading="loading",
-          @click="onSearch()"
-        ) 查询
-      el-form-item
-        el-button(
-          type="primary",
-          :icon="useRenderIcon(All)",
-          :loading="loading",
-          @click="onSearch('all')"
-        ) 全部
-    //- 表格组件
-    PureTableBar(title="后台角色管理", @refresh="onSearch" )
-      template(#buttons)
-        el-button(type="primary" :icon="useRenderIcon(Addicon)" @click="handleAdd()") 新增
-        el-button(type="primary" :icon="useRenderIcon(Addicon)" @click="handleUpdate(row)") 编辑
-      template(v-slot="{ size, checkList }")
-        pure-table(stripe 
-          border,
-          align-whole="center",
-          table-layout="auto",
-          :loading="loading",
-          :size="size",
-          :data="dataList",
-          :columns="columns",
-          :checkList="checkList",
-          :pagination="pagination",
-          :paginationSmall="size === 'default' ? true : false",
-          :header-cell-style="{ background: 'var(--el-table-row-hover-bg-color)', color: 'var(--el-text-color-primary)' }",
-          @selection-change="handleSelectionChange",
-          @size-change="handleSizeChange",
-          @current-change="handleCurrentChange"
-        )          
-          template(#operation="{ row }")
-            .flex.flex-wrap.items-center
-              el-dropdown(trigger="click", :hide-on-click="false")
-                el-button(type="primary") 操作
-                  el-icon.el-icon--right
-                    arrow-down
-                template(#dropdown)
-                  el-dropdown-menu
-                    el-dropdown-item
-                      el-button.reset-margin(
-                        link
-                        type="primary"
-                        :size="size"
-                        @click="handleUpdate(row)"
-                        :icon="useRenderIcon(EditPen)"
-                        v-if="hasAuth(['edit'])"
-                      ) 编辑
-                    el-button.reset-margin(
-                      link
-                      type="primary"
-                      :size="size"
-                      @click="handleDelete(row)"
-                      :icon="useRenderIcon(Delete)"
-                      v-if="hasAuth(['delete'])"
-                    ) 删除
-    //- Add(:addVisible="addVisible")
-    Add(:addVisible="true")
-    Edit(:editVisible="editVisible" :formData="editFormData")
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 306

@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
- * @Author: 
- * @Date: 2023-03-01 19:20:44
- * @LastEditors: guicheng
- * @LastEditTime: 2024-07-10 12:05:52
- * @Description: kxs files
- * @filePath: 
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "Add"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { inject, onMounted, reactive, ref, Uploadfile, UploadImg, Editor, useRenderIcon, ElMessage, ElMessageBox, Upload, Close, http, getGroupUrl, RegularVerification, verification } from "@/utils/importUsed"
-// 接口列表实例
-const UserUrl = ref(null)
-// 获取当前板块接口列表
-onMounted(async () => {
-  UserUrl.value = await getGroupUrl(["User"]);
-// 组件传参对象
-const props = defineProps<{
-  submit: Function;
-  addVisible: {
-    type: Boolean;
-    default: false;
-  };
-  width: {
-    type: Number;
-    default: 50;
-  };
-// 表单数据
-const UpdateForm = ref({
-  RealName: "",
-  AdminName: "",
-  PassWord: "",
-  RoleId: "",
-  content: "",
-  upLoadFile: "",
-  upLoadImg: "",
-// 表单实例
-const ruleFormRef = ref()
-// 富文本实例
-const childComp = ref();
-// 传参选项数据
-// 选项卡参数(默认值为列表某项的id)
-const activeId = ref("1");
-const optionList = [
-  { Id: "1", label: "推荐" },
-  { Id: "2", label: "实物" },
-  { Id: "3", label: "虚拟商品" }
-// 穿梭框数据
-const transferdata = ref([
-  { key: 1, label: "1", disabled: false },
-  { key: 2, label: "2", disabled: false },
-  { key: 3, label: "3", disabled: false },
-  { key: 4, label: "4", disabled: false },
-  { key: 5, label: "5", disabled: false },
-  { key: 6, label: "6", disabled: false }
-// 提交函数
-const submit = async () => {
-  // 表单校验拦截
-  if (!formEl) return
-  await formEl.validate((valid, fields) => {
-    if (valid) {
-      //表单校验成功回调
-      console.log('submit!')
-      // 富文本实例赋值
-      UpdateForm.value.content = childComp.value.valueHtml;
-      // 需动态生成接口
-      const { status, info }: any = http.Request({
-        url: UserUrl.User.userSearch.method,
-        method: UserUrl.User.userSearch.url,
-        params: UpdateForm.value
-      });
-      if (status === "1") {
-        //业务成功回调
-        ElMessage({
-          message: "新增成功",
-          type: "success"
-        });
-        // 关闭新增弹窗;
-        closeVisible()
-      } else {
-        //业务失败回调
-        ElMessageBox.alert(info, "提示", {
-          confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-          type: "warning"
-        });
-      }
-    } else {
-      //表单校验失败回调
-      ElMessage({
-        message: "请输入完整信息",
-        type: "error"
-      });
-    }
-  })
-// 选项卡切换回调
-const handleClick = () => {
-  console.log("切换选项卡");
-const UploadFileCallBack = (url) => {
-  ElMessage({
-    message: `文件上传成功:${url}`,
-    type: "success"
-  });
-  UpdateForm.value.upLoadFile = url;
-const UploadImgCallBack = (url) => {
-  ElMessage({
-    message: `图片上传成功:${url}`,
-    type: "success"
-  });
-  UpdateForm.value.upLoadImg = url;
-// 表单校验规则
-const rules = reactive({
-  RealName: [
-    // 必传
-    { required: true, message: '请输入账户名称', trigger: 'blur' },
-    // 长度
-    { min: 3, max: 5, message: '长度为3-5', trigger: 'blur' },
-    // 时间类型必填
-    {
-      type: 'date',
-      required: true,
-      message: '请选择正确时间类型',
-      trigger: 'blur',
-    },
-    // 封装正则
-    {
-      validator: (rule: any, value: any, callback: any) => {
-        verification.verificationName(value, callback)
-      }, trigger: 'blur'
-    },
-    // 自定义正则
-    {
-      validator: (rule: any, value: any, callback: any) => {
-        // 自定义正则替换
-        const regular = /^((13[0-9])|(14(0|[5-7]|9))|(15([0-3]|[5-9]))|(16(2|[5-7]))|(17[0-8])|(18[0-9])|(19([0-3]|[5-9])))\d{8}$/;
-        RegularVerification(regular, value, callback)
-      }, trigger: 'blur'
-    },
-  ],
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeFn: any = inject("closeAddVisible");
-const closeVisible = () => {
-  // 清空表单项;
-  ruleFormRef.value.resetFields();
-  closeFn();
-// 弹窗是否全屏
-const isFullscreen = ref(false)
-<template lang="pug">
-  el-dialog(v-model='props.addVisible' width="50%" :fullscreen="isFullscreen" title="新增" draggable @close="closeVisible")
-    //- 有选项卡模板
-    el-tabs(v-model="activeId" class="demo-tabs" @tab-click="handleClick")
-      el-tab-pane(label="选项卡一" name="1")
-        el-form(ref="ruleFormRef" :model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px" :rules="rules")
-          el-form-item(label='账户名称1' prop="RealName")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.RealName' autocomplete='off'
-              placeholder="请输入账户名称")
-          el-form-item(label='用户名' prop="AdminName")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.AdminName' autocomplete='off'
-              placeholder="请输入用户名")
-          el-form-item(label='密码' prop="PassWord")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.PassWord' autocomplete='off'
-              placeholder="请输入密码")
-          el-form-item(label="角色:", prop="RoleId")
-            el-select(
-              v-model="UpdateForm.RoleId",
-              placeholder="请选择用户角色",
-              clearable    
-            )
-              el-option(:label="item.label", :value="item.Id" v-for="(item, index) in optionList")
-      el-tab-pane(label="选项卡二" name="2")
-        el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-          el-form-item(label='账户名称2' prop="RealName")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.RealName' autocomplete='off'
-              placeholder="请输入账户名称")
-          el-form-item(label='用户名' prop="AdminName")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.AdminName' autocomplete='off'
-              placeholder="请输入用户名")
-          el-form-item(label='密码' prop="PassWord")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.PassWord' autocomplete='off'
-              placeholder="请输入密码")
-          el-form-item(label="角色:", prop="RoleId")
-            el-select(
-              v-model="UpdateForm.RoleId",
-              placeholder="请选择用户角色",
-              clearable    
-            )
-              el-option(:label="item.label", :value="item.Id" v-for="(item, index) in optionList")
-    //- 无选项卡模板
-    el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-      el-form-item(label='账户名称' prop="RealName")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.RealName' autocomplete='off'
-          placeholder="请输入账户名称")
-      el-form-item(label='用户名' prop="AdminName")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.AdminName' autocomplete='off'
-          placeholder="请输入用户名")
-      el-form-item(label='密码' prop="PassWord")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.PassWord' autocomplete='off'
-          placeholder="请输入密码")
-      el-form-item(label="角色:", prop="RoleId")
-        el-select(
-          v-model="UpdateForm.RoleId",
-          placeholder="请选择用户角色",
-          clearable
-        )
-          el-option(:label="item.label", :value="item.Id" v-for="(item, index) in optionList")
-      el-form-item(label='取色器' prop="PassWord")
-        el-color-picker(v-model="UpdateForm.AdminName" show-alpha)
-      el-form-item(label='数字输入框' prop="PassWord")
-        el-input-number(v-model="UpdateForm.PassWord" :min="1" :max="10")
-      el-form-item(label='滑块' prop="PassWord")
-        el-slider(v-model="UpdateForm.PassWord")
-      el-form-item(label='开关' prop="PassWord")
-        el-switch(v-model="UpdateForm.PassWord")
-      el-form-item(label='单选框' prop="PassWord")
-        el-radio-group(v-model="UpdateForm.PassWord")
-          el-radio(:value="1") Option A
-          el-radio(:value="2") Option B
-          el-radio(:value="3") Option C
-      el-form-item(label='评分' prop="PassWord")
-        el-rate(v-model="UpdateForm.PassWord")
-      el-form-item(label='穿梭框' prop="AdminName")
-        el-transfer(v-model="UpdateForm.AdminName" :data="transferdata")
-      el-form-item(label='上传文件' prop="Uploadfile")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.upLoadFile' autocomplete='off' disabled)
-        Uploadfile(btntext="上传文件" :FilePath="UploadFileCallBack")
-      el-form-item(label='上传图片' prop="UploadImg")
-        UploadImg(:cropper="true" :callBack="UploadImgCallBack")
-      el-form-item(label='富文本' prop="childComp")
-        Editor(ref="childComp")
-    .flex.justify-end
-      el-button(
-        :icon="useRenderIcon(Close)",
-        @click="closeVisible"
-      ) 关闭
-      el-button(
-        type="primary",
-        :icon="useRenderIcon(Upload)",
-        @click="submit(ruleFormRef)"
-      ) 确认提交
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-.collapsedom {
-  padding: 0 20px;
-  background-color: #fff;
- {
-  height: 40vh;
-  overflow-y: auto;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;
-.el-select {
-  width: 100%;

+ 0 - 291

@@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
- * @Author: 
- * @Date: 2023-03-01 19:20:44
- * @LastEditors: guicheng
- * @LastEditTime: 2024-07-10 11:45:02
- * @Description: kxs files
- * @filePath: 
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "Add"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { inject, onMounted, reactive, ref, Uploadfile, UploadImg, Editor, useRenderIcon, ElMessage, ElMessageBox, Upload, Close, http, getGroupUrl, RegularVerification, verification } from "@/utils/importUsed"
-// 接口列表实例
-const UserUrl = ref(null)
-// 获取当前板块接口列表
-onMounted(async () => {
-  UserUrl.value = await getGroupUrl(["User"]);
-// 组件传参对象
-const props = defineProps<{
-  editVisible: {
-    type: Boolean;
-    default: false;
-  };
-  width: {
-    type: Number;
-    default: 50;
-  };
-  formData: {
-    id: any;
-    type: any;
-    default: {};
-  };
-// 表单数据
-const UpdateForm: any = ref({
-  RealName: "",
-  AdminName: "",
-  PassWord: "",
-  RoleId: "",
-  content: "",
-  upLoadFile: "",
-  upLoadImg: '',
-// 传参选项数据
-const optionList = [
-  { Id: "1", label: "推荐" },
-  { Id: "2", label: "实物" },
-  { Id: "3", label: "虚拟商品" }
-// 表单实例
-const ruleFormRef = ref()
-// 富文本实例
-const childComp = ref();
-// 选项卡参数(默认值为列表某项的id)
-const activeId = ref("1");
-// 提交函数
-const submit = async (formEl) => {
-  // 表单校验拦截
-  if (!formEl) return
-  await formEl.validate((valid, fields) => {
-    if (valid) {
-      //表单校验成功回调
-      console.log('submit!')
-      // 富文本实例赋值
-      UpdateForm.value.content = childComp.value.valueHtml;
-      console.log(UpdateForm.value);
-      // 需动态生成接口
-      const { status, info }: any = http.request(
-        UserUrl.User.userSearch.method,
-        UserUrl.User.userSearch.url,
-        UpdateForm.value
-      );
-      if (status === "1") {
-        //业务成功回调
-        ElMessage({
-          message: "修改成功",
-          type: "success"
-        });
-        // 关闭修改弹窗;
-        closeVisible();
-      } else {
-        //业务失败回调
-        ElMessageBox.alert(info, "提示", {
-          confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-          type: "warning"
-        });
-      }
-    } else {
-      //表单校验失败回调
-      ElMessage({
-        message: "请输入完整信息",
-        type: "error"
-      });
-    }
-  })
-const UploadFileCallBack = (url) => {
-  ElMessage({
-    message: `文件上传成功:${url}`,
-    type: "success"
-  });
-  UpdateForm.value.upLoadFile = url;
-const UploadImgCallBack = (url) => {
-  ElMessage({
-    message: `图片上传成功:${url}`,
-    type: "success"
-  });
-  UpdateForm.value.upLoadImg = url;
-// 表单校验规则
-const rules = reactive({
-  RealName: [
-    // 必传
-    { required: true, message: '请输入账户名称', trigger: 'blur' },
-    // 长度
-    { min: 3, max: 5, message: '长度为3-5', trigger: 'blur' },
-    // 时间类型必填
-    {
-      type: 'date',
-      required: true,
-      message: '请选择正确时间类型',
-      trigger: 'blur',
-    },
-    // 封装正则
-    {
-      validator: (rule: any, value: any, callback: any) => {
-        verification.verificationName(value, callback)
-      }, trigger: 'blur'
-    },
-    // 自定义正则
-    {
-      validator: (rule: any, value: any, callback: any) => {
-        // 自定义正则替换
-        const regular = /^((13[0-9])|(14(0|[5-7]|9))|(15([0-3]|[5-9]))|(16(2|[5-7]))|(17[0-8])|(18[0-9])|(19([0-3]|[5-9])))\d{8}$/;
-        RegularVerification(regular, value, callback)
-      }, trigger: 'blur'
-    },
-  ],
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeVisible: any = inject("closeEditVisible");
-// 调用修改弹窗函数
-const openVisible = async () => {
-  //通过ID获取表格数据(二选一)
-  const { data, info }: any = http.Request({
-    url: UserUrl.User.userSearch.method,
-    method: UserUrl.User.userSearch.url,
-    params:
-  });
-  UpdateForm.value = data;
-  // 通过表格项获取数据(二选一)
-  UpdateForm.value = props.formData;
-  // 将获取到的富文本字段数据重新赋值到富文本实例
-  childComp.value.valueHtml = "<p>12312312</p>";
-// 弹窗是否全屏
-const isFullscreen = ref(false)
-<template lang="pug">
-  el-dialog(v-model='props.editVisible' draggable width="50%" :fullscreen="isFullscreen" title="修改" @close="closeVisible" @open="openVisible")
-    //- 有选项卡模板
-    el-tabs(v-model="activeId" class="demo-tabs" @tab-click="handleClick")
-      el-tab-pane(label="选项卡一" name="1")
-        el-form(ref="ruleFormRef" :model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px" :rules="rules")
-          el-form-item(label='账户名称' prop="RealName")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.RealName' autocomplete='off' 
-              placeholder="请输入账户名称")
-          el-form-item(label='用户名' prop="AdminName")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.AdminName' autocomplete='off' 
-              placeholder="请输入用户名")
-          el-form-item(label='密码' prop="PassWord")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.PassWord' autocomplete='off' 
-              placeholder="请输入密码")
-          el-form-item(label="角色:", prop="RoleId")
-            el-select(
-              v-model="UpdateForm.RoleId",
-              placeholder="请选择用户角色",
-              clearable
-            )
-              el-option(:label="item.label", :value="item.Id" v-for="(item, index) in optionList")
-          el-form-item(label='上传图片' prop="UploadImg")
-            UploadImg(:cropper="true" :callBack="UploadImgCallBack" :imgList="UpdateForm.upLoadImg.split(',')")
-          el-form-item(label='上传文件' prop="Uploadfile")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.upLoadFile' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]" disabled)
-            Uploadfile(btntext="上传文件" :FilePath="UploadCallBack")
-          el-form-item(label="富文本:", prop="RoleId")
-            Editor(ref="childComp")
-      el-tab-pane(label="选项卡二" name="2")
-        el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-          el-form-item(label='账户名称' prop="RealName")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.RealName' autocomplete='off'
-              placeholder="请输入账户名称")
-          el-form-item(label='用户名' prop="AdminName")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.AdminName' autocomplete='off'
-              placeholder="请输入用户名")
-          el-form-item(label='密码' prop="PassWord")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.PassWord' autocomplete='off'
-              placeholder="请输入密码")
-          el-form-item(label="角色:", prop="RoleId")
-            el-select(
-              v-model="UpdateForm.RoleId",
-              placeholder="请选择用户角色",
-              clearable
-            )
-              el-option(:label="item.label", :value="item.Id" v-for="(item, index) in optionList")
-    //- 无选项卡模板
-    el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-      el-form-item(label='账户名称' prop="RealName")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.RealName' autocomplete='off' placeholder="请输入账户名称")
-      el-form-item(label='用户名' prop="AdminName")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.AdminName' autocomplete='off' placeholder="请输入用户名")
-      el-form-item(label='密码' prop="PassWord")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.PassWord' autocomplete='off' placeholder="请输入密码")
-      el-form-item(label="角色:", prop="RoleId")
-        el-select(
-          v-model="UpdateForm.RoleId",
-          placeholder="请选择用户角色",
-          clearable
-        )
-          el-option(:label="item.label", :value="item.Id" v-for="(item, index) in optionList")
-    .flex.justify-end
-      el-button(
-        :icon="useRenderIcon(Close)",
-        @click="closeVisible"
-      ) 关闭
-      el-button(
-        type="primary",
-        :icon="useRenderIcon(Upload)",
-        @click="submit(ruleFormRef)"
-      ) 确认提交
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-.collapsedom {
-  padding: 0 20px;
-  background-color: #fff;
- {
-  height: 40vh;
-  overflow-y: auto;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;
-.el-select {
-  width: 100%;

+ 0 - 230

@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-import { reactive, onMounted, ref, ElMessage, ElMessageBox, http, getGroupUrl, RegularVerification, verification, PaginationProps } from "@/utils/importUsed"
-// 接口列表实例
-const UserUrl = ref(null)
-// 获取当前板块接口列表
-onMounted(async () => {
-  UserUrl.value = await getGroupUrl(["User"]);
-// 表单实例
-const ruleFormRef = ref()
-export function useUser() {
-  // 搜索表单参数(需动态生成请求字段)
-  const form = reactive({
-    searchMain: "", // 搜索内容
-    select: "", // 选择项
-    date: "",
-  });
-  // 级联选择器参数
-  const optionList = ref([
-    {
-      value: "resource",
-      label: "Resource",
-      children: [
-        {
-          value: "axure",
-          label: "Axure Components"
-        },
-        {
-          value: "sketch",
-          label: "Sketch Templates"
-        },
-        {
-          value: "docs",
-          label: "Design Documentation"
-        }
-      ]
-    }
-  ]);
-  // 表格数据列表
-  const dataList = ref([{ Id: 1 },{ Id: 2 }]);
-  // 页面加载状态
-  const loading = ref(false);
-  // 表格分页选择器
-  const pagination = reactive<PaginationProps>({
-    total: 0,
-    pageSize: 10,
-    currentPage: 1,
-    background: true
-  });
-  // 表格数据(根据字段生成)
-  const columns: TableColumnList = [
-    {
-      type: "selection",
-      width: 55,
-      align: "left",
-      hide: ({ checkList }) => !checkList.includes("勾选列")
-    },
-    {
-      label: "序号",
-      type: "index",
-      width: 70,
-      hide: ({ checkList }) => !checkList.includes("序号列")
-    },
-    {
-      label: "角色ID",
-      prop: "Id",
-      minWidth: 130
-    },
-    {
-      label: "操作",
-      fixed: "right",
-      width: 200,
-      slot: "operation"
-    }
-  ];
-  // 当前页数量切换
-  function handleSizeChange(val: number) {
-    if (typeof val === "number") {
-      pagination.pageSize = val;
-      onSearch(ruleFormRef);
-    }
-  }
-  // 当前页码切换
-  function handleCurrentChange(val: number) {
-    console.log(`current page: ${val}`);
-    if (typeof val === "number") {
-      pagination.currentPage = val;
-      onSearch(ruleFormRef);
-    }
-  }
-  // 选择表格项
-  function handleSelectionChange(val) {
-    console.log(`SelectionChange: ${val}`);
-    // selectList.value = val;
-  }
-  // 搜索列表
-  async function onSearch(formEl) {
-    // 表单校验拦截
-    if (!formEl) return
-    await formEl.validate((valid, fields) => {
-      if (valid) {
-        //表单校验成功回调
-        console.log('submit!')
-        // 状态调整为加载中
-        loading.value = true;
-        // 调用接口(需动态生成接口)
-        const { data, other }: any = http.request(
-          UserUrl.User.userSearch.method,
-          UserUrl.User.userSearch.url,
-          {
-            ...form,
-            page_size: pagination.pageSize,
-            page_num: pagination.currentPage
-          }
-        );
-        dataList.value = data;
- = other.Count;
-        setTimeout(() => {
-          loading.value = false;
-        }, 500);
-      } else {
-        //表单校验失败回调
-        ElMessage({
-          message: "请输入完整信息",
-          type: "error"
-        });
-      }
-    })
-  }
-  // 删除
-  function handleDelete(row) {
-    ElMessageBox.confirm(
-      `是否删除该用户?  用户名称为:${row.AdminName}`,
-      "提示",
-      {
-        confirmButtonText: "删除",
-        cancelButtonText: "取消",
-        type: "warning"
-      }
-    ).then(async () => {
-      const { status, info }: any = await http.Request({
-        url: UserUrl.User.userDelete.method,
-        method: UserUrl.User.userDelete.url,
-        params: { SysAdminId: row.Id }
-      });
-      if (status === "1") {
-        ElMessage({
-          message: "删除成功",
-          type: "success"
-        });
-        onSearch(ruleFormRef);
-      } else {
-        ElMessageBox.alert(info, "提示", {
-          confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-          type: "warning"
-        });
-      }
-    });
-  }
-  // 新增弹窗开启状态
-  const addVisible = ref(false);
-  function handleAdd() {
-    addVisible.value = true;
-  }
-  // 修改弹窗开启状态
-  const editVisible = ref(false);
-  // 修改弹窗数据
-  const editFormData = ref({});
-  function handleUpdate(row) {
-    editVisible.value = true;
-    // 表格数据赋值
-    editFormData.value = row;
-  }
-  // 表单校验规则
-  const rules = reactive({
-    searchMain: [
-      // 必传(字段名动态生成)
-      { required: true, message: '请输入搜索内容', trigger: 'blur' },
-    ],
-    select: [
-      // 必传
-      { required: true, message: '请输入选择项', trigger: 'blur' },
-      // 长度
-      { min: 3, max: 5, message: '长度为3-5', trigger: 'blur' },
-      // 时间类型必填
-      {
-        type: 'date',
-        required: true,
-        message: '请选择正确时间类型',
-        trigger: 'blur',
-      },
-      // 封装正则
-      {
-        validator: (rule: any, value: any, callback: any) => {
-          verification.verificationName(value, callback)
-        }, trigger: 'blur'
-      },
-      // 自定义正则
-      {
-        validator: (rule: any, value: any, callback: any) => {
-          // 自定义正则替换
-          const regular = /^((13[0-9])|(14(0|[5-7]|9))|(15([0-3]|[5-9]))|(16(2|[5-7]))|(17[0-8])|(18[0-9])|(19([0-3]|[5-9])))\d{8}$/;
-          RegularVerification(regular, value, callback)
-        }, trigger: 'blur'
-      },
-    ],
-  })
-  return {
-    form,
-    loading,
-    columns,
-    dataList,
-    pagination,
-    onSearch,
-    handleSizeChange,
-    handleCurrentChange,
-    handleSelectionChange,
-    handleAdd,
-    handleUpdate,
-    handleDelete,
-    addVisible,
-    editVisible,
-    editFormData,
-    optionList,
-    ruleFormRef,
-    rules
-  };

