
**English** | [中文](./
## Introduction
`vue-pure-admin` is an open source free and out-of-the-box middle and background management system template. Developed using the latest mainstream technologies such as `Vue3`, `Vite`, `Element-Plus`, `TypeScript`, `Pinia`, `Tailwindcss`
## Thin version (offering non-internationalized and internationalized versions)
The simplified version is based on the shelf extracted from [vue-pure-admin](, which contains main functions and is more suitable for actual project development. The packaged size is introduced globally [element-plus]( is still below `2.3MB`, and the full version of the code will be permanently synchronized. After enabling `brotli` compression and `cdn` to replace the local library mode, the package size is less than `350kb`
- [Click me to view the non-internationalized version](
- [Click me to view Internationalization version](
## Supporting Video
- [Click Watch Tutorial](
- [Click Watch UI Design](
## Docs (support `PWA` fast, offline access)
- [Click me to view the domestic documentation site](
- [Click me to view foreign document site](
## Tauri
- [Click Watch Tauri](
## Electron
- [Click Watch Electron](
## Preview
- [Click me to view the domestic preview station](
- [Click me to view foreign preview site](
- PC
- DarkMode
- Mobile
### Use Gitpod
Open the project in Gitpod (free online dev environment for GitHub) and start coding immediately.
## Install and use
- Get the project code
git clone
git clone
- Installation dependencies
cd vue-pure-admin
pnpm install
- run
pnpm serve
- build
pnpm build
## Change Log
## How to contribute
You are very welcome to join Or submit a Pull Request
**Pull Request:**
1. Fork code!
2. Create your own branch: `git checkout -b feat/xxxx`
3. Submit your changes: `git commit -am 'feat(function): add xxxxx'`
4. Push your branch: `git push origin feat/xxxx`
5. submit`pull request`
## Git Contribution submission specification
- reference [vue]( specification ([Angular](
- `feat` Add new features
- `fix` Fix the problem/BUG
- `style` The code style is related and does not affect the running result
- `perf` Optimization/performance improvement
- `refactor` Refactor
- `revert` Undo edit
- `test` Test related
- `docs` Documentation/notes
- `chore` Dependency update