+ 0 - 193

@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "Template"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { provide } from "vue";
-import { useUser } from "./hook";
-import { useRenderIcon, hasAuth, PureTableBar } from "@/utils/importUsed"
-import Add from "./components/add/index.vue";
-import Edit from "./components/edit/index.vue";
-import Search from "@iconify-icons/ep/search";
-import Addicon from "@iconify-icons/ep/document-add";
-import Delete from "@iconify-icons/ep/delete";
-import EditPen from "@iconify-icons/ep/edit-pen";
-import More from "@iconify-icons/ep/more-filled";
-const {
-  form,
-  loading,
-  columns,
-  dataList,
-  pagination,
-  onSearch,
-  handleSizeChange,
-  handleCurrentChange,
-  handleSelectionChange,
-  handleAdd,
-  handleUpdate,
-  handleDelete,
-  addVisible,
-  editVisible,
-  editFormData,
-  optionList,
-  ruleFormRef,
-  rules
-} = useUser();
-// 关闭修改弹窗
-const closeEditVisible = () => {
-  editVisible.value = false;
-// 注册修改弹窗交互
-provide("closeEditVisible", closeEditVisible);
-// 关闭添加弹窗
-const closeAddVisible = () => {
-  addVisible.value = false;
-// 注册添加弹窗交互
-provide("closeAddVisible", closeAddVisible);
-<template lang="pug">
-  div
-    //- 搜索表格组件条件
-      label-position="left"
-      label-width="100px"
-      :inline="true",
-      :model="form",
-      class="w-[99/100]"
-      ref="ruleFormRef"
-      :rules="rules"
-    )
-      //- 搜索项根据字段动态生成
-      el-form-item(label="搜索内容框:", prop="searchMain")
-        el-input(
-          v-model="form.searchMain",
-          placeholder="请输入搜索内容",
-          clearable,
-          class="!w-[230px]"
-        )
-      el-form-item(label="级联选择框:", prop="select")
-        el-cascader(
-          v-model="" 
-          :options="optionList" 
-          class="!w-[230px]"
-          clearable)
-      el-form-item(label="时间选择器:", prop="date")
-        el-date-picker(
-          v-model=""
-          type="daterange"
-          class="!w-[230px]"
-          start-placeholder="开始时间"
-          end-placeholder="结束时间"
-          :default-value="[new Date(2010, 9, 1), new Date(2010, 10, 1)]"
-        )
-      //- 搜索按钮
-      el-form-item
-        el-button(
-          type="primary",
-          :icon="useRenderIcon(Search)",
-          :loading="loading",
-          @click="onSearch(ruleFormRef)"
-        ) 查询
-    //- 表格组件
-    PureTableBar(title="后台角色管理", @refresh="onSearch" )
-      template(#buttons)
-        //- 新增按钮,弹出新增弹窗
-        el-button(type="primary" :icon="useRenderIcon(Addicon)" @click="handleAdd") 新增
-      template(v-slot="{ size, checkList }")
-        pure-table(
-          row-key="id"
-          ref="tableRef"
-          adaptive
-          align-whole="center"
-          table-layout="auto"
-          :loading="loading"
-          :size="size",
-          :data="dataList",
-          :columns="columns",
-          :checkList="checkList",
-          :pagination="pagination",
-          :paginationSmall="size === 'default' ? true : false",
-          :header-cell-style="{ background: 'var(--el-table-row-hover-bg-color)', color: 'var(--el-text-color-primary)' }",
-          @selection-change="handleSelectionChange",
-          @size-change="handleSizeChange",
-          @current-change="handleCurrentChange"
-        )          
-          template(#operation="{ row }")
-            el-button.reset-margin(
-              link
-              type="primary"
-              size="small"
-              @click="handleUpdate(row)"
-              :icon="useRenderIcon(EditPen)"
-            ) 编辑
-            el-button.reset-margin(
-              link
-              type="primary"
-              size="small"
-              @click="handleDelete(row)"
-              :icon="useRenderIcon(Delete)"
-            ) 删除
-            el-dropdown(trigger="click", :hide-on-click="false")
-    "mt-[2px]" link type='primary' :size='size' :icon='useRenderIcon(More)')
-              template(#dropdown)
-                el-dropdown-menu
-                  //- 编辑操作
-                  el-dropdown-item
-                    el-button.reset-margin.edit-btn(
-                      link
-                      type="primary"
-                      size="small"
-                      @click="handleUpdate(row)"
-                      :icon="useRenderIcon(EditPen)"
-                    ) 其他操作1
-                  //- 删除操作
-                  el-dropdown-item
-                    el-button.reset-margin.edit-btn(
-                      link
-                      type="primary"
-                      size="small"
-                      @click="handleDelete(row)"
-                      :icon="useRenderIcon(EditPen)"
-                    ) 其他操作2
-  //- 新增页面组件
-  Add(:addVisible="addVisible")
-  //- 修改页面组件
-  Edit(:editVisible="editVisible" :formData="editFormData")
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 215

@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "Add"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { inject, onMounted, reactive, ref, Uploadfile, UploadImg, Editor, useRenderIcon, ElMessage, ElMessageBox, Upload, Close, http, getGroupUrl, RegularVerification, verification } from "@/utils/importUsed"
-// 接口列表实例
-let UrlList = reactive(null)
-// 获取当前板块接口列表
-onMounted(async () => {
-  UrlList = await getGroupUrl(["kxsSys"]);
-// 组件传参对象
-const props = defineProps<{
-  submit: Function;
-  addVisible: {
-    type: Boolean;
-    default: false;
-  };
-  width: {
-    type: Number;
-    default: 50;
-  };
-// 表单数据
-let UpdateForm = ref({
-  status: "", //状态 0未开始 1进行中 2已结束
-  campNum: "", //期数
-  campType: "", //活动类型
-  createUserId: "", //发起人用户ID
-  startTime: "", //开始时间
-  endTime: "", //结束时间
-  createBy: "", //创建人
-  picUrl: "", //活动图片
-  id: "", //主键ID
-  campNum: "", //期数
-  campType: "", //活动类型
-  createUserId: "", //发起人用户ID
-  startTime: "", //开始时间
-  endTime: "", //结束时间
-  updateBy: "", //更新人
-  picUrl: "", //活动图片
-// 表单实例
-const ruleFormRef = ref()
-// 传参选项数据
-// 状态 0未开始 1进行中 2已结束选项数据
-const statusOptionList = [
-// 选项卡参数(默认值为列表某项的id)
-const activeId = ref('1')
-// 提交函数
-const submit = async (formEl) => {
-  // 表单校验拦截
-  if (!formEl) return
-  await formEl.validate(async (valid, fields) => {
-    if (valid) {
-      //表单校验成功回调
-      console.log('submit!')
-      // 需动态生成接口
-      const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({
-        method: UrlList.kxsSys.sysCampupdate.method,
-        url: UrlList.kxsSys.sysCampupdate.url,
-        params: UpdateForm.value
-      });
-      if (status === 1) {
-        //业务成功回调
-        ElMessage({
-          message: "新增成功",
-          type: "success"
-        });
-        UpdateForm.value = {
-                status: "", //状态 0未开始 1进行中 2已结束
-      campNum: "", //期数
-      campType: "", //活动类型
-      createUserId: "", //发起人用户ID
-      startTime: "", //开始时间
-      endTime: "", //结束时间
-      createBy: "", //创建人
-      picUrl: "", //活动图片
-      id: "", //主键ID
-      campNum: "", //期数
-      campType: "", //活动类型
-      createUserId: "", //发起人用户ID
-      startTime: "", //开始时间
-      endTime: "", //结束时间
-      updateBy: "", //更新人
-      picUrl: "", //活动图片
-        };
-        // 关闭新增弹窗;
-        closeVisible()
-      } else {
-        //业务失败回调
-        ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-          confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-          type: "warning"
-        });
-      }
-    } else {
-      //表单校验失败回调
-      ElMessage({
-        message: "请输入完整信息",
-        type: "error"
-      });
-    }
-  })
-// 表单校验规则
-const rules = reactive({
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeFn: any = inject("closeAddVisible");
-const closeVisible = () => {
-  // 清空表单项;
-  UpdateForm.value = {
-        status: "", //状态 0未开始 1进行中 2已结束
-    campNum: "", //期数
-    campType: "", //活动类型
-    createUserId: "", //发起人用户ID
-    startTime: "", //开始时间
-    endTime: "", //结束时间
-    createBy: "", //创建人
-    picUrl: "", //活动图片
-    id: "", //主键ID
-    campNum: "", //期数
-    campType: "", //活动类型
-    createUserId: "", //发起人用户ID
-    startTime: "", //开始时间
-    endTime: "", //结束时间
-    updateBy: "", //更新人
-    picUrl: "", //活动图片
-  };
-  closeFn();
-<template lang="pug">
-  el-dialog(v-model='props.addVisible' width="50%" title="新增" @close="closeVisible")
-    el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" ref="ruleFormRef" :rules="rules" label-width="100px")
-      el-form-item(label="状态 0未开始 1进行中 2已结束", prop="status")
-        el-select(
-          v-model="UpdateForm.status",
-          placeholder="请选择状态 0未开始 1进行中 2已结束",
-          clearable,
-          class="!w-[230px]"
-        )
-          el-option(:label="item.label", :value="" v-for="(item,index) in statusOptionList")
-    el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" ref="ruleFormRef" :rules="rules" label-width="100px")
-    el-button(
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Close)",
-      @click="closeVisible"
-    ) 关闭
-    el-button(
-      type="primary",
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Upload)",
-      @click="submit(ruleFormRef)"
-    ) 确认提交
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-.collapsedom {
-  padding: 0 20px;
-  background-color: #fff;
- {
-  height: 40vh;
-  overflow-y: auto;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 179

@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "Edit"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { inject, onMounted, reactive, ref, Uploadfile, UploadImg, Editor, useRenderIcon, ElMessage, ElMessageBox, Upload, Close, http, getGroupUrl, RegularVerification, verification } from "@/utils/importUsed"
-// 接口列表实例
-let UrlList = reactive(null)
-// 获取当前板块接口列表
-onMounted(async () => {
-  UrlList = await getGroupUrl(["kxsSys"]);
-const props = defineProps<{
-  editVisible: {
-    type: Boolean;
-    default: false;
-  };
-  width: {
-    type: Number;
-    default: 50;
-  };
-  formData: {
-    id: any;
-    type: any;
-    default: {};
-  };
-// 表单数据
-const UpdateForm: any = ref({
-  status: "", //状态 0未开始 1进行中 2已结束
-// 状态 0未开始 1进行中 2已结束选项数据
-const statusOptionList = [
-// 表单实例
-const ruleFormRef = ref()
-// 选项卡参数(默认值为列表某项的id)
-const activeId = ref('1')
-// 提交函数
-const submit = async (formEl) => {
-  // 表单校验拦截
-  if (!formEl) return
-  await formEl.validate(async (valid, fields) => {
-    if (valid) {
-      //表单校验成功回调
-      console.log('submit!')
-      // 需动态生成接口
-      const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({
-        method: UrlList.kxsSys.sysCampchangeStatus.method,
-        url: UrlList.kxsSys.sysCampchangeStatus.url,
-        params: UpdateForm.value
-      });
-      if (status === 1) {
-        //业务成功回调
-        ElMessage({
-          message: "修改成功",
-          type: "success"
-        });
-        UpdateForm.value = {
-          status: "", //状态 0未开始 1进行中 2已结束
-        };
-        // 关闭修改弹窗;
-        closeChangeStatusVisible();
-      } else {
-        //业务失败回调
-        ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-          confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-          type: "warning"
-        });
-      }
-    } else {
-      //表单校验失败回调
-      ElMessage({
-        message: "请输入完整信息",
-        type: "error"
-      });
-    }
-  })
-// 表单校验规则
-const rules = reactive({
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeFn: any = inject('closeEditChangeStatusVisible');
-const openVisible = async () => {
-  //通过ID获取表格数据
-  const { status, data }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsSys.sysCamp.method, url: UrlList.kxsSys.sysCamp.url, params: { id: } });
-  if (status === 1) {
-    UpdateForm.value = data;
-  }
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeChangeStatusVisible = () => {
-  UpdateForm.value = {
-    status: "", //状态 0未开始 1进行中 2已结束
-  };
-  closeFn();
-<template lang="pug">
-  el-dialog(v-model='props.editVisible' width="50%" title="修改" @close="closeChangeStatusVisible()" @open="openVisible")
-    el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" ref="ruleFormRef" :rules="rules" label-width="100px")
-      el-form-item(label="状态 0未开始 1进行中 2已结束", prop="status")
-        el-select(
-          v-model="UpdateForm.status",
-          placeholder="请选择状态 0未开始 1进行中 2已结束",
-          clearable,
-          class="!w-[230px]"
-        )
-          el-option(:label="item.label", :value="" v-for="(item,index) in statusOptionList")
-    el-button(
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Close)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="closeChangeStatusVisible()"
-    ) 关闭
-    el-button(
-      type="primary",
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Upload)",
-      @click="submit(ruleFormRef)"
-    ) 确认提交
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-.collapsedom {
-  padding: 0 20px;
-  background-color: #fff;
- {
-  height: 40vh;
-  overflow-y: auto;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 195

@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-import { reactive, onMounted, ref, ElMessage, ElMessageBox, http, getGroupUrl, RegularVerification, verification, PaginationProps } from "@/utils/importUsed"
-// 表单实例
-const ruleFormRef = ref()
-export function useKxsCamp() {
-  // 接口列表实例
-  let UrlList = reactive(null)
-  // 获取当前板块接口列表
-  onMounted(async () => {
-    UrlList = await getGroupUrl(["kxsSys"]);
-    onSearch(ruleFormRef.value);
-  });
-  let form = reactive({
-  createUserId:"", //发起人用户ID
-  createUsername:"", //发起人姓名
-  createCode:"", //发起人编码
-  startTime:"", //开始时间
-  endTime:"", //结束时间
-  });
-  const dataList = ref([]);
-  const loading = ref(false);
-  const dialogAddVisible = ref(false);
-  const pagination = reactive<PaginationProps>({
-    total: 0,
-    pageSize: 10,
-    currentPage: 1,
-    background: true
-  });
-  const columns: TableColumnList = [
-    {
-      type: "selection",
-      width: 55,
-      align: "left",
-      hide: ({ checkList }) => !checkList.includes("勾选列")
-    },
-    {
-      label: "序号",
-      type: "index",
-      width: 70,
-      hide: ({ checkList }) => !checkList.includes("序号列")
-    },
-        {
-      label: "发起人用户ID",
-      prop: "createUserId",
-      minWidth: 200
-    },
-    {
-      label: "发起人姓名",
-      prop: "createUsername",
-      minWidth: 200
-    },
-    {
-      label: "发起人编码",
-      prop: "createCode",
-      minWidth: 200
-    },
-    {
-      label: "开始时间",
-      prop: "startTime",
-      minWidth: 200
-    },
-    {
-      label: "结束时间",
-      prop: "endTime",
-      minWidth: 200
-    },
-    {
-      label: "操作",
-      fixed: "right",
-      width: 120,
-      slot: "operation"
-    }
-  ];
-  // 当前页数量切换
-  function handleSizeChange(val: number) {
-    if (typeof val === "number") {
-      pagination.pageSize = val;
-      onSearch(ruleFormRef.value);
-    }
-  }
-  // 当前页码切换
-  function handleCurrentChange(val: number) {
-    console.log(`current page: ${val}`);
-    if (typeof val === "number") {
-      pagination.currentPage = val;
-      onSearch(ruleFormRef.value);
-    }
-  }
-  // 选择表格项
-  function handleSelectionChange(val) {
-    console.log(`SelectionChange: ${val}`);
-    onSearch(ruleFormRef.value);
-  }
-  // 搜索列表
-  async function onSearch(formEl) {
-    // 表单校验拦截
-    if (!formEl) return
-    await formEl.validate(async (valid, fields) => {
-      if (valid) {
-        //表单校验成功回调
-        console.log('submit!')
-        // 状态调整为加载中
-        loading.value = true;
-        // 调用接口(需动态生成接口)
-        const { status, msg, data }: any = await http.Request({
-          method: UrlList.kxsSys.sysCamppage.method,
-          url: UrlList.kxsSys.sysCamppage.url,
-          params: {
-            ...form,
-            pageSize: pagination.pageSize,
-            pageNum: pagination.currentPage
-          }
-        });
-        dataList.value = data.records;
- =;
-        setTimeout(() => {
-          loading.value = false;
-        }, 500);
-      } else {
-        //表单校验失败回调
-        ElMessage({
-          message: "请输入完整信息",
-          type: "error"
-        });
-      }
-    })
-  }
-    // 删除
-  function handleDelete(row) {
-    ElMessageBox.confirm(
-      `是否删除该训练营? `,
-      "提示",
-      {
-        confirmButtonText: "删除",
-        cancelButtonText: "取消",
-        type: "warning"
-      }
-    ).then(async () => {
-      const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsSys.sysCampremoveById.method, url: UrlList.kxsSys.sysCampremoveById.url, params: String( });
-      if (status === 1) {
-        ElMessage({
-          message: "删除成功",
-          type: "success"
-        });
-        onSearch(ruleFormRef);
-      } else {
-        ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-        confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-        type: "warning"
-      });
-      };
-    })
-  }
-    // 新增
-  const addVisible = ref(false);
-  function handleAdd() {
-    addVisible.value = true;
-  };
-    // 训练营-开启/结束活动
-  const editChangeStatusVisible = ref(false);
-  const editChangeStatusFormData = ref({});
-  function handleChangeStatus(row) {
-    editChangeStatusVisible.value = true;
-    // 表格数据赋值
-    editChangeStatusFormData.value = row;
-  };
-  return {
-    form,
-    loading,
-    columns,
-    dataList,
-    pagination,
-    onSearch,
-    handleSizeChange,
-    handleCurrentChange,
-    handleSelectionChange,
-    ruleFormRef,
-    handleAdd,
-    addVisible,
-    handleDelete,
-    handleChangeStatus,
-    editChangeStatusVisible,
-    editChangeStatusFormData,
-  };

+ 0 - 161

@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "KxsCamp"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { provide } from "vue";
-import { useKxsCamp } from "./hook";
-import { http } from "@/utils/http";
-import { useRenderIcon, hasAuth, PureTableBar } from "@/utils/importUsed"
-import Add from "./components/add/index.vue";
-import EditChangeStatus from "./components/changeStatus/index.vue";
-import Search from "@iconify-icons/ep/search";
-import Addicon from "@iconify-icons/ep/document-add";
-import Delete from "@iconify-icons/ep/delete";
-import EditPen from "@iconify-icons/ep/edit-pen";
-const {
-  form,
-  loading,
-  columns,
-  dataList,
-  pagination,
-  onSearch,
-  handleSizeChange,
-  handleCurrentChange,
-  handleSelectionChange,
-  ruleFormRef,
-  handleAdd,
-  addVisible,
-  handleAdd,
-  addVisible,
-  handleDelete,
-  handleChangeStatus,
-  editChangeStatusVisible,
-  editChangeStatusFormData,
-} = useKxsCamp();
-// 关闭添加
-const closeAddVisible = () => {
-  addVisible.value = false
-provide('closeAddVisible', closeAddVisible)
-// 关闭添加
-const closeAddVisible = () => {
-  addVisible.value = false
-provide('closeAddVisible', closeAddVisible)
-// 关闭修改
-const closeEditChangeStatusVisible = () => {
-  editChangeStatusVisible.value = false
-provide('closeEditChangeStatusVisible', closeEditChangeStatusVisible)
-<template lang="pug">
-  div
-    //- 搜索表格组件条件
-      label-position="left"
-      label-width="100px"
-      :inline="true",
-      :model="form",
-      class="w-[99/100]"
-      ref="ruleFormRef"
-      :rules="rules"
-    )
-      el-form-item
-        el-button(
-          type="primary",
-          :icon="useRenderIcon(Search)",
-          :loading="loading",
-          @click="onSearch(ruleFormRef)"
-        ) 查询
-    //- 表格组件
-    PureTableBar(title="训练营", @refresh="onSearch(ruleFormRef)" )
-      template(#buttons)
-        el-button(type="primary" :icon="useRenderIcon(Addicon)" @click="handleAdd()" v-if="hasAuth(['add'])") 新增
-        el-button(type="primary" :icon="useRenderIcon(Addicon)" @click="handleAdd()" v-if="hasAuth(['add'])") 新增
-      template(v-slot="{ size, checkList }")
-        pure-table(stripe 
-          border,
-          align-whole="center",
-          table-layout="auto",
-          :loading="loading",
-          :size="size",
-          :data="dataList",
-          :columns="columns",
-          :checkList="checkList",
-          :pagination="pagination",
-          :paginationSmall="size === 'default' ? true : false",
-          :header-cell-style="{ background: 'var(--el-table-row-hover-bg-color)', color: 'var(--el-text-color-primary)' }",
-          @selection-change="handleSelectionChange",
-          @size-change="handleSizeChange",
-          @current-change="handleCurrentChange"
-        )          
-          template(#operation="{ row }")
-            .flex.flex-wrap.items-center
-              el-dropdown(trigger="click", :hide-on-click="false")
-                el-button(type="primary") 操作
-                  el-icon.el-icon--right
-                    arrow-down
-                template(#dropdown)
-                  el-dropdown-menu
-                    el-button.reset-margin(
-                      type="primary"
-                      size="small"
-                      @click="handleDelete(row)"
-                      :icon="useRenderIcon(Delete)"
-                      v-if="hasAuth(['delete'])"
-                    ) 删除
-                    el-dropdown-item
-                      el-button.reset-margin(
-                        type="primary"
-                        size="small"
-                        @click="handleChangeStatus(row)"
-                        :icon="useRenderIcon(EditPen)"
-                        v-if="hasAuth(['changeStatus'])"
-                      ) 训练营-开启/结束活动
-    Add(:addVisible="addVisible")
-    Add(:addVisible="addVisible")
-    EditChangeStatus(:editVisible="editChangeStatusVisible" :formData="editChangeStatusFormData")
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 159

@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "Add"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { inject, ref } from "vue";
-import { useRenderIcon } from "@/components/ReIcon/src/hooks";
-import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from "element-plus";
-import { http } from "@/utils/http";
-// 获取当前板块接口列表
-import Upload from "@iconify-icons/ri/upload-2-fill";
-import Close from "@iconify-icons/ri/close-fill";
-import { getGroupUrl } from "@/utils/getUrl/getUrl";
-const props = defineProps<{
-  submit: {
-    type: Function;
-    default: () => {};
-  };
-  addVisible: {
-    type: Boolean;
-    default: false;
-  };
-  width: {
-    type: Number;
-    default: 50;
-  };
-// 表单数据
-let UpdateForm = ref({
-  groupName: "", //名称
-  groupRemark: "", //说明
-  groupVersion: "", //版本号
-  groupKind: "", //类型
-// 类型选项数据
-const groupKindOptionList = [
-  { id: 0, label: '客户端' },
-  { id: 1, label: '后台' },
-// 选项卡参数(默认值为列表某项的id)
-const activeId = ref('1')
-// 提交函数
-const submit = async () => {
-  const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-  const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiGroupadd.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiGroupadd.url, params: UpdateForm.value });
-  if (status === 1) {
-    ElMessage({
-      message: "新增成功",
-      type: "success"
-    });
-    UpdateForm.value = {
-      groupName: "", //名称
-      groupRemark: "", //说明
-      groupVersion: "", //版本号
-      groupKind: "", //类型
-    };
-    closeVisible();
-  } else {
-    ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-      confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-      type: "warning"
-    });
-  };
-const closeFn: any = inject('closeAddVisible');
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeVisible = () => {
-  UpdateForm.value = {
-    groupName: "", //名称
-    groupRemark: "", //说明
-    groupVersion: "", //版本号
-    groupKind: "", //类型
-  };
-  closeFn();
-<template lang="pug">
-  el-dialog(v-model='props.addVisible' width="50%" title="新增" @close="closeVisible()")
-    el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-      el-form-item(label='名称' prop="groupName")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.groupName' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入名称")
-      el-form-item(label='说明' prop="groupRemark")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.groupRemark' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入说明")
-      el-form-item(label='版本号' prop="groupVersion")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.groupVersion' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入版本号")
-      el-form-item(label="类型", prop="groupKind")
-        el-select(
-          v-model="UpdateForm.groupKind",
-          placeholder="请选择类型",
-          clearable,
-          class="!w-[230px]"
-        )
-          el-option(:label="item.label", :value="" v-for="(item,index) in groupKindOptionList")
-    el-button(
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Close)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="closeVisible()"
-    ) 关闭
-    el-button(
-      type="primary",
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Upload)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="submit"
-    ) 确认提交
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-.collapsedom {
-  padding: 0 20px;
-  background-color: #fff;
- {
-  height: 40vh;
-  overflow-y: auto;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 168

@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "Edit"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { inject, ref } from "vue";
-import { useRenderIcon } from "@/components/ReIcon/src/hooks";
-import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from "element-plus";
-import Upload from "@iconify-icons/ri/upload-2-fill"
-import Close from "@iconify-icons/ri/close-fill"
-import { http } from "@/utils/http";
-import { getGroupUrl } from "@/utils/getUrl/getUrl";
-const props = defineProps<{
-  editVisible: {
-    type: Boolean;
-    default: false;
-  };
-  width: {
-    type: Number;
-    default: 50;
-  };
-  formData: {
-    type: Object;
-    default: {};
-  };
-// 表单数据
-let UpdateForm: any = ref({
-  groupName: "", //名称
-  groupRemark: "", //说明
-  groupVersion: "", //版本号
-  id: "", //ID
-  groupKind: "", //类型
-// 类型选项数据
-const groupKindOptionList = [
-  { id: 0, label: '客户端' },
-  { id: 1, label: '后台' },
-// 选项卡参数(默认值为列表某项的id)
-const activeId = ref('1')
-// 提交函数
-const submit = async () => {
-  const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-  const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiGroupupdate.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiGroupupdate.url, params: UpdateForm.value });
-  if (status === 1) {
-    ElMessage({
-      message: "修改成功",
-      type: "success"
-    });
-    UpdateForm.value = {
-      groupName: "", //名称
-      groupRemark: "", //说明
-      groupVersion: "", //版本号
-      id: "", //ID
-      groupKind: "", //类型
-    };
-    closeVisible();
-  } else {
-    ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-      confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-      type: "warning"
-    });
-  };
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeFn: any = inject('closeEditUpdateVisible');
-const openVisible = async () => {
-  //通过ID获取表格数据
-  const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-  const { status, data }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiGroupquery.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiGroupquery.url, params: props.formData });
-  if (status === 1) {
-    UpdateForm.value = data;
-  }
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeVisible = () => {
-  UpdateForm.value = {
-    groupName: "", //名称
-    groupRemark: "", //说明
-    groupVersion: "", //版本号
-  };
-  closeFn();
-<template lang="pug">
-  el-dialog(v-model='props.editVisible' width="50%" title="修改" @close="closeVisible()" @open="openVisible")
-    el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-      el-form-item(label='名称' prop="groupName")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.groupName' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入名称")
-      el-form-item(label='说明' prop="groupRemark")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.groupRemark' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入说明")
-      el-form-item(label='版本号' prop="groupVersion")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.groupVersion' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入版本号")
-      el-form-item(label="类型", prop="groupKind")
-        el-select(
-          v-model="UpdateForm.groupKind",
-          placeholder="请选择类型",
-          clearable,
-          class="!w-[230px]"
-        )
-          el-option(:label="item.label", :value="" v-for="(item,index) in groupKindOptionList")
-    el-button(
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Close)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="closeVisible()"
-    ) 关闭
-    el-button(
-      type="primary",
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Upload)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="submit"
-    ) 确认提交
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-.collapsedom {
-  padding: 0 20px;
-  background-color: #fff;
- {
-  height: 40vh;
-  overflow-y: auto;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 162

@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-import { getRoleList } from "@/api/system";
-import { type PaginationProps } from "@pureadmin/table";
-import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from "element-plus";
-import { reactive, ref, computed, onMounted } from "vue";
-import { getGroupUrl } from "@/utils/getUrl/getUrl"
-import { http } from "@/utils/http";
-// 获取当前板块接口列表
-const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-export function useApiGroup() {
-  let form = reactive({
-    groupName: "", //名称
-  });
-  const dataList = ref([]);
-  const loading = ref(false);
-  const dialogAddVisible = ref(false);
-  const pagination = reactive<PaginationProps>({
-    total: 0,
-    pageSize: 10,
-    currentPage: 1,
-    background: true
-  });
-  const columns: TableColumnList = [
-    {
-      type: "selection",
-      width: 55,
-      align: "left",
-      hide: ({ checkList }) => !checkList.includes("勾选列")
-    },
-    {
-      label: "序号",
-      type: "index",
-      width: 70,
-      hide: ({ checkList }) => !checkList.includes("序号列")
-    },
-    {
-      label: "名称",
-      prop: "groupName",
-      minWidth: 200
-    },
-    {
-      label: "分类",
-      prop: "groupKind",
-      minWidth: 200
-    },
-    {
-      label: "操作",
-      fixed: "right",
-      width: 200,
-      slot: "operation"
-    }
-  ];
-  // 当前页数量切换
-  function handleSizeChange(val: number) {
-    console.log(`${val} items per page`);
-    onSearch()
-  }
-  // 当前页码切换
-  function handleCurrentChange(val: number) {
-    console.log(`current page: ${val}`);
-    onSearch()
-  }
-  // 选择表格项
-  function handleSelectionChange(val) {
-    console.log("handleSelectionChange", val);
-    onSearch()
-  }
-  // 搜索列表
-  async function onSearch(type = 'search') {
-    if (type === 'all') {
-      form.groupName = "";
-    }
-    // if (type == 'search' && !Object.values(form).some(item => !!item)) {
-    //   return ElMessage({
-    //     message: "请输入查询条件",
-    //     type: "error"
-    //   });
-    // };
-    loading.value = true;
-    const { status, msg, data }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiGrouplist.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiGrouplist.url, params: { ...form, pageSize: pagination.pageSize, pageNum: pagination.currentPage } });
-    if (status === 1) {
-      dataList.value = data.records;
- =;
-      setTimeout(() => {
-        loading.value = false;
-      }, 500);
-    } else {
-      ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-        confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-        type: "warning"
-      });
-    }
-  }
-  onMounted(() => {
-    onSearch();
-  });
-  // 删除
-  function handleDelete(row) {
-    ElMessageBox.confirm(
-      `是否删除该api接口分组? `,
-      "提示",
-      {
-        confirmButtonText: "删除",
-        cancelButtonText: "取消",
-        type: "warning"
-      }
-    ).then(async () => {
-      const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiGroupdelete.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiGroupdelete.url, params: });
-      if (status === 1) {
-        ElMessage({
-          message: "删除成功",
-          type: "success"
-        });
-        onSearch();
-      } else {
-        ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-          confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-          type: "warning"
-        });
-      };
-    })
-  }
-  // 新增
-  const addVisible = ref(false);
-  function handleAdd() {
-    addVisible.value = true;
-  };
-  // 修改
-  const editUpdateVisible = ref(false);
-  const editUpdateFormData = ref({});
-  function handleUpdate(row) {
-    editUpdateVisible.value = true;
-    // 表格数据赋值
-    editUpdateFormData.value = row;
-  };
-  return {
-    form,
-    loading,
-    columns,
-    dataList,
-    pagination,
-    onSearch,
-    handleSizeChange,
-    handleCurrentChange,
-    handleSelectionChange,
-    handleAdd,
-    addVisible,
-    handleUpdate,
-    editUpdateVisible,
-    editUpdateFormData,
-    handleDelete,
-  };

+ 0 - 166

@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "ApiGroup"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { provide, ref } from "vue";
-import { useApiGroup } from "./hook";
-import { hasAuth } from "@/router/utils";
-import { PureTableBar } from "@/components/RePureTableBar";
-import { useRenderIcon } from "@/components/ReIcon/src/hooks";
-import Add from "./components/add/index.vue";
-import EditUpdate from "./components/update/index.vue";
-import Search from "@iconify-icons/ep/search";
-import All from "@iconify-icons/ep/refresh-left";
-import Addicon from "@iconify-icons/ep/document-add";
-const formRef = ref();
-const {
-  form,
-  loading,
-  columns,
-  dataList,
-  pagination,
-  onSearch,
-  handleSizeChange,
-  handleCurrentChange,
-  handleSelectionChange,
-  handleAdd,
-  addVisible,
-  handleUpdate,
-  editUpdateVisible,
-  editUpdateFormData,
-  handleDelete,
-} = useApiGroup();
-// 关闭添加
-const closeAddVisible = () => {
-  addVisible.value = false
-provide('closeAddVisible', closeAddVisible)
-// 关闭修改
-const closeEditUpdateVisible = () => {
-  editUpdateVisible.value = false
-provide('closeEditUpdateVisible', closeEditUpdateVisible)
-<template lang="pug">
-  div
-      label-position="left"
-      label-width="100px"
-      ref="formRef",
-      :inline="true",
-      :model="form",
-      :rules="rules",
-      class="w-[99/100]"
-    )
-      el-form-item(label='名称' prop="groupName")
-        el-input(v-model='form.groupName' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入名称")
-      el-form-item
-        el-button(
-          type="primary",
-          :icon="useRenderIcon(Search)",
-          :loading="loading",
-          @click="onSearch()"
-        ) 查询
-      el-form-item
-        el-button(
-          type="primary",
-          :icon="useRenderIcon(All)",
-          :loading="loading",
-          @click="onSearch('all')"
-        ) 全部
-    //- 表格组件
-    PureTableBar(title="api接口分组", @refresh="onSearch" )
-      template(#buttons)
-        el-button(type="primary" :icon="useRenderIcon(Addicon)" @click="handleAdd()") 新增
-      template(v-slot="{ size, checkList }")
-        pure-table(stripe 
-          border,
-          align-whole="center",
-          table-layout="auto",
-          :loading="loading",
-          :size="size",
-          :data="dataList",
-          :columns="columns",
-          :checkList="checkList",
-          :pagination="pagination",
-          :paginationSmall="size === 'default' ? true : false",
-          :header-cell-style="{ background: 'var(--el-table-row-hover-bg-color)', color: 'var(--el-text-color-primary)' }",
-          @selection-change="handleSelectionChange",
-          @size-change="handleSizeChange",
-          @current-change="handleCurrentChange"
-        )          
-          template(#operation="{ row }")
-            .flex.flex-wrap.items-center
-              el-dropdown(trigger="click", :hide-on-click="false")
-                el-button(type="primary") 操作
-                  el-icon.el-icon--right
-                    arrow-down
-                template(#dropdown)
-                  el-dropdown-menu
-                    el-dropdown-item
-                      el-button.reset-margin(
-                        link
-                        type="primary"
-                        :size="size"
-                        @click="handleUpdate(row)"
-                        :icon="useRenderIcon(EditPen)"
-                        v-if="hasAuth(['edit'])"
-                      ) 编辑
-                    el-button.reset-margin(
-                      link
-                      type="primary"
-                      :size="size"
-                      @click="handleDelete(row)"
-                      :icon="useRenderIcon(Delete)"
-                      v-if="hasAuth(['delete'])"
-                    ) 删除
-    Add(:addVisible="addVisible")
-    EditUpdate(:editVisible="editUpdateVisible" :formData="editUpdateFormData")
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 227

@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "Add"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { inject, onMounted, reactive, ref, Uploadfile, UploadImg, Editor, useRenderIcon, ElMessage, ElMessageBox, Upload, Close, http, getGroupUrl, RegularVerification, verification } from "@/utils/importUsed"
-// 接口列表实例
-let UrlList = reactive(null)
-// 获取当前板块接口列表
-onMounted(async () => {
-  UrlList = await getGroupUrl(["kxsConfigServer"]);
-  groupIdQuery();
-// 组件传参对象
-const props = defineProps<{
-  submit: Function;
-  addVisible: {
-    type: Boolean;
-    default: false;
-  };
-  width: {
-    type: Number;
-    default: 50;
-  };
-// 表单数据
-let UpdateForm = ref({
-  groupId: "", //分组
-  apiName: "", //接口名称
-  apiKey: "", //接口关键字
-  apiHost: "", //接口主机头
-  apiPort: "", //接口端口号
-  apiRouter: "", //接口路由
-  apiMethod: "", //接口请求方式
-// 表单实例
-const ruleFormRef = ref()
-// 传参选项数据
-// 分组选项数据
-const groupIdOptionList = ref([]);
-// 选项卡参数(默认值为列表某项的id)
-const activeId = ref('1')
-// 提交函数
-const submit = async (formEl) => {
-  // 表单校验拦截
-  if (!formEl) return
-  await formEl.validate(async (valid, fields) => {
-    if (valid) {
-      //表单校验成功回调
-      console.log('submit!')
-      // 需动态生成接口
-      const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({
-        method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiInfoadd.method,
-        url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiInfoadd.url,
-        params: UpdateForm.value
-      });
-      if (status === 1) {
-        //业务成功回调
-        ElMessage({
-          message: "新增成功",
-          type: "success"
-        });
-        UpdateForm.value = {
-                groupId: "", //分组
-      apiName: "", //接口名称
-      apiKey: "", //接口关键字
-      apiHost: "", //接口主机头
-      apiPort: "", //接口端口号
-      apiRouter: "", //接口路由
-      apiMethod: "", //接口请求方式
-        };
-        // 关闭新增弹窗;
-        closeVisible()
-      } else {
-        //业务失败回调
-        ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-          confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-          type: "warning"
-        });
-      }
-    } else {
-      //表单校验失败回调
-      ElMessage({
-        message: "请输入完整信息",
-        type: "error"
-      });
-    }
-  })
-const groupIdQuery = async () => {
-  const { status, data }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiGroupselectList.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiGroupselectList.url, params: { } });
-  if (status === 1) {
-    groupIdOptionList.value = data.records;
-  }
-// 表单校验规则
-const rules = reactive({
-  apiName: [
-    { required: true, message: '请输入接口名称', trigger: 'blur' },
-  ],
-  apiKey: [
-    { required: true, message: '请输入接口关键字', trigger: 'blur' },
-  ],
-  apiHost: [
-    { required: true, message: '请输入接口主机头', trigger: 'blur' },
-  ],
-  apiPort: [
-    { required: true, message: '请输入接口端口号', trigger: 'blur' },
-  ],
-  apiRouter: [
-    { required: true, message: '请输入接口路由', trigger: 'blur' },
-  ],
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeFn: any = inject("closeAddVisible");
-const closeVisible = () => {
-  // 清空表单项;
-  UpdateForm.value = {
-        groupId: "", //分组
-    apiName: "", //接口名称
-    apiKey: "", //接口关键字
-    apiHost: "", //接口主机头
-    apiPort: "", //接口端口号
-    apiRouter: "", //接口路由
-    apiMethod: "", //接口请求方式
-  };
-  closeFn();
-<template lang="pug">
-  el-dialog(v-model='props.addVisible' width="50%" title="新增" @close="closeVisible")
-    el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" ref="ruleFormRef" :rules="rules" label-width="100px")
-      el-form-item(label="分组", prop="groupId")
-        el-select(
-          v-model="UpdateForm.groupId",
-          placeholder="请选择分组",
-          clearable,
-          class="!w-[230px]"
-        )
-          el-option(:label="item.groupName", :value="" v-for="(item,index) in groupIdOptionList")
-      el-form-item(label='接口名称' prop="apiName")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.apiName' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入接口名称")
-      el-form-item(label='接口关键字' prop="apiKey")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.apiKey' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入接口关键字")
-      el-form-item(label='接口主机头' prop="apiHost")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.apiHost' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入接口主机头")
-      el-form-item(label='接口端口号' prop="apiPort")
-        el-input-number(v-model='UpdateForm.apiPort' :min="1" :max="1000"
-          placeholder="请输入接口端口号")
-      el-form-item(label='接口路由' prop="apiRouter")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.apiRouter' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入接口路由")
-      el-form-item(label='接口请求方式' prop="apiMethod")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.apiMethod' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入接口请求方式")
-    el-button(
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Close)",
-      @click="closeVisible"
-    ) 关闭
-    el-button(
-      type="primary",
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Upload)",
-      @click="submit(ruleFormRef)"
-    ) 确认提交
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-.collapsedom {
-  padding: 0 20px;
-  background-color: #fff;
- {
-  height: 40vh;
-  overflow-y: auto;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 198

@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "Edit"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { inject, onMounted, reactive, ref, Uploadfile, UploadImg, Editor, useRenderIcon, ElMessage, ElMessageBox, Upload, Close, http, getGroupUrl, RegularVerification, verification } from "@/utils/importUsed"
-// 接口列表实例
-let UrlList = reactive(null)
-// 获取当前板块接口列表
-onMounted(async () => {
-  UrlList = await getGroupUrl(["kxsConfigServer"]);
-const props = defineProps<{
-  editVisible: {
-    type: Boolean;
-    default: false;
-  };
-  width: {
-    type: Number;
-    default: 50;
-  };
-  formData: {
-    id: any;
-    type: any;
-    default: {};
-  };
-// 表单数据
-const UpdateForm: any = ref({
-  apiHost: "", //接口主机头
-  apiPort: "", //接口端口号
-  apiRouter: "", //接口路由
-  id: "", //ID
-// 表单实例
-const ruleFormRef = ref()
-// 选项卡参数(默认值为列表某项的id)
-const activeId = ref('1')
-// 提交函数
-const submit = async (formEl) => {
-  // 表单校验拦截
-  if (!formEl) return
-  await formEl.validate(async (valid, fields) => {
-    if (valid) {
-      //表单校验成功回调
-      console.log('submit!')
-      // 需动态生成接口
-      const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({
-        method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiInfosetRouter.method,
-        url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiInfosetRouter.url,
-        params: UpdateForm.value
-      });
-      if (status === 1) {
-        //业务成功回调
-        ElMessage({
-          message: "修改成功",
-          type: "success"
-        });
-        UpdateForm.value = {
-                apiHost: "", //接口主机头
-      apiPort: "", //接口端口号
-      apiRouter: "", //接口路由
-      id: "", //ID
-        };
-        // 关闭修改弹窗;
-        closeSetRouterVisible();
-      } else {
-        //业务失败回调
-        ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-          confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-          type: "warning"
-        });
-      }
-    } else {
-      //表单校验失败回调
-      ElMessage({
-        message: "请输入完整信息",
-        type: "error"
-      });
-    }
-  })
-// 表单校验规则
-const rules = reactive({
-  apiHost: [
-    { required: true, message: '请输入接口主机头', trigger: 'blur' },
-  ],
-  apiPort: [
-    { required: true, message: '请输入接口端口号', trigger: 'blur' },
-  ],
-  apiRouter: [
-    { required: true, message: '请输入接口路由', trigger: 'blur' },
-  ],
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeFn: any = inject('closeEditSetRouterVisible');
-const openVisible = async () => {
-  //通过ID获取表格数据
-  const { status, data }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiInfoquery.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiInfoquery.url, params: { id: }});
-  if (status === 1) {
-    UpdateForm.value = data;
-  }
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeSetRouterVisible = () => {
-  UpdateForm.value = {
-    apiHost: "", //接口主机头
-    apiPort: "", //接口端口号
-    apiRouter: "", //接口路由
-    id: "", //ID
-  };
-  closeFn();
-<template lang="pug">
-  el-dialog(v-model='props.editVisible' width="50%" title="修改" @close="closeSetRouterVisible()" @open="openVisible")
-    el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" ref="ruleFormRef" :rules="rules" label-width="100px")
-      el-form-item(label='接口主机头' prop="apiHost")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.apiHost' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入接口主机头")
-      el-form-item(label='接口端口号' prop="apiPort")
-        el-input-number(v-model='UpdateForm.apiPort' :min="1" :max="1000"
-          placeholder="请输入接口端口号")
-      el-form-item(label='接口路由' prop="apiRouter")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.apiRouter' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入接口路由")
-      el-form-item(label='ID' prop="id")
-        el-input-number(v-model='' :min="1" :max="1000"
-          placeholder="请输入ID")
-    el-button(
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Close)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="closeSetRouterVisible()"
-    ) 关闭
-    el-button(
-      type="primary",
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Upload)",
-      @click="submit(ruleFormRef)"
-    ) 确认提交
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-.collapsedom {
-  padding: 0 20px;
-  background-color: #fff;
- {
-  height: 40vh;
-  overflow-y: auto;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 177

@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "Edit"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { inject, onMounted, reactive, ref, Uploadfile, UploadImg, Editor, useRenderIcon, ElMessage, ElMessageBox, Upload, Close, http, getGroupUrl, RegularVerification, verification } from "@/utils/importUsed"
-// 接口列表实例
-let UrlList = reactive(null)
-// 获取当前板块接口列表
-onMounted(async () => {
-  UrlList = await getGroupUrl(["kxsConfigServer"]);
-const props = defineProps<{
-  editVisible: {
-    type: Boolean;
-    default: false;
-  };
-  width: {
-    type: Number;
-    default: 50;
-  };
-  formData: {
-    id: any;
-    type: any;
-    default: {};
-  };
-// 表单数据
-const UpdateForm: any = ref({
-  id: "", //ID
-  version: "", //版本号
-// 表单实例
-const ruleFormRef = ref()
-// 选项卡参数(默认值为列表某项的id)
-const activeId = ref('1')
-// 提交函数
-const submit = async (formEl) => {
-  // 表单校验拦截
-  if (!formEl) return
-  await formEl.validate(async (valid, fields) => {
-    if (valid) {
-      //表单校验成功回调
-      console.log('submit!')
-      // 需动态生成接口
-      const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({
-        method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiInfosetVersion.method,
-        url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiInfosetVersion.url,
-        params: UpdateForm.value
-      });
-      if (status === 1) {
-        //业务成功回调
-        ElMessage({
-          message: "修改成功",
-          type: "success"
-        });
-        UpdateForm.value = {
-                id: "", //ID
-      version: "", //版本号
-        };
-        // 关闭修改弹窗;
-        closeSetVersionVisible();
-      } else {
-        //业务失败回调
-        ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-          confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-          type: "warning"
-        });
-      }
-    } else {
-      //表单校验失败回调
-      ElMessage({
-        message: "请输入完整信息",
-        type: "error"
-      });
-    }
-  })
-// 表单校验规则
-const rules = reactive({
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeFn: any = inject('closeEditSetVersionVisible');
-const openVisible = async () => {
-  //通过ID获取表格数据
-  const { status, data }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiInfoquery.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiInfoquery.url, params: { id: }});
-  if (status === 1) {
-    UpdateForm.value = data;
-  }
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeSetVersionVisible = () => {
-  UpdateForm.value = {
-    id: "", //ID
-    version: "", //版本号
-  };
-  closeFn();
-<template lang="pug">
-  el-dialog(v-model='props.editVisible' width="50%" title="修改" @close="closeSetVersionVisible()" @open="openVisible")
-    el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" ref="ruleFormRef" :rules="rules" label-width="100px")
-      el-form-item(label='ID' prop="id")
-        el-input-number(v-model='' :min="1" :max="1000"
-          placeholder="请输入ID")
-      el-form-item(label='版本号' prop="version")
-        el-input-number(v-model='UpdateForm.version' :min="1" :max="1000"
-          placeholder="请输入版本号")
-    el-button(
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Close)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="closeSetVersionVisible()"
-    ) 关闭
-    el-button(
-      type="primary",
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Upload)",
-      @click="submit(ruleFormRef)"
-    ) 确认提交
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-.collapsedom {
-  padding: 0 20px;
-  background-color: #fff;
- {
-  height: 40vh;
-  overflow-y: auto;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 243

@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "Edit"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { inject, onMounted, reactive, ref, Uploadfile, UploadImg, Editor, useRenderIcon, ElMessage, ElMessageBox, Upload, Close, http, getGroupUrl, RegularVerification, verification } from "@/utils/importUsed"
-// 接口列表实例
-let UrlList = reactive(null)
-// 获取当前板块接口列表
-onMounted(async () => {
-  UrlList = await getGroupUrl(["kxsConfigServer"]);
-  groupIdQuery();
-const props = defineProps<{
-  editVisible: {
-    type: Boolean;
-    default: false;
-  };
-  width: {
-    type: Number;
-    default: 50;
-  };
-  formData: {
-    id: any;
-    type: any;
-    default: {};
-  };
-// 表单数据
-const UpdateForm: any = ref({
-  groupId: "", //分组
-  apiName: "", //接口名称
-  apiKey: "", //接口关键字
-  apiHost: "", //接口主机头
-  apiPort: "", //接口端口号
-  apiRouter: "", //接口路由
-  apiMethod: "", //接口请求方式
-  id: "", //ID
-// 分组选项数据
-const groupIdOptionList = ref([]);
-// 表单实例
-const ruleFormRef = ref()
-// 选项卡参数(默认值为列表某项的id)
-const activeId = ref('1')
-// 提交函数
-const submit = async (formEl) => {
-  // 表单校验拦截
-  if (!formEl) return
-  await formEl.validate(async (valid, fields) => {
-    if (valid) {
-      //表单校验成功回调
-      console.log('submit!')
-      // 需动态生成接口
-      const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({
-        method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiInfoupdate.method,
-        url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiInfoupdate.url,
-        params: UpdateForm.value
-      });
-      if (status === 1) {
-        //业务成功回调
-        ElMessage({
-          message: "修改成功",
-          type: "success"
-        });
-        UpdateForm.value = {
-                groupId: "", //分组
-      apiName: "", //接口名称
-      apiKey: "", //接口关键字
-      apiHost: "", //接口主机头
-      apiPort: "", //接口端口号
-      apiRouter: "", //接口路由
-      apiMethod: "", //接口请求方式
-      id: "", //ID
-        };
-        // 关闭修改弹窗;
-        closeUpdateVisible();
-      } else {
-        //业务失败回调
-        ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-          confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-          type: "warning"
-        });
-      }
-    } else {
-      //表单校验失败回调
-      ElMessage({
-        message: "请输入完整信息",
-        type: "error"
-      });
-    }
-  })
-const groupIdQuery = async () => {
-  const { status, data }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiGroupselectList.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiGroupselectList.url, params: { } });
-  if (status === 1) {
-    groupIdOptionList.value = data.records;
-  }
-// 表单校验规则
-const rules = reactive({
-  apiName: [
-    { required: true, message: '请输入接口名称', trigger: 'blur' },
-  ],
-  apiKey: [
-    { required: true, message: '请输入接口关键字', trigger: 'blur' },
-  ],
-  apiHost: [
-    { required: true, message: '请输入接口主机头', trigger: 'blur' },
-  ],
-  apiPort: [
-    { required: true, message: '请输入接口端口号', trigger: 'blur' },
-  ],
-  apiRouter: [
-    { required: true, message: '请输入接口路由', trigger: 'blur' },
-  ],
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeFn: any = inject('closeEditUpdateVisible');
-const openVisible = async () => {
-  //通过ID获取表格数据
-  const { status, data }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiInfoquery.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiInfoquery.url, params: { id: }});
-  if (status === 1) {
-    UpdateForm.value = data;
-  }
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeUpdateVisible = () => {
-  UpdateForm.value = {
-    groupId: "", //分组
-    apiName: "", //接口名称
-    apiKey: "", //接口关键字
-    apiHost: "", //接口主机头
-    apiPort: "", //接口端口号
-    apiRouter: "", //接口路由
-    apiMethod: "", //接口请求方式
-    id: "", //ID
-  };
-  closeFn();
-<template lang="pug">
-  el-dialog(v-model='props.editVisible' width="50%" title="修改" @close="closeUpdateVisible()" @open="openVisible")
-    el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" ref="ruleFormRef" :rules="rules" label-width="100px")
-      el-form-item(label="分组", prop="groupId")
-        el-select(
-          v-model="UpdateForm.groupId",
-          placeholder="请选择分组",
-          clearable,
-          class="!w-[230px]"
-        )
-          el-option(:label="item.groupName", :value="" v-for="(item,index) in groupIdOptionList")
-      el-form-item(label='接口名称' prop="apiName")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.apiName' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入接口名称")
-      el-form-item(label='接口关键字' prop="apiKey")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.apiKey' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入接口关键字")
-      el-form-item(label='接口主机头' prop="apiHost")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.apiHost' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入接口主机头")
-      el-form-item(label='接口端口号' prop="apiPort")
-        el-input-number(v-model='UpdateForm.apiPort' :min="1" :max="1000"
-          placeholder="请输入接口端口号")
-      el-form-item(label='接口路由' prop="apiRouter")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.apiRouter' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入接口路由")
-      el-form-item(label='接口请求方式' prop="apiMethod")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.apiMethod' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入接口请求方式")
-      el-form-item(label='ID' prop="id")
-        el-input-number(v-model='' :min="1" :max="1000"
-          placeholder="请输入ID")
-    el-button(
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Close)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="closeUpdateVisible()"
-    ) 关闭
-    el-button(
-      type="primary",
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Upload)",
-      @click="submit(ruleFormRef)"
-    ) 确认提交
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-.collapsedom {
-  padding: 0 20px;
-  background-color: #fff;
- {
-  height: 40vh;
-  overflow-y: auto;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 221

@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-import { reactive, onMounted, ref, ElMessage, ElMessageBox, http, getGroupUrl, RegularVerification, verification, PaginationProps } from "@/utils/importUsed"
-// 表单实例
-const ruleFormRef = ref()
-export function useApiInfo() {
-  // 接口列表实例
-  let UrlList = reactive(null)
-  // 获取当前板块接口列表
-  onMounted(async () => {
-    UrlList = await getGroupUrl(["kxsConfigServer"]);
-    onSearch(ruleFormRef.value);
-    groupIdQuery();
-  });
-  let form = reactive({
-  groupId:"", //分组
-  apiName:"", //接口名称
-  });
-  const dataList = ref([]);
-  const loading = ref(false);
-  const dialogAddVisible = ref(false);
-  const pagination = reactive<PaginationProps>({
-    total: 0,
-    pageSize: 10,
-    currentPage: 1,
-    background: true
-  });
-  const columns: TableColumnList = [
-    {
-      type: "selection",
-      width: 55,
-      align: "left",
-      hide: ({ checkList }) => !checkList.includes("勾选列")
-    },
-    {
-      label: "序号",
-      type: "index",
-      width: 70,
-      hide: ({ checkList }) => !checkList.includes("序号列")
-    },
-        {
-      label: "分组名称",
-      prop: "apiGroupInfo.groupName",
-      minWidth: 200
-    },
-    {
-      label: "分组说明",
-      prop: "apiGroupInfo.groupRemark",
-      minWidth: 200
-    },
-    {
-      label: "分组版本号",
-      prop: "apiGroupInfo.groupVersion",
-      minWidth: 200
-    },
-    {
-      label: "接口名称",
-      prop: "apiName",
-      minWidth: 200
-    },
-    {
-      label: "操作",
-      fixed: "right",
-      width: 120,
-      slot: "operation"
-    }
-  ];
-  // 当前页数量切换
-  function handleSizeChange(val: number) {
-    if (typeof val === "number") {
-      pagination.pageSize = val;
-      onSearch(ruleFormRef.value);
-    }
-  }
-  // 当前页码切换
-  function handleCurrentChange(val: number) {
-    console.log(`current page: ${val}`);
-    if (typeof val === "number") {
-      pagination.currentPage = val;
-      onSearch(ruleFormRef.value);
-    }
-  }
-  // 选择表格项
-  function handleSelectionChange(val) {
-    console.log(`SelectionChange: ${val}`);
-    onSearch(ruleFormRef.value);
-  }
-  // 搜索列表
-  async function onSearch(formEl) {
-    // 表单校验拦截
-    if (!formEl) return
-    await formEl.validate(async (valid, fields) => {
-      if (valid) {
-        //表单校验成功回调
-        console.log('submit!')
-        // 状态调整为加载中
-        loading.value = true;
-        // 调用接口(需动态生成接口)
-        const { status, msg, data }: any = await http.Request({
-          method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiInfolist.method,
-          url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiInfolist.url,
-          params: {
-            ...form,
-            pageSize: pagination.pageSize,
-            pageNum: pagination.currentPage
-          }
-        });
-        dataList.value = data.records;
- =;
-        setTimeout(() => {
-          loading.value = false;
-        }, 500);
-      } else {
-        //表单校验失败回调
-        ElMessage({
-          message: "请输入完整信息",
-          type: "error"
-        });
-      }
-    })
-  }
-    // 分组选项数据
-    const groupIdOptionList = ref([]);
-  //获取分组数据
-  async function groupIdQuery() {
-    const { status, data }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiGroupselectList.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiGroupselectList.url, params: { } });
-    if (status === 1) {
-      groupIdOptionList.value = data.records;
-    }
-  }
-    // 删除
-  function handleDelete(row) {
-    ElMessageBox.confirm(
-      `是否删除该api接口? `,
-      "提示",
-      {
-        confirmButtonText: "删除",
-        cancelButtonText: "取消",
-        type: "warning"
-      }
-    ).then(async () => {
-      const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiInfodelete.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.apiInfodelete.url, params: String( });
-      if (status === 1) {
-        ElMessage({
-          message: "删除成功",
-          type: "success"
-        });
-        onSearch(ruleFormRef);
-      } else {
-        ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-        confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-        type: "warning"
-      });
-      };
-    })
-  }
-    // 新增
-  const addVisible = ref(false);
-  function handleAdd() {
-    addVisible.value = true;
-  };
-    // 设置版本号
-  const editSetVersionVisible = ref(false);
-  const editSetVersionFormData = ref({});
-  function handleSetVersion(row) {
-    editSetVersionVisible.value = true;
-    // 表格数据赋值
-    editSetVersionFormData.value = row;
-  };
-  // 修改
-  const editUpdateVisible = ref(false);
-  const editUpdateFormData = ref({});
-  function handleUpdate(row) {
-    editUpdateVisible.value = true;
-    // 表格数据赋值
-    editUpdateFormData.value = row;
-  };
-  // 设置请求地址
-  const editSetRouterVisible = ref(false);
-  const editSetRouterFormData = ref({});
-  function handleSetRouter(row) {
-    editSetRouterVisible.value = true;
-    // 表格数据赋值
-    editSetRouterFormData.value = row;
-  };
-  return {
-    form,
-    loading,
-    columns,
-    dataList,
-    pagination,
-    onSearch,
-    handleSizeChange,
-    handleCurrentChange,
-    handleSelectionChange,
-    ruleFormRef,
-    groupIdQuery,
-    groupIdOptionList,
-    handleAdd,
-    addVisible,
-    handleSetVersion,
-    editSetVersionVisible,
-    editSetVersionFormData,
-    handleDelete,
-    handleUpdate,
-    editUpdateVisible,
-    editUpdateFormData,
-    handleSetRouter,
-    editSetRouterVisible,
-    editSetRouterFormData,
-  };

+ 0 - 200

@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "ApiInfo"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { provide } from "vue";
-import { useApiInfo } from "./hook";
-import { http } from "@/utils/http";
-import { useRenderIcon, hasAuth, PureTableBar } from "@/utils/importUsed"
-import Add from "./components/add/index.vue";
-import EditSetVersion from "./components/setVersion/index.vue";
-import EditUpdate from "./components/update/index.vue";
-import EditSetRouter from "./components/setRouter/index.vue";
-import Search from "@iconify-icons/ep/search";
-import Addicon from "@iconify-icons/ep/document-add";
-import Delete from "@iconify-icons/ep/delete";
-import EditPen from "@iconify-icons/ep/edit-pen";
-const {
-  form,
-  loading,
-  columns,
-  dataList,
-  pagination,
-  onSearch,
-  handleSizeChange,
-  handleCurrentChange,
-  handleSelectionChange,
-  ruleFormRef,
-  groupIdOptionList,
-  handleAdd,
-  addVisible,
-  handleSetVersion,
-  editSetVersionVisible,
-  editSetVersionFormData,
-  handleDelete,
-  handleUpdate,
-  editUpdateVisible,
-  editUpdateFormData,
-  handleSetRouter,
-  editSetRouterVisible,
-  editSetRouterFormData,
-} = useApiInfo();
-// 关闭添加
-const closeAddVisible = () => {
-  addVisible.value = false
-provide('closeAddVisible', closeAddVisible)
-// 关闭修改
-const closeEditSetVersionVisible = () => {
-  editSetVersionVisible.value = false
-provide('closeEditSetVersionVisible', closeEditSetVersionVisible)
-// 关闭修改
-const closeEditUpdateVisible = () => {
-  editUpdateVisible.value = false
-provide('closeEditUpdateVisible', closeEditUpdateVisible)
-// 关闭修改
-const closeEditSetRouterVisible = () => {
-  editSetRouterVisible.value = false
-provide('closeEditSetRouterVisible', closeEditSetRouterVisible)
-<template lang="pug">
-  div
-    //- 搜索表格组件条件
-      label-position="left"
-      label-width="100px"
-      :inline="true",
-      :model="form",
-      class="w-[99/100]"
-      ref="ruleFormRef"
-      :rules="rules"
-    )
-      el-form-item(label="分组", prop="groupId")
-        el-select(
-          v-model="form.groupId",
-          placeholder="请选择分组",
-          clearable,
-          class="!w-[230px]"
-        )
-          el-option(:label="item.groupName", :value="" v-for="(item,index) in groupIdOptionList")
-      el-form-item(label='接口名称' prop="apiName")
-        el-input(v-model='form.apiName' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入接口名称")
-      el-form-item
-        el-button(
-          type="primary",
-          :icon="useRenderIcon(Search)",
-          :loading="loading",
-          @click="onSearch(ruleFormRef)"
-        ) 查询
-    //- 表格组件
-    PureTableBar(title="api接口", @refresh="onSearch" )
-      template(#buttons)
-        el-button(type="primary" :icon="useRenderIcon(Addicon)" @click="handleAdd()" v-if="hasAuth(['add'])") 新增
-      template(v-slot="{ size, checkList }")
-        pure-table(stripe 
-          border,
-          align-whole="center",
-          table-layout="auto",
-          :loading="loading",
-          :size="size",
-          :data="dataList",
-          :columns="columns",
-          :checkList="checkList",
-          :pagination="pagination",
-          :paginationSmall="size === 'default' ? true : false",
-          :header-cell-style="{ background: 'var(--el-table-row-hover-bg-color)', color: 'var(--el-text-color-primary)' }",
-          @selection-change="handleSelectionChange",
-          @size-change="handleSizeChange",
-          @current-change="handleCurrentChange"
-        )          
-          template(#operation="{ row }")
-            .flex.flex-wrap.items-center
-              el-dropdown(trigger="click", :hide-on-click="false")
-                el-button(type="primary") 操作
-                  el-icon.el-icon--right
-                    arrow-down
-                template(#dropdown)
-                  el-dropdown-menu
-                    el-dropdown-item
-                      el-button.reset-margin(
-                        type="primary"
-                        size="small"
-                        @click="handleSetVersion(row)"
-                        :icon="useRenderIcon(EditPen)"
-                        v-if="hasAuth(['setVersion'])"
-                      ) 设置版本号
-                    el-button.reset-margin(
-                      type="primary"
-                      size="small"
-                      @click="handleDelete(row)"
-                      :icon="useRenderIcon(Delete)"
-                      v-if="hasAuth(['delete'])"
-                    ) 删除
-                    el-dropdown-item
-                      el-button.reset-margin(
-                        type="primary"
-                        size="small"
-                        @click="handleUpdate(row)"
-                        :icon="useRenderIcon(EditPen)"
-                        v-if="hasAuth(['update'])"
-                      ) 修改
-                    el-dropdown-item
-                      el-button.reset-margin(
-                        type="primary"
-                        size="small"
-                        @click="handleSetRouter(row)"
-                        :icon="useRenderIcon(EditPen)"
-                        v-if="hasAuth(['setRouter'])"
-                      ) 设置请求地址
-    Add(:addVisible="addVisible")
-    EditSetVersion(:editVisible="editSetVersionVisible" :formData="editSetVersionFormData")
-    EditUpdate(:editVisible="editUpdateVisible" :formData="editUpdateFormData")
-    EditSetRouter(:editVisible="editSetRouterVisible" :formData="editSetRouterFormData")
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 218

@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "Add"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { inject, ref } from "vue";
-import { useRenderIcon } from "@/components/ReIcon/src/hooks";
-import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from "element-plus";
-import { http } from "@/utils/http";
-// 获取当前板块接口列表
-import Upload from "@iconify-icons/ri/upload-2-fill";
-import Close from "@iconify-icons/ri/close-fill";
-import { getGroupUrl } from "@/utils/getUrl/getUrl";
-const props = defineProps<{
-  submit: {
-    type: Function;
-    default: () => {};
-  };
-  addVisible: {
-    type: Boolean;
-    default: false;
-  };
-  width: {
-    type: Number;
-    default: 50;
-  };
-// 表单数据
-let UpdateForm = ref({
-  title: "", //标题
-  selectIcon: "", //选中图标
-  normalIcon: "", //未选中图标
-  selectTextColor: "", //选中文字颜色
-  normalTextColor: "", //未选中文字颜色
-  pageName: "", //关联页面文件
-  noPageHint: "", //空页面提示信息
-  backgroudColor: "", //背景色
-  style: "", //按钮样式
-  scrollerAnimationImages: "", //滚动图片
-  pagPath: "", //PAG文件
-  showTitle: "", //是否显示标题
-  pagLocalPath: "", //pag文件路径
-  pagDefaultIcon: "", //pag默认图标
-  iconSize: "", //图标尺寸
-  statusBarColor: "", //状态栏底色
-// 按钮样式选项数据
-const styleOptionList = [
-  { Id: 'default', label: '默认' },
-  { Id: 'pag', label: 'PAG' },
-  { Id: 'scrollerAnimatio', label: '滚动变化' },
-  { Id: 'irregularity', label: '不规则图形外凸' },
-  { Id: 'concavity', label: '不规则内凹' },
-// 选项卡参数(默认值为列表某项的id)
-const activeId = ref('1')
-// 提交函数
-const submit = async () => {
-  const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-  const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.appBottomNavsadd.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.appBottomNavsadd.url, params: UpdateForm.value});
-  if (status === 1) {
-    ElMessage({
-      message: "新增成功",
-      type: "success"
-    });
-    UpdateForm.value = {
-      title: "", //标题
-      selectIcon: "", //选中图标
-      normalIcon: "", //未选中图标
-      selectTextColor: "", //选中文字颜色
-      normalTextColor: "", //未选中文字颜色
-      pageName: "", //关联页面文件
-      noPageHint: "", //空页面提示信息
-      backgroudColor: "", //背景色
-      style: "", //按钮样式
-      scrollerAnimationImages: "", //滚动图片
-      pagPath: "", //PAG文件
-      showTitle: "", //是否显示标题
-      pagLocalPath: "", //pag文件路径
-      pagDefaultIcon: "", //pag默认图标
-      iconSize: "", //图标尺寸
-      statusBarColor: "", //状态栏底色
-    };
-    closeVisible();
-  } else {
-    ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-      confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-      type: "warning"
-    });
-  };
-const closeFn: any = inject('closeAddVisible');
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeVisible = () => {
-  UpdateForm.value = {
-    title: "", //标题
-    selectIcon: "", //选中图标
-    normalIcon: "", //未选中图标
-    selectTextColor: "", //选中文字颜色
-    normalTextColor: "", //未选中文字颜色
-    pageName: "", //关联页面文件
-    noPageHint: "", //空页面提示信息
-    backgroudColor: "", //背景色
-    style: "", //按钮样式
-    scrollerAnimationImages: "", //滚动图片
-    pagPath: "", //PAG文件
-    showTitle: "", //是否显示标题
-    pagLocalPath: "", //pag文件路径
-    pagDefaultIcon: "", //pag默认图标
-    iconSize: "", //图标尺寸
-    statusBarColor: "", //状态栏底色
-  };
-  closeFn();
-<template lang="pug">
-  el-dialog(v-model='props.addVisible' width="50%" title="新增" @close="closeVisible()")
-    el-tabs(v-model="activeId" class="demo-tabs" @tab-click="handleClick")
-      el-tab-pane(label="基本资料" name="1")
-        el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-          el-form-item(label='标题' prop="title")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.title' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入标题")
-          el-form-item(label='选中文字颜色' prop="selectTextColor")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.selectTextColor' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入选中文字颜色")
-          el-form-item(label='未选中文字颜色' prop="normalTextColor")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.normalTextColor' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入未选中文字颜色")
-          el-form-item(label='关联页面文件' prop="pageName")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.pageName' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入关联页面文件")
-          el-form-item(label='空页面提示信息' prop="noPageHint")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.noPageHint' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入空页面提示信息")
-          el-form-item(label='背景色' prop="backgroudColor")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.backgroudColor' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入背景色")
-          el-form-item(label="按钮样式", prop="style")
-            el-select(
-              v-model="",
-              placeholder="请选择按钮样式",
-              clearable,
-              class="!w-[230px]"
-            )
-              el-option(:label="item.label", :value="item.Id" v-for="(item,index) in styleOptionList")
-      el-tab-pane(label="基本信息" name="2")
-        el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-          el-form-item(label='图标尺寸' prop="iconSize")
-            el-input-number(v-model='UpdateForm.iconSize' :min="1" :max="1000"
-              placeholder="请输入图标尺寸")
-          el-form-item(label='状态栏底色' prop="statusBarColor")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.statusBarColor' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入状态栏底色")
-    el-tabs(v-model="activeId" class="demo-tabs" @tab-click="handleClick")
-    el-button(
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Close)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="closeVisible()"
-    ) 关闭
-    el-button(
-      type="primary",
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Upload)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="submit"
-    ) 确认提交
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-.collapsedom {
-  padding: 0 20px;
-  background-color: #fff;
- {
-  height: 40vh;
-  overflow-y: auto;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 218

@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "Edit"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { inject, ref } from "vue";
-import { useRenderIcon } from "@/components/ReIcon/src/hooks";
-import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from "element-plus";
-import Upload from "@iconify-icons/ri/upload-2-fill"
-import Close from "@iconify-icons/ri/close-fill"
-import { http } from "@/utils/http";
-import { getGroupUrl } from "@/utils/getUrl/getUrl";
-const props = defineProps<{
-  editVisible: {
-    type: Boolean;
-    default: false;
-  };
-  width: {
-    type: Number;
-    default: 50;
-  };
-  formData: {
-    type: Object;
-    default: {};
-  };
-// 表单数据
-let UpdateForm: any = ref({
-  title: "", //标题
-  selectIcon: "", //选中图标
-  normalIcon: "", //未选中图标
-  selectTextColor: "", //选中文字颜色
-  normalTextColor: "", //未选中文字颜色
-  pageName: "", //关联页面文件
-  noPageHint: "", //空页面提示信息
-  backgroudColor: "", //背景色
-  style: "", //按钮样式
-  scrollerAnimationImages: "", //滚动图片
-  pagPath: "", //PAG文件
-  showTitle: "", //是否显示标题
-  pagLocalPath: "", //pag文件路径
-  pagDefaultIcon: "", //pag默认图标
-  iconSize: "", //图标尺寸
-  statusBarColor: "", //状态栏底色
-  id: "", //ID
-// 按钮样式选项数据
-const styleOptionList = [
-  { Id: 'default', label: '默认' },
-  { Id: 'pag', label: 'PAG' },
-  { Id: 'scrollerAnimatio', label: '滚动变化' },
-  { Id: 'irregularity', label: '不规则图形外凸' },
-  { Id: 'concavity', label: '不规则内凹' },
-// 选项卡参数(默认值为列表某项的id)
-const activeId = ref('1')
-// 提交函数
-const submit = async () => {
-  const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-  const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.appBottomNavsupdate.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.appBottomNavsupdate.url, params: UpdateForm.value});
-  if (status === 1) {
-    ElMessage({
-      message: "修改成功",
-      type: "success"
-    });
-    UpdateForm.value = {
-      title: "", //标题
-      selectIcon: "", //选中图标
-      normalIcon: "", //未选中图标
-      selectTextColor: "", //选中文字颜色
-      normalTextColor: "", //未选中文字颜色
-      pageName: "", //关联页面文件
-      noPageHint: "", //空页面提示信息
-      backgroudColor: "", //背景色
-      style: "", //按钮样式
-      scrollerAnimationImages: "", //滚动图片
-      pagPath: "", //PAG文件
-      showTitle: "", //是否显示标题
-      pagLocalPath: "", //pag文件路径
-      pagDefaultIcon: "", //pag默认图标
-      iconSize: "", //图标尺寸
-      statusBarColor: "", //状态栏底色
-      id: "", //ID
-    };
-    closeVisible();
-  } else {
-    ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-      confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-      type: "warning"
-    });
-  };
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeFn: any = inject('closeEditUpdateVisible');
-const openVisible = async () => {
-  //通过ID获取表格数据
-  const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-  const { status, data }: any = await http.Request({method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.appBottomNavsquery.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.appBottomNavsquery.url, params: props.formData});
-  if (status === 1) {
-    UpdateForm.value = data;
-  }
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeVisible = () => {
-  UpdateForm.value = {
-    groupName: "", //名称
-    groupRemark: "", //说明
-    groupVersion: "", //版本号
-  };
-  closeFn();
-<template lang="pug">
-  el-dialog(v-model='props.editVisible' width="50%" title="修改" @close="closeVisible()" @open="openVisible")
-    el-tabs(v-model="activeId" class="demo-tabs" @tab-click="handleClick")
-    el-tabs(v-model="activeId" class="demo-tabs" @tab-click="handleClick")
-      el-tab-pane(label="基本资料" name="1")
-        el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-          el-form-item(label='标题' prop="title")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.title' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入标题")
-          el-form-item(label='选中文字颜色' prop="selectTextColor")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.selectTextColor' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入选中文字颜色")
-          el-form-item(label='未选中文字颜色' prop="normalTextColor")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.normalTextColor' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入未选中文字颜色")
-          el-form-item(label='关联页面文件' prop="pageName")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.pageName' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入关联页面文件")
-          el-form-item(label='空页面提示信息' prop="noPageHint")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.noPageHint' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入空页面提示信息")
-          el-form-item(label='背景色' prop="backgroudColor")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.backgroudColor' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入背景色")
-          el-form-item(label="按钮样式", prop="style")
-            el-select(
-              v-model="",
-              placeholder="请选择按钮样式",
-              clearable,
-              class="!w-[230px]"
-            )
-              el-option(:label="item.label", :value="item.Id" v-for="(item,index) in styleOptionList")
-      el-tab-pane(label="基本信息" name="2")
-        el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-          el-form-item(label='图标尺寸' prop="iconSize")
-            el-input-number(v-model='UpdateForm.iconSize' :min="1" :max="1000"
-              placeholder="请输入图标尺寸")
-          el-form-item(label='状态栏底色' prop="statusBarColor")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.statusBarColor' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入状态栏底色")
-          el-form-item(label='ID' prop="id")
-            el-input-number(v-model='' :min="1" :max="1000"
-              placeholder="请输入ID")
-    el-button(
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Close)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="closeVisible()"
-    ) 关闭
-    el-button(
-      type="primary",
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Upload)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="submit"
-    ) 确认提交
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-.collapsedom {
-  padding: 0 20px;
-  background-color: #fff;
- {
-  height: 40vh;
-  overflow-y: auto;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 157

@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-import { getRoleList } from "@/api/system";
-import { type PaginationProps } from "@pureadmin/table";
-import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from "element-plus";
-import { reactive, ref, computed, onMounted } from "vue";
-import { getGroupUrl } from "@/utils/getUrl/getUrl"
-import { http } from "@/utils/http";
-// 获取当前板块接口列表
-const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-export function useAppBottomNavs() {
-  let form = reactive({
-      style:"", //按钮样式
-  });
-  const dataList = ref([]);
-  const loading = ref(false);
-  const dialogAddVisible = ref(false);
-  const pagination = reactive<PaginationProps>({
-    total: 0,
-    pageSize: 10,
-    currentPage: 1,
-    background: true
-  });
-  const columns: TableColumnList = [
-    {
-      type: "selection",
-      width: 55,
-      align: "left",
-      hide: ({ checkList }) => !checkList.includes("勾选列")
-    },
-    {
-      label: "序号",
-      type: "index",
-      width: 70,
-      hide: ({ checkList }) => !checkList.includes("序号列")
-    },
-    {
-      label: "按钮样式",
-      prop: "style",
-      minWidth: 200
-    },
-    {
-      label: "操作",
-      fixed: "right",
-      width: 200,
-      slot: "operation"
-    }
-  ];
-  // 当前页数量切换
-  function handleSizeChange(val: number) {
-    console.log(`${val} items per page`);
-    onSearch()
-  }
-  // 当前页码切换
-  function handleCurrentChange(val: number) {
-    console.log(`current page: ${val}`);
-    onSearch()
-  }
-  // 选择表格项
-  function handleSelectionChange(val) {
-    console.log("handleSelectionChange", val);
-    onSearch()
-  }
-  // 搜索列表
-  async function onSearch(type = 'search') {
-    if (type === 'all') {
- = "";
-    }
-    // if (type == 'search' && !Object.values(form).some(item => !!item)) {
-    //   return ElMessage({
-    //     message: "请输入查询条件",
-    //     type: "error"
-    //   });
-    // };
-    loading.value = true;
-    const { status, msg, data }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.appBottomNavslist.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.appBottomNavslist.url, params: { ...form, PageSize: pagination.pageSize, PageNum: pagination.currentPage }});
-    if (status === 1) {
-      dataList.value = data.records;
- =;
-      setTimeout(() => {
-        loading.value = false;
-      }, 500);
-    } else {
-      ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-        confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-        type: "warning"
-      });
-    }
-  }
-  onMounted(() => {
-    onSearch();
-  });
-  // 删除
-  function handleDelete(row) {
-    ElMessageBox.confirm(
-      `是否删除该app底部导航? `,
-      "提示",
-      {
-        confirmButtonText: "删除",
-        cancelButtonText: "取消",
-        type: "warning"
-      }
-    ).then(async () => {
-      const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.appBottomNavsdelete.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.appBottomNavsdelete.url, params: });
-      if (status === 1) {
-        ElMessage({
-          message: "删除成功",
-          type: "success"
-        });
-        onSearch();
-      } else {
-        ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-        confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-        type: "warning"
-      });
-      };
-    })
-  }
-  // 新增
-  const addVisible = ref(false);
-  function handleAdd() {
-    addVisible.value = true;
-  };
-  // 修改
-  const editUpdateVisible = ref(false);
-  const editUpdateFormData = ref({});
-  function handleUpdate(row) {
-    editUpdateVisible.value = true;
-    // 表格数据赋值
-    editUpdateFormData.value = row;
-  };
-  return {
-    form,
-    loading,
-    columns,
-    dataList,
-    pagination,
-    onSearch,
-    handleSizeChange,
-    handleCurrentChange,
-    handleSelectionChange,
-    handleAdd,
-    addVisible,
-    handleUpdate,
-    editUpdateVisible,
-    editUpdateFormData,
-    handleDelete,
-  };

+ 0 - 179

@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "AppBottomNavs"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { provide, ref } from "vue";
-import { useAppBottomNavs } from "./hook";
-import { hasAuth } from "@/router/utils";
-import { PureTableBar } from "@/components/RePureTableBar";
-import { useRenderIcon } from "@/components/ReIcon/src/hooks";
-import Add from "./components/add/index.vue";
-import EditUpdate from "./components/update/index.vue";
-import Search from "@iconify-icons/ep/search";
-import All from "@iconify-icons/ep/refresh-left";
-import Addicon from "@iconify-icons/ep/document-add";
-const formRef = ref();
-const {
-  form,
-  loading,
-  columns,
-  dataList,
-  pagination,
-  onSearch,
-  handleSizeChange,
-  handleCurrentChange,
-  handleSelectionChange,
-  handleAdd,
-  addVisible,
-  handleUpdate,
-  editUpdateVisible,
-  editUpdateFormData,
-  handleDelete,
-} = useAppBottomNavs();
-// 关闭添加
-const closeAddVisible = () => {
-  addVisible.value = false
-provide('closeAddVisible', closeAddVisible)
-// 关闭修改
-const closeEditUpdateVisible = () => {
-  editUpdateVisible.value = false
-provide('closeEditUpdateVisible', closeEditUpdateVisible)
-// 按钮样式选项数据
-const styleOptionList = [
-  { Id: 'default', label: '默认' },
-  { Id: 'pag', label: 'PAG' },
-  { Id: 'scrollerAnimatio', label: '滚动变化' },
-  { Id: 'irregularity', label: '不规则图形外凸' },
-  { Id: 'concavity', label: '不规则内凹' },
-<template lang="pug">
-  div
-      label-position="left"
-      label-width="100px"
-      ref="formRef",
-      :inline="true",
-      :model="form",
-      :rules="rules",
-      class="w-[99/100]"
-    )
-      el-form-item(label="按钮样式", prop="style")
-        el-select(
-          v-model="",
-          placeholder="请选择按钮样式",
-          clearable,
-          class="!w-[230px]"
-        )
-          el-option(:label="item.label", :value="item.Id" v-for="(item,index) in styleOptionList")
-      el-form-item
-        el-button(
-          type="primary",
-          :icon="useRenderIcon(Search)",
-          :loading="loading",
-          @click="onSearch()"
-        ) 查询
-      el-form-item
-        el-button(
-          type="primary",
-          :icon="useRenderIcon(All)",
-          :loading="loading",
-          @click="onSearch('all')"
-        ) 全部
-    //- 表格组件
-    PureTableBar(title="app底部导航", @refresh="onSearch" )
-      template(#buttons)
-        el-button(type="primary" :icon="useRenderIcon(Addicon)" @click="handleAdd()") 新增
-      template(v-slot="{ size, checkList }")
-        pure-table(stripe 
-          border,
-          align-whole="center",
-          table-layout="auto",
-          :loading="loading",
-          :size="size",
-          :data="dataList",
-          :columns="columns",
-          :checkList="checkList",
-          :pagination="pagination",
-          :paginationSmall="size === 'default' ? true : false",
-          :header-cell-style="{ background: 'var(--el-table-row-hover-bg-color)', color: 'var(--el-text-color-primary)' }",
-          @selection-change="handleSelectionChange",
-          @size-change="handleSizeChange",
-          @current-change="handleCurrentChange"
-        )          
-          template(#operation="{ row }")
-            .flex.flex-wrap.items-center
-              el-dropdown(trigger="click", :hide-on-click="false")
-                el-button(type="primary") 操作
-                  el-icon.el-icon--right
-                    arrow-down
-                template(#dropdown)
-                  el-dropdown-menu
-                    el-dropdown-item
-                      el-button.reset-margin(
-                        link
-                        type="primary"
-                        :size="size"
-                        @click="handleUpdate(row)"
-                        :icon="useRenderIcon(EditPen)"
-                        v-if="hasAuth(['edit'])"
-                      ) 编辑
-                    el-button.reset-margin(
-                      link
-                      type="primary"
-                      :size="size"
-                      @click="handleDelete(row)"
-                      :icon="useRenderIcon(Delete)"
-                      v-if="hasAuth(['delete'])"
-                    ) 删除
-    Add(:addVisible="addVisible")
-    EditUpdate(:editVisible="editUpdateVisible" :formData="editUpdateFormData")
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 175

@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "Add"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { inject, ref } from "vue";
-import { useRenderIcon } from "@/components/ReIcon/src/hooks";
-import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from "element-plus";
-import { http } from "@/utils/http";
-// 获取当前板块接口列表
-import Upload from "@iconify-icons/ri/upload-2-fill";
-import Close from "@iconify-icons/ri/close-fill";
-import { getGroupUrl } from "@/utils/getUrl/getUrl";
-const props = defineProps<{
-  submit: {
-    type: Function;
-    default: () => {};
-  };
-  addVisible: {
-    type: Boolean;
-    default: false;
-  };
-  width: {
-    type: Number;
-    default: 50;
-  };
-// 表单数据
-let UpdateForm = ref({
-  terminalKind: "", //终端类型
-  versionNum: "", //版本号
-  title: "", //标题
-  info: "", //更新信息
-  confirmText: "", //确定按钮文字
-  cancelText: "", //取消按钮文字
-  downloadUrl: "", //更新地址
-// 终端类型选项数据
-const terminalKindOptionList = [
-  { Id: 'ios', label: 'ios' },
-  { Id: 'android', label: 'android' },
-// 选项卡参数(默认值为列表某项的id)
-const activeId = ref('1')
-// 提交函数
-const submit = async () => {
-  const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-  const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.appVersionadd.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.appVersionadd.url, params: UpdateForm.value});
-  if (status === 1) {
-    ElMessage({
-      message: "新增成功",
-      type: "success"
-    });
-    UpdateForm.value = {
-      terminalKind: "", //终端类型
-      versionNum: "", //版本号
-      title: "", //标题
-      info: "", //更新信息
-      confirmText: "", //确定按钮文字
-      cancelText: "", //取消按钮文字
-      downloadUrl: "", //更新地址
-    };
-    closeVisible();
-  } else {
-    ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-      confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-      type: "warning"
-    });
-  };
-const closeFn: any = inject('closeAddVisible');
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeVisible = () => {
-  UpdateForm.value = {
-    terminalKind: "", //终端类型
-    versionNum: "", //版本号
-    title: "", //标题
-    info: "", //更新信息
-    confirmText: "", //确定按钮文字
-    cancelText: "", //取消按钮文字
-    downloadUrl: "", //更新地址
-  };
-  closeFn();
-<template lang="pug">
-  el-dialog(v-model='props.addVisible' width="50%" title="新增" @close="closeVisible()")
-    el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-      el-form-item(label="终端类型", prop="terminalKind")
-        el-select(
-          v-model="UpdateForm.terminalKind",
-          placeholder="请选择终端类型",
-          clearable,
-          class="!w-[230px]"
-        )
-          el-option(:label="item.label", :value="item.Id" v-for="(item,index) in terminalKindOptionList")
-      el-form-item(label='版本号' prop="versionNum")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.versionNum' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入版本号")
-      el-form-item(label='标题' prop="title")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.title' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入标题")
-      el-form-item(label='确定按钮文字' prop="confirmText")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.confirmText' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入确定按钮文字")
-      el-form-item(label='取消按钮文字' prop="cancelText")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.cancelText' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入取消按钮文字")
-      el-form-item(label='更新地址' prop="downloadUrl")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.downloadUrl' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入更新地址")
-    el-tabs(v-model="activeId" class="demo-tabs" @tab-click="handleClick")
-    el-button(
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Close)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="closeVisible()"
-    ) 关闭
-    el-button(
-      type="primary",
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Upload)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="submit"
-    ) 确认提交
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-.collapsedom {
-  padding: 0 20px;
-  background-color: #fff;
- {
-  height: 40vh;
-  overflow-y: auto;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 187

@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "Edit"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { inject, ref } from "vue";
-import { useRenderIcon } from "@/components/ReIcon/src/hooks";
-import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from "element-plus";
-import Upload from "@iconify-icons/ri/upload-2-fill"
-import Close from "@iconify-icons/ri/close-fill"
-import { http } from "@/utils/http";
-import { getGroupUrl } from "@/utils/getUrl/getUrl";
-const props = defineProps<{
-  editVisible: {
-    type: Boolean;
-    default: false;
-  };
-  width: {
-    type: Number;
-    default: 50;
-  };
-  formData: {
-    type: Object;
-    default: {};
-  };
-// 表单数据
-let UpdateForm: any = ref({
-  terminalKind: "", //终端类型
-  versionNum: "", //版本号
-  title: "", //标题
-  info: "", //更新信息
-  confirmText: "", //确定按钮文字
-  cancelText: "", //取消按钮文字
-  downloadUrl: "", //更新地址
-  id: "", //ID
-// 终端类型选项数据
-const terminalKindOptionList = [
-  { Id: 'ios', label: 'ios' },
-  { Id: 'android', label: 'android' },
-// 选项卡参数(默认值为列表某项的id)
-const activeId = ref('1')
-// 提交函数
-const submit = async () => {
-  const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-  const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.appVersionupdate.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.appVersionupdate.url, params: UpdateForm.value});
-  if (status === 1) {
-    ElMessage({
-      message: "修改成功",
-      type: "success"
-    });
-    UpdateForm.value = {
-      terminalKind: "", //终端类型
-      versionNum: "", //版本号
-      title: "", //标题
-      info: "", //更新信息
-      confirmText: "", //确定按钮文字
-      cancelText: "", //取消按钮文字
-      downloadUrl: "", //更新地址
-      id: "", //ID
-    };
-    closeVisible();
-  } else {
-    ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-      confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-      type: "warning"
-    });
-  };
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeFn: any = inject('closeEditUpdateVisible');
-const openVisible = async () => {
-  //通过ID获取表格数据
-  const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-  const { status, data }: any = await http.Request({method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.appVersionquery.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.appVersionquery.url, params: props.formData});
-  if (status === 1) {
-    UpdateForm.value = data;
-  }
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeVisible = () => {
-  UpdateForm.value = {
-    groupName: "", //名称
-    groupRemark: "", //说明
-    groupVersion: "", //版本号
-  };
-  closeFn();
-<template lang="pug">
-  el-dialog(v-model='props.editVisible' width="50%" title="修改" @close="closeVisible()" @open="openVisible")
-    el-tabs(v-model="activeId" class="demo-tabs" @tab-click="handleClick")
-      el-tab-pane(label="基本资料" name="1")
-        el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-          el-form-item(label="终端类型", prop="terminalKind")
-            el-select(
-              v-model="UpdateForm.terminalKind",
-              placeholder="请选择终端类型",
-              clearable,
-              class="!w-[230px]"
-            )
-              el-option(:label="item.label", :value="item.Id" v-for="(item,index) in terminalKindOptionList")
-          el-form-item(label='版本号' prop="versionNum")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.versionNum' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入版本号")
-          el-form-item(label='标题' prop="title")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.title' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入标题")
-          el-form-item(label='确定按钮文字' prop="confirmText")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.confirmText' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入确定按钮文字")
-          el-form-item(label='取消按钮文字' prop="cancelText")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.cancelText' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入取消按钮文字")
-          el-form-item(label='更新地址' prop="downloadUrl")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.downloadUrl' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入更新地址")
-      el-tab-pane(label="基本信息" name="2")
-        el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-          el-form-item(label='ID' prop="id")
-            el-input-number(v-model='' :min="1" :max="1000"
-              placeholder="请输入ID")
-    el-button(
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Close)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="closeVisible()"
-    ) 关闭
-    el-button(
-      type="primary",
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Upload)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="submit"
-    ) 确认提交
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-.collapsedom {
-  padding: 0 20px;
-  background-color: #fff;
- {
-  height: 40vh;
-  overflow-y: auto;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 171

@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-import { getRoleList } from "@/api/system";
-import { type PaginationProps } from "@pureadmin/table";
-import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from "element-plus";
-import { reactive, ref, computed, onMounted } from "vue";
-import { getGroupUrl } from "@/utils/getUrl/getUrl"
-import { http } from "@/utils/http";
-// 获取当前板块接口列表
-const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-export function useAppVersion() {
-  let form = reactive({
-      versionNum:"", //版本号
-  title:"", //标题
-  info:"", //更新信息
-  });
-  const dataList = ref([]);
-  const loading = ref(false);
-  const dialogAddVisible = ref(false);
-  const pagination = reactive<PaginationProps>({
-    total: 0,
-    pageSize: 10,
-    currentPage: 1,
-    background: true
-  });
-  const columns: TableColumnList = [
-    {
-      type: "selection",
-      width: 55,
-      align: "left",
-      hide: ({ checkList }) => !checkList.includes("勾选列")
-    },
-    {
-      label: "序号",
-      type: "index",
-      width: 70,
-      hide: ({ checkList }) => !checkList.includes("序号列")
-    },
-    {
-      label: "版本号",
-      prop: "versionNum",
-      minWidth: 200
-    },
-    {
-      label: "标题",
-      prop: "title",
-      minWidth: 200
-    },
-    {
-      label: "更新信息",
-      prop: "info",
-      minWidth: 200
-    },
-    {
-      label: "操作",
-      fixed: "right",
-      width: 200,
-      slot: "operation"
-    }
-  ];
-  // 当前页数量切换
-  function handleSizeChange(val: number) {
-    console.log(`${val} items per page`);
-    onSearch()
-  }
-  // 当前页码切换
-  function handleCurrentChange(val: number) {
-    console.log(`current page: ${val}`);
-    onSearch()
-  }
-  // 选择表格项
-  function handleSelectionChange(val) {
-    console.log("handleSelectionChange", val);
-    onSearch()
-  }
-  // 搜索列表
-  async function onSearch(type = 'search') {
-    if (type === 'all') {
-         form.versionNum = "";
-   form.title = "";
- = "";
-    }
-    // if (type == 'search' && !Object.values(form).some(item => !!item)) {
-    //   return ElMessage({
-    //     message: "请输入查询条件",
-    //     type: "error"
-    //   });
-    // };
-    loading.value = true;
-    const { status, msg, data }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.appVersionlist.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.appVersionlist.url, params: { ...form, PageSize: pagination.pageSize, PageNum: pagination.currentPage }});
-    if (status === 1) {
-      dataList.value = data.records;
- =;
-      setTimeout(() => {
-        loading.value = false;
-      }, 500);
-    } else {
-      ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-        confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-        type: "warning"
-      });
-    }
-  }
-  onMounted(() => {
-    onSearch();
-  });
-  // 删除
-  function handleDelete(row) {
-    ElMessageBox.confirm(
-      `是否删除该app版本管理? `,
-      "提示",
-      {
-        confirmButtonText: "删除",
-        cancelButtonText: "取消",
-        type: "warning"
-      }
-    ).then(async () => {
-      const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.appVersiondelete.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.appVersiondelete.url, params: });
-      if (status === 1) {
-        ElMessage({
-          message: "删除成功",
-          type: "success"
-        });
-        onSearch();
-      } else {
-        ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-        confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-        type: "warning"
-      });
-      };
-    })
-  }
-  // 新增
-  const addVisible = ref(false);
-  function handleAdd() {
-    addVisible.value = true;
-  };
-  // 修改
-  const editUpdateVisible = ref(false);
-  const editUpdateFormData = ref({});
-  function handleUpdate(row) {
-    editUpdateVisible.value = true;
-    // 表格数据赋值
-    editUpdateFormData.value = row;
-  };
-  return {
-    form,
-    loading,
-    columns,
-    dataList,
-    pagination,
-    onSearch,
-    handleSizeChange,
-    handleCurrentChange,
-    handleSelectionChange,
-    handleAdd,
-    addVisible,
-    handleUpdate,
-    editUpdateVisible,
-    editUpdateFormData,
-    handleDelete,
-  };

+ 0 - 169

@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "AppVersion"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { provide, ref } from "vue";
-import { useAppVersion } from "./hook";
-import { hasAuth } from "@/router/utils";
-import { PureTableBar } from "@/components/RePureTableBar";
-import { useRenderIcon } from "@/components/ReIcon/src/hooks";
-import Add from "./components/add/index.vue";
-import EditUpdate from "./components/update/index.vue";
-import Search from "@iconify-icons/ep/search";
-import All from "@iconify-icons/ep/refresh-left";
-import Addicon from "@iconify-icons/ep/document-add";
-const formRef = ref();
-const {
-  form,
-  loading,
-  columns,
-  dataList,
-  pagination,
-  onSearch,
-  handleSizeChange,
-  handleCurrentChange,
-  handleSelectionChange,
-  handleAdd,
-  addVisible,
-  handleUpdate,
-  editUpdateVisible,
-  editUpdateFormData,
-  handleDelete,
-} = useAppVersion();
-// 关闭添加
-const closeAddVisible = () => {
-  addVisible.value = false
-provide('closeAddVisible', closeAddVisible)
-// 关闭修改
-const closeEditUpdateVisible = () => {
-  editUpdateVisible.value = false
-provide('closeEditUpdateVisible', closeEditUpdateVisible)
-<template lang="pug">
-  div
-      label-position="left"
-      label-width="100px"
-      ref="formRef",
-      :inline="true",
-      :model="form",
-      :rules="rules",
-      class="w-[99/100]"
-    )
-      el-form-item(label='版本号' prop="versionNum")
-        el-input(v-model='form.versionNum' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入版本号")
-      el-form-item(label='标题' prop="title")
-        el-input(v-model='form.title' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入标题")
-      el-form-item
-        el-button(
-          type="primary",
-          :icon="useRenderIcon(Search)",
-          :loading="loading",
-          @click="onSearch()"
-        ) 查询
-      el-form-item
-        el-button(
-          type="primary",
-          :icon="useRenderIcon(All)",
-          :loading="loading",
-          @click="onSearch('all')"
-        ) 全部
-    //- 表格组件
-    PureTableBar(title="app版本管理", @refresh="onSearch" )
-      template(#buttons)
-        el-button(type="primary" :icon="useRenderIcon(Addicon)" @click="handleAdd()") 新增
-      template(v-slot="{ size, checkList }")
-        pure-table(stripe 
-          border,
-          align-whole="center",
-          table-layout="auto",
-          :loading="loading",
-          :size="size",
-          :data="dataList",
-          :columns="columns",
-          :checkList="checkList",
-          :pagination="pagination",
-          :paginationSmall="size === 'default' ? true : false",
-          :header-cell-style="{ background: 'var(--el-table-row-hover-bg-color)', color: 'var(--el-text-color-primary)' }",
-          @selection-change="handleSelectionChange",
-          @size-change="handleSizeChange",
-          @current-change="handleCurrentChange"
-        )          
-          template(#operation="{ row }")
-            .flex.flex-wrap.items-center
-              el-dropdown(trigger="click", :hide-on-click="false")
-                el-button(type="primary") 操作
-                  el-icon.el-icon--right
-                    arrow-down
-                template(#dropdown)
-                  el-dropdown-menu
-                    el-dropdown-item
-                      el-button.reset-margin(
-                        link
-                        type="primary"
-                        :size="size"
-                        @click="handleUpdate(row)"
-                        :icon="useRenderIcon(EditPen)"
-                        v-if="hasAuth(['edit'])"
-                      ) 编辑
-                    el-button.reset-margin(
-                      link
-                      type="primary"
-                      :size="size"
-                      @click="handleDelete(row)"
-                      :icon="useRenderIcon(Delete)"
-                      v-if="hasAuth(['delete'])"
-                    ) 删除
-    Add(:addVisible="addVisible")
-    EditUpdate(:editVisible="editUpdateVisible" :formData="editUpdateFormData")
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 143

@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "Add"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { inject, ref } from "vue";
-import { useRenderIcon } from "@/components/ReIcon/src/hooks";
-import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from "element-plus";
-import { http } from "@/utils/http";
-// 获取当前板块接口列表
-import Upload from "@iconify-icons/ri/upload-2-fill";
-import Close from "@iconify-icons/ri/close-fill";
-import { getGroupUrl } from "@/utils/getUrl/getUrl";
-const props = defineProps<{
-  submit: {
-    type: Function;
-    default: () => {};
-  };
-  addVisible: {
-    type: Boolean;
-    default: false;
-  };
-  width: {
-    type: Number;
-    default: 50;
-  };
-// 表单数据
-let UpdateForm = ref({
-  versionNum: "", //更新版本
-  path: "", //路径
-  fileName: "", //文件名
-// 选项卡参数(默认值为列表某项的id)
-const activeId = ref('1')
-// 提交函数
-const submit = async () => {
-  const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-  const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.fileUpdateInfoadd.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.fileUpdateInfoadd.url, params: UpdateForm.value});
-  if (status === 1) {
-    ElMessage({
-      message: "新增成功",
-      type: "success"
-    });
-    UpdateForm.value = {
-      versionNum: "", //更新版本
-      path: "", //路径
-      fileName: "", //文件名
-    };
-    closeVisible();
-  } else {
-    ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-      confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-      type: "warning"
-    });
-  };
-const closeFn: any = inject('closeAddVisible');
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeVisible = () => {
-  UpdateForm.value = {
-    versionNum: "", //更新版本
-    path: "", //路径
-    fileName: "", //文件名
-  };
-  closeFn();
-<template lang="pug">
-  el-dialog(v-model='props.addVisible' width="50%" title="新增" @close="closeVisible()")
-    el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-      el-form-item(label='更新版本' prop="versionNum")
-        el-input-number(v-model='UpdateForm.versionNum' :min="1" :max="1000"
-          placeholder="请输入更新版本")
-      el-form-item(label='路径' prop="path")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.path' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入路径")
-      el-form-item(label='文件名' prop="fileName")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.fileName' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入文件名")
-    el-button(
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Close)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="closeVisible()"
-    ) 关闭
-    el-button(
-      type="primary",
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Upload)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="submit"
-    ) 确认提交
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-.collapsedom {
-  padding: 0 20px;
-  background-color: #fff;
- {
-  height: 40vh;
-  overflow-y: auto;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 156

@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "Edit"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { inject, ref } from "vue";
-import { useRenderIcon } from "@/components/ReIcon/src/hooks";
-import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from "element-plus";
-import Upload from "@iconify-icons/ri/upload-2-fill"
-import Close from "@iconify-icons/ri/close-fill"
-import { http } from "@/utils/http";
-import { getGroupUrl } from "@/utils/getUrl/getUrl";
-const props = defineProps<{
-  editVisible: {
-    type: Boolean;
-    default: false;
-  };
-  width: {
-    type: Number;
-    default: 50;
-  };
-  formData: {
-    type: Object;
-    default: {};
-  };
-// 表单数据
-let UpdateForm: any = ref({
-  versionNum: "", //更新版本
-  path: "", //路径
-  fileName: "", //文件名
-  id: "", //ID
-// 选项卡参数(默认值为列表某项的id)
-const activeId = ref('1')
-// 提交函数
-const submit = async () => {
-  const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-  const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.fileUpdateInfoupdate.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.fileUpdateInfoupdate.url, params: UpdateForm.value});
-  if (status === 1) {
-    ElMessage({
-      message: "修改成功",
-      type: "success"
-    });
-    UpdateForm.value = {
-      versionNum: "", //更新版本
-      path: "", //路径
-      fileName: "", //文件名
-      id: "", //ID
-    };
-    closeVisible();
-  } else {
-    ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-      confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-      type: "warning"
-    });
-  };
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeFn: any = inject('closeEditUpdateVisible');
-const openVisible = async () => {
-  //通过ID获取表格数据
-  const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-  const { status, data }: any = await http.Request({method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.fileUpdateInfoquery.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.fileUpdateInfoquery.url, params: props.formData});
-  if (status === 1) {
-    UpdateForm.value = data;
-  }
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeVisible = () => {
-  UpdateForm.value = {
-    groupName: "", //名称
-    groupRemark: "", //说明
-    groupVersion: "", //版本号
-  };
-  closeFn();
-<template lang="pug">
-  el-dialog(v-model='props.editVisible' width="50%" title="修改" @close="closeVisible()" @open="openVisible")
-    el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-      el-form-item(label='更新版本' prop="versionNum")
-        el-input-number(v-model='UpdateForm.versionNum' :min="1" :max="1000"
-          placeholder="请输入更新版本")
-      el-form-item(label='路径' prop="path")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.path' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入路径")
-      el-form-item(label='文件名' prop="fileName")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.fileName' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入文件名")
-      el-form-item(label='ID' prop="id")
-        el-input-number(v-model='' :min="1" :max="1000"
-          placeholder="请输入ID")
-    el-button(
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Close)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="closeVisible()"
-    ) 关闭
-    el-button(
-      type="primary",
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Upload)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="submit"
-    ) 确认提交
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-.collapsedom {
-  padding: 0 20px;
-  background-color: #fff;
- {
-  height: 40vh;
-  overflow-y: auto;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 157

@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-import { getRoleList } from "@/api/system";
-import { type PaginationProps } from "@pureadmin/table";
-import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from "element-plus";
-import { reactive, ref, computed, onMounted } from "vue";
-import { getGroupUrl } from "@/utils/getUrl/getUrl"
-import { http } from "@/utils/http";
-// 获取当前板块接口列表
-const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-export function useFileUpdateInfo() {
-  let form = reactive({
-      fileName:"", //文件名
-  });
-  const dataList = ref([]);
-  const loading = ref(false);
-  const dialogAddVisible = ref(false);
-  const pagination = reactive<PaginationProps>({
-    total: 0,
-    pageSize: 10,
-    currentPage: 1,
-    background: true
-  });
-  const columns: TableColumnList = [
-    {
-      type: "selection",
-      width: 55,
-      align: "left",
-      hide: ({ checkList }) => !checkList.includes("勾选列")
-    },
-    {
-      label: "序号",
-      type: "index",
-      width: 70,
-      hide: ({ checkList }) => !checkList.includes("序号列")
-    },
-    {
-      label: "文件名",
-      prop: "fileName",
-      minWidth: 200
-    },
-    {
-      label: "操作",
-      fixed: "right",
-      width: 200,
-      slot: "operation"
-    }
-  ];
-  // 当前页数量切换
-  function handleSizeChange(val: number) {
-    console.log(`${val} items per page`);
-    onSearch()
-  }
-  // 当前页码切换
-  function handleCurrentChange(val: number) {
-    console.log(`current page: ${val}`);
-    onSearch()
-  }
-  // 选择表格项
-  function handleSelectionChange(val) {
-    console.log("handleSelectionChange", val);
-    onSearch()
-  }
-  // 搜索列表
-  async function onSearch(type = 'search') {
-    if (type === 'all') {
-         form.fileName = "";
-    }
-    // if (type == 'search' && !Object.values(form).some(item => !!item)) {
-    //   return ElMessage({
-    //     message: "请输入查询条件",
-    //     type: "error"
-    //   });
-    // };
-    loading.value = true;
-    const { status, msg, data }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.fileUpdateInfolist.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.fileUpdateInfolist.url, params: { ...form, PageSize: pagination.pageSize, PageNum: pagination.currentPage }});
-    if (status === 1) {
-      dataList.value = data.records;
- =;
-      setTimeout(() => {
-        loading.value = false;
-      }, 500);
-    } else {
-      ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-        confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-        type: "warning"
-      });
-    }
-  }
-  onMounted(() => {
-    onSearch();
-  });
-  // 删除
-  function handleDelete(row) {
-    ElMessageBox.confirm(
-      `是否删除该资源文件更新信息? `,
-      "提示",
-      {
-        confirmButtonText: "删除",
-        cancelButtonText: "取消",
-        type: "warning"
-      }
-    ).then(async () => {
-      const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.fileUpdateInfodelete.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.fileUpdateInfodelete.url, params: });
-      if (status === 1) {
-        ElMessage({
-          message: "删除成功",
-          type: "success"
-        });
-        onSearch();
-      } else {
-        ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-        confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-        type: "warning"
-      });
-      };
-    })
-  }
-  // 新增
-  const addVisible = ref(false);
-  function handleAdd() {
-    addVisible.value = true;
-  };
-  // 修改
-  const editUpdateVisible = ref(false);
-  const editUpdateFormData = ref({});
-  function handleUpdate(row) {
-    editUpdateVisible.value = true;
-    // 表格数据赋值
-    editUpdateFormData.value = row;
-  };
-  return {
-    form,
-    loading,
-    columns,
-    dataList,
-    pagination,
-    onSearch,
-    handleSizeChange,
-    handleCurrentChange,
-    handleSelectionChange,
-    handleAdd,
-    addVisible,
-    handleUpdate,
-    editUpdateVisible,
-    editUpdateFormData,
-    handleDelete,
-  };

+ 0 - 166

@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "FileUpdateInfo"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { provide, ref } from "vue";
-import { useFileUpdateInfo } from "./hook";
-import { hasAuth } from "@/router/utils";
-import { PureTableBar } from "@/components/RePureTableBar";
-import { useRenderIcon } from "@/components/ReIcon/src/hooks";
-import Add from "./components/add/index.vue";
-import EditUpdate from "./components/update/index.vue";
-import Search from "@iconify-icons/ep/search";
-import All from "@iconify-icons/ep/refresh-left";
-import Addicon from "@iconify-icons/ep/document-add";
-const formRef = ref();
-const {
-  form,
-  loading,
-  columns,
-  dataList,
-  pagination,
-  onSearch,
-  handleSizeChange,
-  handleCurrentChange,
-  handleSelectionChange,
-  handleAdd,
-  addVisible,
-  handleUpdate,
-  editUpdateVisible,
-  editUpdateFormData,
-  handleDelete,
-} = useFileUpdateInfo();
-// 关闭添加
-const closeAddVisible = () => {
-  addVisible.value = false
-provide('closeAddVisible', closeAddVisible)
-// 关闭修改
-const closeEditUpdateVisible = () => {
-  editUpdateVisible.value = false
-provide('closeEditUpdateVisible', closeEditUpdateVisible)
-<template lang="pug">
-  div
-      label-position="left"
-      label-width="100px"
-      ref="formRef",
-      :inline="true",
-      :model="form",
-      :rules="rules",
-      class="w-[99/100]"
-    )
-      el-form-item(label='文件名' prop="fileName")
-        el-input(v-model='form.fileName' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入文件名")
-      el-form-item
-        el-button(
-          type="primary",
-          :icon="useRenderIcon(Search)",
-          :loading="loading",
-          @click="onSearch()"
-        ) 查询
-      el-form-item
-        el-button(
-          type="primary",
-          :icon="useRenderIcon(All)",
-          :loading="loading",
-          @click="onSearch('all')"
-        ) 全部
-    //- 表格组件
-    PureTableBar(title="资源文件更新信息", @refresh="onSearch" )
-      template(#buttons)
-        el-button(type="primary" :icon="useRenderIcon(Addicon)" @click="handleAdd()") 新增
-      template(v-slot="{ size, checkList }")
-        pure-table(stripe 
-          border,
-          align-whole="center",
-          table-layout="auto",
-          :loading="loading",
-          :size="size",
-          :data="dataList",
-          :columns="columns",
-          :checkList="checkList",
-          :pagination="pagination",
-          :paginationSmall="size === 'default' ? true : false",
-          :header-cell-style="{ background: 'var(--el-table-row-hover-bg-color)', color: 'var(--el-text-color-primary)' }",
-          @selection-change="handleSelectionChange",
-          @size-change="handleSizeChange",
-          @current-change="handleCurrentChange"
-        )          
-          template(#operation="{ row }")
-            .flex.flex-wrap.items-center
-              el-dropdown(trigger="click", :hide-on-click="false")
-                el-button(type="primary") 操作
-                  el-icon.el-icon--right
-                    arrow-down
-                template(#dropdown)
-                  el-dropdown-menu
-                    el-dropdown-item
-                      el-button.reset-margin(
-                        link
-                        type="primary"
-                        :size="size"
-                        @click="handleUpdate(row)"
-                        :icon="useRenderIcon(EditPen)"
-                        v-if="hasAuth(['edit'])"
-                      ) 编辑
-                    el-button.reset-margin(
-                      link
-                      type="primary"
-                      :size="size"
-                      @click="handleDelete(row)"
-                      :icon="useRenderIcon(Delete)"
-                      v-if="hasAuth(['delete'])"
-                    ) 删除
-    Add(:addVisible="addVisible")
-    EditUpdate(:editVisible="editUpdateVisible" :formData="editUpdateFormData")
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 238

@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "Add"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { inject, ref } from "vue";
-import { useRenderIcon } from "@/components/ReIcon/src/hooks";
-import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from "element-plus";
-import { http } from "@/utils/http";
-// 获取当前板块接口列表
-import Upload from "@iconify-icons/ri/upload-2-fill";
-import Close from "@iconify-icons/ri/close-fill";
-import { getGroupUrl } from "@/utils/getUrl/getUrl";
-const props = defineProps<{
-  submit: {
-    type: Function;
-    default: () => {};
-  };
-  addVisible: {
-    type: Boolean;
-    default: false;
-  };
-  width: {
-    type: Number;
-    default: 50;
-  };
-// 表单数据
-let UpdateForm = ref({
-  moduleVersion: "", //模板更新版本
-  modulePath: "", //模板路径
-  backgroudColor: "", //背景色
-  textColor: "", //前景色
-  statusBarStyle: "", //苹果状态栏
-  showTitle: "", //是否显示头部
-  title: "", //顶部标题
-  showScrollBar: "", //是否显示滚动条
-  skidFlag: "", //是否侧滑返回
-  leftBtn1: "", //左侧按钮1
-  leftBtn2: "", //左侧按钮2
-  rightBtn1: "", //右侧按钮1
-  rightBtn2: "", //右侧按钮2
-  leftAction1: "", //左侧按钮1点击事件
-  leftAction2: "", //左侧按钮2点击事件
-  rightAction1: "", //右侧按钮1点击事件
-  rightAction2: "", //右侧按钮2点击事件
-  gotoPages: "", //下级页面
-  mustUpdate: "", //是否强制更新
-// 选项卡参数(默认值为列表某项的id)
-const activeId = ref('1')
-// 提交函数
-const submit = async () => {
-  const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-  const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.pageUpdateInfoadd.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.pageUpdateInfoadd.url, params: UpdateForm.value});
-  if (status === 1) {
-    ElMessage({
-      message: "新增成功",
-      type: "success"
-    });
-    UpdateForm.value = {
-      moduleVersion: "", //模板更新版本
-      modulePath: "", //模板路径
-      backgroudColor: "", //背景色
-      textColor: "", //前景色
-      statusBarStyle: "", //苹果状态栏
-      showTitle: "", //是否显示头部
-      title: "", //顶部标题
-      showScrollBar: "", //是否显示滚动条
-      skidFlag: "", //是否侧滑返回
-      leftBtn1: "", //左侧按钮1
-      leftBtn2: "", //左侧按钮2
-      rightBtn1: "", //右侧按钮1
-      rightBtn2: "", //右侧按钮2
-      leftAction1: "", //左侧按钮1点击事件
-      leftAction2: "", //左侧按钮2点击事件
-      rightAction1: "", //右侧按钮1点击事件
-      rightAction2: "", //右侧按钮2点击事件
-      gotoPages: "", //下级页面
-      mustUpdate: "", //是否强制更新
-    };
-    closeVisible();
-  } else {
-    ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-      confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-      type: "warning"
-    });
-  };
-const closeFn: any = inject('closeAddVisible');
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeVisible = () => {
-  UpdateForm.value = {
-    moduleVersion: "", //模板更新版本
-    modulePath: "", //模板路径
-    backgroudColor: "", //背景色
-    textColor: "", //前景色
-    statusBarStyle: "", //苹果状态栏
-    showTitle: "", //是否显示头部
-    title: "", //顶部标题
-    showScrollBar: "", //是否显示滚动条
-    skidFlag: "", //是否侧滑返回
-    leftBtn1: "", //左侧按钮1
-    leftBtn2: "", //左侧按钮2
-    rightBtn1: "", //右侧按钮1
-    rightBtn2: "", //右侧按钮2
-    leftAction1: "", //左侧按钮1点击事件
-    leftAction2: "", //左侧按钮2点击事件
-    rightAction1: "", //右侧按钮1点击事件
-    rightAction2: "", //右侧按钮2点击事件
-    gotoPages: "", //下级页面
-    mustUpdate: "", //是否强制更新
-  };
-  closeFn();
-<template lang="pug">
-  el-dialog(v-model='props.addVisible' width="50%" title="新增" @close="closeVisible()")
-    el-tabs(v-model="activeId" class="demo-tabs" @tab-click="handleClick")
-      el-tab-pane(label="基本信息" name="1")
-        el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-          el-form-item(label='模板更新版本' prop="moduleVersion")
-            el-input-number(v-model='UpdateForm.moduleVersion' :min="1" :max="1000"
-              placeholder="请输入模板更新版本")
-          el-form-item(label='模板路径' prop="modulePath")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.modulePath' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入模板路径")
-          el-form-item(label='背景色' prop="backgroudColor")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.backgroudColor' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入背景色")
-          el-form-item(label='前景色' prop="textColor")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.textColor' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入前景色")
-          el-form-item(label="苹果状态栏", prop="statusBarStyle")
-            el-select(
-              v-model="UpdateForm.statusBarStyle",
-              placeholder="请选择苹果状态栏",
-              clearable,
-              class="!w-[230px]"
-            )
-              el-option(:label="item.label", :value="item.Id" v-for="(item,index) in statusBarStyleOptionList")
-          el-form-item(label='顶部标题' prop="title")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.title' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入顶部标题")
-          el-form-item(label='左侧按钮1' prop="leftBtn1")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.leftBtn1' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入左侧按钮1")
-          el-form-item(label='左侧按钮2' prop="leftBtn2")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.leftBtn2' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入左侧按钮2")
-          el-form-item(label='右侧按钮1' prop="rightBtn1")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.rightBtn1' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入右侧按钮1")
-          el-form-item(label='右侧按钮2' prop="rightBtn2")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.rightBtn2' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入右侧按钮2")
-          el-form-item(label='左侧按钮1点击事件' prop="leftAction1")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.leftAction1' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入左侧按钮1点击事件")
-          el-form-item(label='左侧按钮2点击事件' prop="leftAction2")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.leftAction2' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入左侧按钮2点击事件")
-          el-form-item(label='右侧按钮1点击事件' prop="rightAction1")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.rightAction1' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入右侧按钮1点击事件")
-          el-form-item(label='右侧按钮2点击事件' prop="rightAction2")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.rightAction2' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入右侧按钮2点击事件")
-      el-tab-pane(label="下级页面" name="2")
-        el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-          el-form-item(label="下级页面", prop="gotoPages")
-            el-transfer(v-model="UpdateForm.gotoPages" :data="gotoPagesOptionList")
-      el-tab-pane(label="基本资料" name="3")
-        el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-    el-tabs(v-model="activeId" class="demo-tabs" @tab-click="handleClick")
-    el-button(
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Close)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="closeVisible()"
-    ) 关闭
-    el-button(
-      type="primary",
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Upload)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="submit"
-    ) 确认提交
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-.collapsedom {
-  padding: 0 20px;
-  background-color: #fff;
- {
-  height: 40vh;
-  overflow-y: auto;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 235

@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "Edit"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { inject, ref } from "vue";
-import { useRenderIcon } from "@/components/ReIcon/src/hooks";
-import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from "element-plus";
-import Upload from "@iconify-icons/ri/upload-2-fill"
-import Close from "@iconify-icons/ri/close-fill"
-import { http } from "@/utils/http";
-import { getGroupUrl } from "@/utils/getUrl/getUrl";
-const props = defineProps<{
-  editVisible: {
-    type: Boolean;
-    default: false;
-  };
-  width: {
-    type: Number;
-    default: 50;
-  };
-  formData: {
-    type: Object;
-    default: {};
-  };
-// 表单数据
-let UpdateForm: any = ref({
-  moduleVersion: "", //模板更新版本
-  modulePath: "", //模板路径
-  backgroudColor: "", //背景色
-  textColor: "", //前景色
-  statusBarStyle: "", //苹果状态栏
-  showTitle: "", //是否显示头部
-  title: "", //顶部标题
-  showScrollBar: "", //是否显示滚动条
-  skidFlag: "", //是否侧滑返回
-  leftBtn1: "", //左侧按钮1
-  leftBtn2: "", //左侧按钮2
-  rightBtn1: "", //右侧按钮1
-  rightBtn2: "", //右侧按钮2
-  leftAction1: "", //左侧按钮1点击事件
-  leftAction2: "", //左侧按钮2点击事件
-  rightAction1: "", //右侧按钮1点击事件
-  rightAction2: "", //右侧按钮2点击事件
-  id: "", //ID
-  gotoPages: "", //下级页面
-  mustUpdate: "", //是否强制更新
-// 选项卡参数(默认值为列表某项的id)
-const activeId = ref('1')
-// 提交函数
-const submit = async () => {
-  const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-  const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.pageUpdateInfoupdate.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.pageUpdateInfoupdate.url, params: UpdateForm.value});
-  if (status === 1) {
-    ElMessage({
-      message: "修改成功",
-      type: "success"
-    });
-    UpdateForm.value = {
-      moduleVersion: "", //模板更新版本
-      modulePath: "", //模板路径
-      backgroudColor: "", //背景色
-      textColor: "", //前景色
-      statusBarStyle: "", //苹果状态栏
-      showTitle: "", //是否显示头部
-      title: "", //顶部标题
-      showScrollBar: "", //是否显示滚动条
-      skidFlag: "", //是否侧滑返回
-      leftBtn1: "", //左侧按钮1
-      leftBtn2: "", //左侧按钮2
-      rightBtn1: "", //右侧按钮1
-      rightBtn2: "", //右侧按钮2
-      leftAction1: "", //左侧按钮1点击事件
-      leftAction2: "", //左侧按钮2点击事件
-      rightAction1: "", //右侧按钮1点击事件
-      rightAction2: "", //右侧按钮2点击事件
-      id: "", //ID
-      gotoPages: "", //下级页面
-      mustUpdate: "", //是否强制更新
-    };
-    closeVisible();
-  } else {
-    ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-      confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-      type: "warning"
-    });
-  };
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeFn: any = inject('closeEditUpdateVisible');
-const openVisible = async () => {
-  //通过ID获取表格数据
-  const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-  const { status, data }: any = await http.Request({method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.pageUpdateInfoquery.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.pageUpdateInfoquery.url, params: props.formData});
-  if (status === 1) {
-    UpdateForm.value = data;
-  }
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeVisible = () => {
-  UpdateForm.value = {
-    groupName: "", //名称
-    groupRemark: "", //说明
-    groupVersion: "", //版本号
-  };
-  closeFn();
-<template lang="pug">
-  el-dialog(v-model='props.editVisible' width="50%" title="修改" @close="closeVisible()" @open="openVisible")
-    el-tabs(v-model="activeId" class="demo-tabs" @tab-click="handleClick")
-    el-tabs(v-model="activeId" class="demo-tabs" @tab-click="handleClick")
-      el-tab-pane(label="基本信息" name="1")
-        el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-          el-form-item(label='模板更新版本' prop="moduleVersion")
-            el-input-number(v-model='UpdateForm.moduleVersion' :min="1" :max="1000"
-              placeholder="请输入模板更新版本")
-          el-form-item(label='模板路径' prop="modulePath")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.modulePath' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入模板路径")
-          el-form-item(label='背景色' prop="backgroudColor")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.backgroudColor' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入背景色")
-          el-form-item(label='前景色' prop="textColor")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.textColor' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入前景色")
-          el-form-item(label="苹果状态栏", prop="statusBarStyle")
-            el-select(
-              v-model="UpdateForm.statusBarStyle",
-              placeholder="请选择苹果状态栏",
-              clearable,
-              class="!w-[230px]"
-            )
-              el-option(:label="item.label", :value="item.Id" v-for="(item,index) in statusBarStyleOptionList")
-          el-form-item(label='顶部标题' prop="title")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.title' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入顶部标题")
-          el-form-item(label='左侧按钮1' prop="leftBtn1")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.leftBtn1' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入左侧按钮1")
-          el-form-item(label='左侧按钮2' prop="leftBtn2")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.leftBtn2' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入左侧按钮2")
-          el-form-item(label='右侧按钮1' prop="rightBtn1")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.rightBtn1' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入右侧按钮1")
-          el-form-item(label='右侧按钮2' prop="rightBtn2")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.rightBtn2' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入右侧按钮2")
-          el-form-item(label='左侧按钮1点击事件' prop="leftAction1")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.leftAction1' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入左侧按钮1点击事件")
-          el-form-item(label='左侧按钮2点击事件' prop="leftAction2")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.leftAction2' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入左侧按钮2点击事件")
-          el-form-item(label='右侧按钮1点击事件' prop="rightAction1")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.rightAction1' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入右侧按钮1点击事件")
-          el-form-item(label='右侧按钮2点击事件' prop="rightAction2")
-            el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.rightAction2' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-              placeholder="请输入右侧按钮2点击事件")
-          el-form-item(label='ID' prop="id")
-            el-input-number(v-model='' :min="1" :max="1000"
-              placeholder="请输入ID")
-      el-tab-pane(label="下级页面" name="2")
-        el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-          el-form-item(label="下级页面", prop="gotoPages")
-            el-transfer(v-model="UpdateForm.gotoPages" :data="gotoPagesOptionList")
-      el-tab-pane(label="基本资料" name="3")
-        el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-    el-button(
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Close)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="closeVisible()"
-    ) 关闭
-    el-button(
-      type="primary",
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Upload)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="submit"
-    ) 确认提交
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-.collapsedom {
-  padding: 0 20px;
-  background-color: #fff;
- {
-  height: 40vh;
-  overflow-y: auto;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 157

@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-import { getRoleList } from "@/api/system";
-import { type PaginationProps } from "@pureadmin/table";
-import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from "element-plus";
-import { reactive, ref, computed, onMounted } from "vue";
-import { getGroupUrl } from "@/utils/getUrl/getUrl"
-import { http } from "@/utils/http";
-// 获取当前板块接口列表
-const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-export function usePageUpdateInfo() {
-  let form = reactive({
-      title:"", //顶部标题
-  });
-  const dataList = ref([]);
-  const loading = ref(false);
-  const dialogAddVisible = ref(false);
-  const pagination = reactive<PaginationProps>({
-    total: 0,
-    pageSize: 10,
-    currentPage: 1,
-    background: true
-  });
-  const columns: TableColumnList = [
-    {
-      type: "selection",
-      width: 55,
-      align: "left",
-      hide: ({ checkList }) => !checkList.includes("勾选列")
-    },
-    {
-      label: "序号",
-      type: "index",
-      width: 70,
-      hide: ({ checkList }) => !checkList.includes("序号列")
-    },
-    {
-      label: "顶部标题",
-      prop: "title",
-      minWidth: 200
-    },
-    {
-      label: "操作",
-      fixed: "right",
-      width: 200,
-      slot: "operation"
-    }
-  ];
-  // 当前页数量切换
-  function handleSizeChange(val: number) {
-    console.log(`${val} items per page`);
-    onSearch()
-  }
-  // 当前页码切换
-  function handleCurrentChange(val: number) {
-    console.log(`current page: ${val}`);
-    onSearch()
-  }
-  // 选择表格项
-  function handleSelectionChange(val) {
-    console.log("handleSelectionChange", val);
-    onSearch()
-  }
-  // 搜索列表
-  async function onSearch(type = 'search') {
-    if (type === 'all') {
-         form.title = "";
-    }
-    // if (type == 'search' && !Object.values(form).some(item => !!item)) {
-    //   return ElMessage({
-    //     message: "请输入查询条件",
-    //     type: "error"
-    //   });
-    // };
-    loading.value = true;
-    const { status, msg, data }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.pageUpdateInfolist.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.pageUpdateInfolist.url, params: { ...form, PageSize: pagination.pageSize, PageNum: pagination.currentPage }});
-    if (status === 1) {
-      dataList.value = data.records;
- =;
-      setTimeout(() => {
-        loading.value = false;
-      }, 500);
-    } else {
-      ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-        confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-        type: "warning"
-      });
-    }
-  }
-  onMounted(() => {
-    onSearch();
-  });
-  // 删除
-  function handleDelete(row) {
-    ElMessageBox.confirm(
-      `是否删除该页面模板更新信息? `,
-      "提示",
-      {
-        confirmButtonText: "删除",
-        cancelButtonText: "取消",
-        type: "warning"
-      }
-    ).then(async () => {
-      const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.pageUpdateInfodelete.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.pageUpdateInfodelete.url, params: });
-      if (status === 1) {
-        ElMessage({
-          message: "删除成功",
-          type: "success"
-        });
-        onSearch();
-      } else {
-        ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-        confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-        type: "warning"
-      });
-      };
-    })
-  }
-  // 新增
-  const addVisible = ref(false);
-  function handleAdd() {
-    addVisible.value = true;
-  };
-  // 修改
-  const editUpdateVisible = ref(false);
-  const editUpdateFormData = ref({});
-  function handleUpdate(row) {
-    editUpdateVisible.value = true;
-    // 表格数据赋值
-    editUpdateFormData.value = row;
-  };
-  return {
-    form,
-    loading,
-    columns,
-    dataList,
-    pagination,
-    onSearch,
-    handleSizeChange,
-    handleCurrentChange,
-    handleSelectionChange,
-    handleAdd,
-    addVisible,
-    handleUpdate,
-    editUpdateVisible,
-    editUpdateFormData,
-    handleDelete,
-  };

+ 0 - 166

@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "PageUpdateInfo"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { provide, ref } from "vue";
-import { usePageUpdateInfo } from "./hook";
-import { hasAuth } from "@/router/utils";
-import { PureTableBar } from "@/components/RePureTableBar";
-import { useRenderIcon } from "@/components/ReIcon/src/hooks";
-import Add from "./components/add/index.vue";
-import EditUpdate from "./components/update/index.vue";
-import Search from "@iconify-icons/ep/search";
-import All from "@iconify-icons/ep/refresh-left";
-import Addicon from "@iconify-icons/ep/document-add";
-const formRef = ref();
-const {
-  form,
-  loading,
-  columns,
-  dataList,
-  pagination,
-  onSearch,
-  handleSizeChange,
-  handleCurrentChange,
-  handleSelectionChange,
-  handleAdd,
-  addVisible,
-  handleUpdate,
-  editUpdateVisible,
-  editUpdateFormData,
-  handleDelete,
-} = usePageUpdateInfo();
-// 关闭添加
-const closeAddVisible = () => {
-  addVisible.value = false
-provide('closeAddVisible', closeAddVisible)
-// 关闭修改
-const closeEditUpdateVisible = () => {
-  editUpdateVisible.value = false
-provide('closeEditUpdateVisible', closeEditUpdateVisible)
-<template lang="pug">
-  div
-      label-position="left"
-      label-width="100px"
-      ref="formRef",
-      :inline="true",
-      :model="form",
-      :rules="rules",
-      class="w-[99/100]"
-    )
-      el-form-item(label='顶部标题' prop="title")
-        el-input(v-model='form.title' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入顶部标题")
-      el-form-item
-        el-button(
-          type="primary",
-          :icon="useRenderIcon(Search)",
-          :loading="loading",
-          @click="onSearch()"
-        ) 查询
-      el-form-item
-        el-button(
-          type="primary",
-          :icon="useRenderIcon(All)",
-          :loading="loading",
-          @click="onSearch('all')"
-        ) 全部
-    //- 表格组件
-    PureTableBar(title="页面模板更新信息", @refresh="onSearch" )
-      template(#buttons)
-        el-button(type="primary" :icon="useRenderIcon(Addicon)" @click="handleAdd()") 新增
-      template(v-slot="{ size, checkList }")
-        pure-table(stripe 
-          border,
-          align-whole="center",
-          table-layout="auto",
-          :loading="loading",
-          :size="size",
-          :data="dataList",
-          :columns="columns",
-          :checkList="checkList",
-          :pagination="pagination",
-          :paginationSmall="size === 'default' ? true : false",
-          :header-cell-style="{ background: 'var(--el-table-row-hover-bg-color)', color: 'var(--el-text-color-primary)' }",
-          @selection-change="handleSelectionChange",
-          @size-change="handleSizeChange",
-          @current-change="handleCurrentChange"
-        )          
-          template(#operation="{ row }")
-            .flex.flex-wrap.items-center
-              el-dropdown(trigger="click", :hide-on-click="false")
-                el-button(type="primary") 操作
-                  el-icon.el-icon--right
-                    arrow-down
-                template(#dropdown)
-                  el-dropdown-menu
-                    el-dropdown-item
-                      el-button.reset-margin(
-                        link
-                        type="primary"
-                        :size="size"
-                        @click="handleUpdate(row)"
-                        :icon="useRenderIcon(EditPen)"
-                        v-if="hasAuth(['edit'])"
-                      ) 编辑
-                    el-button.reset-margin(
-                      link
-                      type="primary"
-                      :size="size"
-                      @click="handleDelete(row)"
-                      :icon="useRenderIcon(Delete)"
-                      v-if="hasAuth(['delete'])"
-                    ) 删除
-    Add(:addVisible="addVisible")
-    EditUpdate(:editVisible="editUpdateVisible" :formData="editUpdateFormData")
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 143

@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "Add"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { inject, ref } from "vue";
-import { useRenderIcon } from "@/components/ReIcon/src/hooks";
-import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from "element-plus";
-import { http } from "@/utils/http";
-// 获取当前板块接口列表
-import Upload from "@iconify-icons/ri/upload-2-fill";
-import Close from "@iconify-icons/ri/close-fill";
-import { getGroupUrl } from "@/utils/getUrl/getUrl";
-const props = defineProps<{
-  submit: {
-    type: Function;
-    default: () => {};
-  };
-  addVisible: {
-    type: Boolean;
-    default: false;
-  };
-  width: {
-    type: Number;
-    default: 50;
-  };
-// 表单数据
-let UpdateForm = ref({
-  dictType: "", //字典类型
-  description: "", //描述
-  remarks: "", //备注信息
-// 选项卡参数(默认值为列表某项的id)
-const activeId = ref('1')
-// 提交函数
-const submit = async () => {
-  const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-  const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.sysDictadd.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.sysDictadd.url, params: UpdateForm.value});
-  if (status === 1) {
-    ElMessage({
-      message: "新增成功",
-      type: "success"
-    });
-    UpdateForm.value = {
-      dictType: "", //字典类型
-      description: "", //描述
-      remarks: "", //备注信息
-    };
-    closeVisible();
-  } else {
-    ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-      confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-      type: "warning"
-    });
-  };
-const closeFn: any = inject('closeAddVisible');
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeVisible = () => {
-  UpdateForm.value = {
-    dictType: "", //字典类型
-    description: "", //描述
-    remarks: "", //备注信息
-  };
-  closeFn();
-<template lang="pug">
-  el-dialog(v-model='props.addVisible' width="50%" title="新增" @close="closeVisible()")
-    el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-      el-form-item(label='字典类型' prop="dictType")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.dictType' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入字典类型")
-      el-form-item(label='描述' prop="description")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.description' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入描述")
-      el-form-item(label='备注信息' prop="remarks")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.remarks' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入备注信息")
-    el-button(
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Close)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="closeVisible()"
-    ) 关闭
-    el-button(
-      type="primary",
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Upload)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="submit"
-    ) 确认提交
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-.collapsedom {
-  padding: 0 20px;
-  background-color: #fff;
- {
-  height: 40vh;
-  overflow-y: auto;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 156

@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "Edit"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { inject, ref } from "vue";
-import { useRenderIcon } from "@/components/ReIcon/src/hooks";
-import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from "element-plus";
-import Upload from "@iconify-icons/ri/upload-2-fill"
-import Close from "@iconify-icons/ri/close-fill"
-import { http } from "@/utils/http";
-import { getGroupUrl } from "@/utils/getUrl/getUrl";
-const props = defineProps<{
-  editVisible: {
-    type: Boolean;
-    default: false;
-  };
-  width: {
-    type: Number;
-    default: 50;
-  };
-  formData: {
-    type: Object;
-    default: {};
-  };
-// 表单数据
-let UpdateForm: any = ref({
-  id: "", //编号
-  dictType: "", //字典类型
-  description: "", //描述
-  remarks: "", //备注信息
-// 选项卡参数(默认值为列表某项的id)
-const activeId = ref('1')
-// 提交函数
-const submit = async () => {
-  const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-  const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.sysDictupdate.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.sysDictupdate.url, params: UpdateForm.value});
-  if (status === 1) {
-    ElMessage({
-      message: "修改成功",
-      type: "success"
-    });
-    UpdateForm.value = {
-      id: "", //编号
-      dictType: "", //字典类型
-      description: "", //描述
-      remarks: "", //备注信息
-    };
-    closeVisible();
-  } else {
-    ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-      confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-      type: "warning"
-    });
-  };
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeFn: any = inject('closeEditUpdateVisible');
-const openVisible = async () => {
-  //通过ID获取表格数据
-  const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-  const { status, data }: any = await http.Request({method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.sysDictquery.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.sysDictquery.url, params: props.formData});
-  if (status === 1) {
-    UpdateForm.value = data;
-  }
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeVisible = () => {
-  UpdateForm.value = {
-    groupName: "", //名称
-    groupRemark: "", //说明
-    groupVersion: "", //版本号
-  };
-  closeFn();
-<template lang="pug">
-  el-dialog(v-model='props.editVisible' width="50%" title="修改" @close="closeVisible()" @open="openVisible")
-    el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-      el-form-item(label='编号' prop="id")
-        el-input(v-model='' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入编号")
-      el-form-item(label='字典类型' prop="dictType")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.dictType' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入字典类型")
-      el-form-item(label='描述' prop="description")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.description' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入描述")
-      el-form-item(label='备注信息' prop="remarks")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.remarks' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入备注信息")
-    el-button(
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Close)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="closeVisible()"
-    ) 关闭
-    el-button(
-      type="primary",
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Upload)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="submit"
-    ) 确认提交
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-.collapsedom {
-  padding: 0 20px;
-  background-color: #fff;
- {
-  height: 40vh;
-  overflow-y: auto;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 164

@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-import { getRoleList } from "@/api/system";
-import { type PaginationProps } from "@pureadmin/table";
-import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from "element-plus";
-import { reactive, ref, computed, onMounted } from "vue";
-import { getGroupUrl } from "@/utils/getUrl/getUrl"
-import { http } from "@/utils/http";
-// 获取当前板块接口列表
-const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-export function useSysDict() {
-  let form = reactive({
-      dictType:"", //字典类型
-  description:"", //描述
-  });
-  const dataList = ref([]);
-  const loading = ref(false);
-  const dialogAddVisible = ref(false);
-  const pagination = reactive<PaginationProps>({
-    total: 0,
-    pageSize: 10,
-    currentPage: 1,
-    background: true
-  });
-  const columns: TableColumnList = [
-    {
-      type: "selection",
-      width: 55,
-      align: "left",
-      hide: ({ checkList }) => !checkList.includes("勾选列")
-    },
-    {
-      label: "序号",
-      type: "index",
-      width: 70,
-      hide: ({ checkList }) => !checkList.includes("序号列")
-    },
-    {
-      label: "字典类型",
-      prop: "dictType",
-      minWidth: 200
-    },
-    {
-      label: "描述",
-      prop: "description",
-      minWidth: 200
-    },
-    {
-      label: "操作",
-      fixed: "right",
-      width: 200,
-      slot: "operation"
-    }
-  ];
-  // 当前页数量切换
-  function handleSizeChange(val: number) {
-    console.log(`${val} items per page`);
-    onSearch()
-  }
-  // 当前页码切换
-  function handleCurrentChange(val: number) {
-    console.log(`current page: ${val}`);
-    onSearch()
-  }
-  // 选择表格项
-  function handleSelectionChange(val) {
-    console.log("handleSelectionChange", val);
-    onSearch()
-  }
-  // 搜索列表
-  async function onSearch(type = 'search') {
-    if (type === 'all') {
-         form.dictType = "";
-   form.description = "";
-    }
-    // if (type == 'search' && !Object.values(form).some(item => !!item)) {
-    //   return ElMessage({
-    //     message: "请输入查询条件",
-    //     type: "error"
-    //   });
-    // };
-    loading.value = true;
-    const { status, msg, data }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.sysDictlist.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.sysDictlist.url, params: { ...form, PageSize: pagination.pageSize, PageNum: pagination.currentPage }});
-    if (status === 1) {
-      dataList.value = data.records;
- =;
-      setTimeout(() => {
-        loading.value = false;
-      }, 500);
-    } else {
-      ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-        confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-        type: "warning"
-      });
-    }
-  }
-  onMounted(() => {
-    onSearch();
-  });
-  // 删除
-  function handleDelete(row) {
-    ElMessageBox.confirm(
-      `是否删除该字典表? `,
-      "提示",
-      {
-        confirmButtonText: "删除",
-        cancelButtonText: "取消",
-        type: "warning"
-      }
-    ).then(async () => {
-      const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.sysDictdelete.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.sysDictdelete.url, params: });
-      if (status === 1) {
-        ElMessage({
-          message: "删除成功",
-          type: "success"
-        });
-        onSearch();
-      } else {
-        ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-        confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-        type: "warning"
-      });
-      };
-    })
-  }
-  // 新增
-  const addVisible = ref(false);
-  function handleAdd() {
-    addVisible.value = true;
-  };
-  // 修改
-  const editUpdateVisible = ref(false);
-  const editUpdateFormData = ref({});
-  function handleUpdate(row) {
-    editUpdateVisible.value = true;
-    // 表格数据赋值
-    editUpdateFormData.value = row;
-  };
-  return {
-    form,
-    loading,
-    columns,
-    dataList,
-    pagination,
-    onSearch,
-    handleSizeChange,
-    handleCurrentChange,
-    handleSelectionChange,
-    handleAdd,
-    addVisible,
-    handleUpdate,
-    editUpdateVisible,
-    editUpdateFormData,
-    handleDelete,
-  };

+ 0 - 169

@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "SysDict"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { provide, ref } from "vue";
-import { useSysDict } from "./hook";
-import { hasAuth } from "@/router/utils";
-import { PureTableBar } from "@/components/RePureTableBar";
-import { useRenderIcon } from "@/components/ReIcon/src/hooks";
-import Add from "./components/add/index.vue";
-import EditUpdate from "./components/update/index.vue";
-import Search from "@iconify-icons/ep/search";
-import All from "@iconify-icons/ep/refresh-left";
-import Addicon from "@iconify-icons/ep/document-add";
-const formRef = ref();
-const {
-  form,
-  loading,
-  columns,
-  dataList,
-  pagination,
-  onSearch,
-  handleSizeChange,
-  handleCurrentChange,
-  handleSelectionChange,
-  handleAdd,
-  addVisible,
-  handleUpdate,
-  editUpdateVisible,
-  editUpdateFormData,
-  handleDelete,
-} = useSysDict();
-// 关闭添加
-const closeAddVisible = () => {
-  addVisible.value = false
-provide('closeAddVisible', closeAddVisible)
-// 关闭修改
-const closeEditUpdateVisible = () => {
-  editUpdateVisible.value = false
-provide('closeEditUpdateVisible', closeEditUpdateVisible)
-<template lang="pug">
-  div
-      label-position="left"
-      label-width="100px"
-      ref="formRef",
-      :inline="true",
-      :model="form",
-      :rules="rules",
-      class="w-[99/100]"
-    )
-      el-form-item(label='字典类型' prop="dictType")
-        el-input(v-model='form.dictType' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入字典类型")
-      el-form-item(label='描述' prop="description")
-        el-input(v-model='form.description' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入描述")
-      el-form-item
-        el-button(
-          type="primary",
-          :icon="useRenderIcon(Search)",
-          :loading="loading",
-          @click="onSearch()"
-        ) 查询
-      el-form-item
-        el-button(
-          type="primary",
-          :icon="useRenderIcon(All)",
-          :loading="loading",
-          @click="onSearch('all')"
-        ) 全部
-    //- 表格组件
-    PureTableBar(title="字典表", @refresh="onSearch" )
-      template(#buttons)
-        el-button(type="primary" :icon="useRenderIcon(Addicon)" @click="handleAdd()") 新增
-      template(v-slot="{ size, checkList }")
-        pure-table(stripe 
-          border,
-          align-whole="center",
-          table-layout="auto",
-          :loading="loading",
-          :size="size",
-          :data="dataList",
-          :columns="columns",
-          :checkList="checkList",
-          :pagination="pagination",
-          :paginationSmall="size === 'default' ? true : false",
-          :header-cell-style="{ background: 'var(--el-table-row-hover-bg-color)', color: 'var(--el-text-color-primary)' }",
-          @selection-change="handleSelectionChange",
-          @size-change="handleSizeChange",
-          @current-change="handleCurrentChange"
-        )          
-          template(#operation="{ row }")
-            .flex.flex-wrap.items-center
-              el-dropdown(trigger="click", :hide-on-click="false")
-                el-button(type="primary") 操作
-                  el-icon.el-icon--right
-                    arrow-down
-                template(#dropdown)
-                  el-dropdown-menu
-                    el-dropdown-item
-                      el-button.reset-margin(
-                        link
-                        type="primary"
-                        :size="size"
-                        @click="handleUpdate(row)"
-                        :icon="useRenderIcon(EditPen)"
-                        v-if="hasAuth(['edit'])"
-                      ) 编辑
-                    el-button.reset-margin(
-                      link
-                      type="primary"
-                      :size="size"
-                      @click="handleDelete(row)"
-                      :icon="useRenderIcon(Delete)"
-                      v-if="hasAuth(['delete'])"
-                    ) 删除
-    Add(:addVisible="addVisible")
-    EditUpdate(:editVisible="editUpdateVisible" :formData="editUpdateFormData")
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 167

@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "Add"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { inject, ref } from "vue";
-import { useRenderIcon } from "@/components/ReIcon/src/hooks";
-import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from "element-plus";
-import { http } from "@/utils/http";
-// 获取当前板块接口列表
-import Upload from "@iconify-icons/ri/upload-2-fill";
-import Close from "@iconify-icons/ri/close-fill";
-import { getGroupUrl } from "@/utils/getUrl/getUrl";
-const props = defineProps<{
-  submit: {
-    type: Function;
-    default: () => {};
-  };
-  addVisible: {
-    type: Boolean;
-    default: false;
-  };
-  width: {
-    type: Number;
-    default: 50;
-  };
-// 表单数据
-let UpdateForm = ref({
-  dictId: "", //字典ID
-  itemValue: "", //字典项值
-  label: "", //字典项名称
-  dictType: "", //字典类型
-  description: "", //字典项描述
-  sortOrder: "", //排序(升序)
-  remarks: "", //备注信息
-// 选项卡参数(默认值为列表某项的id)
-const activeId = ref('1')
-// 提交函数
-const submit = async () => {
-  const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-  const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.sysDictItemadd.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.sysDictItemadd.url, params: UpdateForm.value});
-  if (status === 1) {
-    ElMessage({
-      message: "新增成功",
-      type: "success"
-    });
-    UpdateForm.value = {
-      dictId: "", //字典ID
-      itemValue: "", //字典项值
-      label: "", //字典项名称
-      dictType: "", //字典类型
-      description: "", //字典项描述
-      sortOrder: "", //排序(升序)
-      remarks: "", //备注信息
-    };
-    closeVisible();
-  } else {
-    ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-      confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-      type: "warning"
-    });
-  };
-const closeFn: any = inject('closeAddVisible');
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeVisible = () => {
-  UpdateForm.value = {
-    dictId: "", //字典ID
-    itemValue: "", //字典项值
-    label: "", //字典项名称
-    dictType: "", //字典类型
-    description: "", //字典项描述
-    sortOrder: "", //排序(升序)
-    remarks: "", //备注信息
-  };
-  closeFn();
-<template lang="pug">
-  el-dialog(v-model='props.addVisible' width="50%" title="新增" @close="closeVisible()")
-    el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-      el-form-item(label='字典ID' prop="dictId")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.dictId' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入字典ID")
-      el-form-item(label='字典项值' prop="itemValue")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.itemValue' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入字典项值")
-      el-form-item(label='字典项名称' prop="label")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.label' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入字典项名称")
-      el-form-item(label='字典类型' prop="dictType")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.dictType' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入字典类型")
-      el-form-item(label='字典项描述' prop="description")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.description' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入字典项描述")
-      el-form-item(label='排序(升序)' prop="sortOrder")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.sortOrder' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入排序(升序)")
-      el-form-item(label='备注信息' prop="remarks")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.remarks' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入备注信息")
-    el-button(
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Close)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="closeVisible()"
-    ) 关闭
-    el-button(
-      type="primary",
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Upload)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="submit"
-    ) 确认提交
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-.collapsedom {
-  padding: 0 20px;
-  background-color: #fff;
- {
-  height: 40vh;
-  overflow-y: auto;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 176

@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "Edit"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { inject, ref } from "vue";
-import { useRenderIcon } from "@/components/ReIcon/src/hooks";
-import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from "element-plus";
-import Upload from "@iconify-icons/ri/upload-2-fill"
-import Close from "@iconify-icons/ri/close-fill"
-import { http } from "@/utils/http";
-import { getGroupUrl } from "@/utils/getUrl/getUrl";
-const props = defineProps<{
-  editVisible: {
-    type: Boolean;
-    default: false;
-  };
-  width: {
-    type: Number;
-    default: 50;
-  };
-  formData: {
-    type: Object;
-    default: {};
-  };
-// 表单数据
-let UpdateForm: any = ref({
-  id: "", //编号
-  dictId: "", //字典ID
-  itemValue: "", //字典项值
-  label: "", //字典项名称
-  dictType: "", //字典类型
-  description: "", //字典项描述
-  sortOrder: "", //排序(升序)
-  remarks: "", //备注信息
-// 选项卡参数(默认值为列表某项的id)
-const activeId = ref('1')
-// 提交函数
-const submit = async () => {
-  const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-  const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.sysDictItemupdate.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.sysDictItemupdate.url, params: UpdateForm.value});
-  if (status === 1) {
-    ElMessage({
-      message: "修改成功",
-      type: "success"
-    });
-    UpdateForm.value = {
-      id: "", //编号
-      dictId: "", //字典ID
-      itemValue: "", //字典项值
-      label: "", //字典项名称
-      dictType: "", //字典类型
-      description: "", //字典项描述
-      sortOrder: "", //排序(升序)
-      remarks: "", //备注信息
-    };
-    closeVisible();
-  } else {
-    ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-      confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-      type: "warning"
-    });
-  };
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeFn: any = inject('closeEditUpdateVisible');
-const openVisible = async () => {
-  //通过ID获取表格数据
-  const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-  const { status, data }: any = await http.Request({method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.sysDictItemquery.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.sysDictItemquery.url, params: props.formData});
-  if (status === 1) {
-    UpdateForm.value = data;
-  }
-// 关闭弹窗回调函数
-const closeVisible = () => {
-  UpdateForm.value = {
-    groupName: "", //名称
-    groupRemark: "", //说明
-    groupVersion: "", //版本号
-  };
-  closeFn();
-<template lang="pug">
-  el-dialog(v-model='props.editVisible' width="50%" title="修改" @close="closeVisible()" @open="openVisible")
-    el-form(:model='UpdateForm' label-position="right" label-width="100px")
-      el-form-item(label='编号' prop="id")
-        el-input(v-model='' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入编号")
-      el-form-item(label='字典ID' prop="dictId")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.dictId' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入字典ID")
-      el-form-item(label='字典项值' prop="itemValue")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.itemValue' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入字典项值")
-      el-form-item(label='字典项名称' prop="label")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.label' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入字典项名称")
-      el-form-item(label='字典类型' prop="dictType")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.dictType' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入字典类型")
-      el-form-item(label='字典项描述' prop="description")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.description' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入字典项描述")
-      el-form-item(label='排序(升序)' prop="sortOrder")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.sortOrder' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入排序(升序)")
-      el-form-item(label='备注信息' prop="remarks")
-        el-input(v-model='UpdateForm.remarks' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入备注信息")
-    el-button(
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Close)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="closeVisible()"
-    ) 关闭
-    el-button(
-      type="primary",
-      :icon="useRenderIcon(Upload)",
-      :loading="loading",
-      @click="submit"
-    ) 确认提交
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-.collapsedom {
-  padding: 0 20px;
-  background-color: #fff;
- {
-  height: 40vh;
-  overflow-y: auto;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;

+ 0 - 171

@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-import { getRoleList } from "@/api/system";
-import { type PaginationProps } from "@pureadmin/table";
-import { ElMessage, ElMessageBox } from "element-plus";
-import { reactive, ref, computed, onMounted } from "vue";
-import { getGroupUrl } from "@/utils/getUrl/getUrl"
-import { http } from "@/utils/http";
-// 获取当前板块接口列表
-const UrlList = await getGroupUrl(['kxsConfigServer']);
-export function useSysDictItem() {
-  let form = reactive({
-      dictId:"", //字典ID
-  label:"", //字典项名称
-  description:"", //字典项描述
-  });
-  const dataList = ref([]);
-  const loading = ref(false);
-  const dialogAddVisible = ref(false);
-  const pagination = reactive<PaginationProps>({
-    total: 0,
-    pageSize: 10,
-    currentPage: 1,
-    background: true
-  });
-  const columns: TableColumnList = [
-    {
-      type: "selection",
-      width: 55,
-      align: "left",
-      hide: ({ checkList }) => !checkList.includes("勾选列")
-    },
-    {
-      label: "序号",
-      type: "index",
-      width: 70,
-      hide: ({ checkList }) => !checkList.includes("序号列")
-    },
-    {
-      label: "字典ID",
-      prop: "dictId",
-      minWidth: 200
-    },
-    {
-      label: "字典项名称",
-      prop: "label",
-      minWidth: 200
-    },
-    {
-      label: "字典项描述",
-      prop: "description",
-      minWidth: 200
-    },
-    {
-      label: "操作",
-      fixed: "right",
-      width: 200,
-      slot: "operation"
-    }
-  ];
-  // 当前页数量切换
-  function handleSizeChange(val: number) {
-    console.log(`${val} items per page`);
-    onSearch()
-  }
-  // 当前页码切换
-  function handleCurrentChange(val: number) {
-    console.log(`current page: ${val}`);
-    onSearch()
-  }
-  // 选择表格项
-  function handleSelectionChange(val) {
-    console.log("handleSelectionChange", val);
-    onSearch()
-  }
-  // 搜索列表
-  async function onSearch(type = 'search') {
-    if (type === 'all') {
-         form.dictId = "";
-   form.label = "";
-   form.description = "";
-    }
-    // if (type == 'search' && !Object.values(form).some(item => !!item)) {
-    //   return ElMessage({
-    //     message: "请输入查询条件",
-    //     type: "error"
-    //   });
-    // };
-    loading.value = true;
-    const { status, msg, data }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.sysDictItemlist.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.sysDictItemlist.url, params: { ...form, PageSize: pagination.pageSize, PageNum: pagination.currentPage }});
-    if (status === 1) {
-      dataList.value = data.records;
- =;
-      setTimeout(() => {
-        loading.value = false;
-      }, 500);
-    } else {
-      ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-        confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-        type: "warning"
-      });
-    }
-  }
-  onMounted(() => {
-    onSearch();
-  });
-  // 删除
-  function handleDelete(row) {
-    ElMessageBox.confirm(
-      `是否删除该字典项? `,
-      "提示",
-      {
-        confirmButtonText: "删除",
-        cancelButtonText: "取消",
-        type: "warning"
-      }
-    ).then(async () => {
-      const { status, msg }: any = await http.Request({ method: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.sysDictItemdelete.method, url: UrlList.kxsConfigServer.sysDictItemdelete.url, params: });
-      if (status === 1) {
-        ElMessage({
-          message: "删除成功",
-          type: "success"
-        });
-        onSearch();
-      } else {
-        ElMessageBox.alert(msg, "提示", {
-        confirmButtonText: "关闭",
-        type: "warning"
-      });
-      };
-    })
-  }
-  // 新增
-  const addVisible = ref(false);
-  function handleAdd() {
-    addVisible.value = true;
-  };
-  // 修改
-  const editUpdateVisible = ref(false);
-  const editUpdateFormData = ref({});
-  function handleUpdate(row) {
-    editUpdateVisible.value = true;
-    // 表格数据赋值
-    editUpdateFormData.value = row;
-  };
-  return {
-    form,
-    loading,
-    columns,
-    dataList,
-    pagination,
-    onSearch,
-    handleSizeChange,
-    handleCurrentChange,
-    handleSelectionChange,
-    handleAdd,
-    addVisible,
-    handleUpdate,
-    editUpdateVisible,
-    editUpdateFormData,
-    handleDelete,
-  };

+ 0 - 172

@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-<script lang="ts">
-// 声明额外的选项
-export default {
-  name: "SysDictItem"
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { provide, ref } from "vue";
-import { useSysDictItem } from "./hook";
-import { hasAuth } from "@/router/utils";
-import { PureTableBar } from "@/components/RePureTableBar";
-import { useRenderIcon } from "@/components/ReIcon/src/hooks";
-import Add from "./components/add/index.vue";
-import EditUpdate from "./components/update/index.vue";
-import Search from "@iconify-icons/ep/search";
-import All from "@iconify-icons/ep/refresh-left";
-import Addicon from "@iconify-icons/ep/document-add";
-const formRef = ref();
-const {
-  form,
-  loading,
-  columns,
-  dataList,
-  pagination,
-  onSearch,
-  handleSizeChange,
-  handleCurrentChange,
-  handleSelectionChange,
-  handleAdd,
-  addVisible,
-  handleUpdate,
-  editUpdateVisible,
-  editUpdateFormData,
-  handleDelete,
-} = useSysDictItem();
-// 关闭添加
-const closeAddVisible = () => {
-  addVisible.value = false
-provide('closeAddVisible', closeAddVisible)
-// 关闭修改
-const closeEditUpdateVisible = () => {
-  editUpdateVisible.value = false
-provide('closeEditUpdateVisible', closeEditUpdateVisible)
-<template lang="pug">
-  div
-      label-position="left"
-      label-width="100px"
-      ref="formRef",
-      :inline="true",
-      :model="form",
-      :rules="rules",
-      class="w-[99/100]"
-    )
-      el-form-item(label='字典ID' prop="dictId")
-        el-input(v-model='form.dictId' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入字典ID")
-      el-form-item(label='字典项名称' prop="label")
-        el-input(v-model='form.label' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入字典项名称")
-      el-form-item(label='字典项描述' prop="description")
-        el-input(v-model='form.description' autocomplete='off' class="!w-[230px]"
-          placeholder="请输入字典项描述")
-      el-form-item
-        el-button(
-          type="primary",
-          :icon="useRenderIcon(Search)",
-          :loading="loading",
-          @click="onSearch()"
-        ) 查询
-      el-form-item
-        el-button(
-          type="primary",
-          :icon="useRenderIcon(All)",
-          :loading="loading",
-          @click="onSearch('all')"
-        ) 全部
-    //- 表格组件
-    PureTableBar(title="字典项", @refresh="onSearch" )
-      template(#buttons)
-        el-button(type="primary" :icon="useRenderIcon(Addicon)" @click="handleAdd()") 新增
-      template(v-slot="{ size, checkList }")
-        pure-table(stripe 
-          border,
-          align-whole="center",
-          table-layout="auto",
-          :loading="loading",
-          :size="size",
-          :data="dataList",
-          :columns="columns",
-          :checkList="checkList",
-          :pagination="pagination",
-          :paginationSmall="size === 'default' ? true : false",
-          :header-cell-style="{ background: 'var(--el-table-row-hover-bg-color)', color: 'var(--el-text-color-primary)' }",
-          @selection-change="handleSelectionChange",
-          @size-change="handleSizeChange",
-          @current-change="handleCurrentChange"
-        )          
-          template(#operation="{ row }")
-            .flex.flex-wrap.items-center
-              el-dropdown(trigger="click", :hide-on-click="false")
-                el-button(type="primary") 操作
-                  el-icon.el-icon--right
-                    arrow-down
-                template(#dropdown)
-                  el-dropdown-menu
-                    el-dropdown-item
-                      el-button.reset-margin(
-                        link
-                        type="primary"
-                        :size="size"
-                        @click="handleUpdate(row)"
-                        :icon="useRenderIcon(EditPen)"
-                        v-if="hasAuth(['edit'])"
-                      ) 编辑
-                    el-button.reset-margin(
-                      link
-                      type="primary"
-                      :size="size"
-                      @click="handleDelete(row)"
-                      :icon="useRenderIcon(Delete)"
-                      v-if="hasAuth(['delete'])"
-                    ) 删除
-    Add(:addVisible="addVisible")
-    EditUpdate(:editVisible="editUpdateVisible" :formData="editUpdateFormData")
-<style scoped lang="scss">
-:deep(.el-dropdown-menu__item i) {
-  margin: 0;
-:deep(.el-form-item__label) {
-  font-weight: 700;
-:deep(.el-pagination) {
-  flex-flow: wrap;
-:deep(.is-draggable) {
-  max-height: 80vh;
-  overflow: auto;
-:deep(.el-dialog__header) {
-  position: sticky;
-  top: 0;
-  z-index: 2;
-  background: #fff;
-:deep(.el-descriptions__header) {
-  margin: 16px 0 !important;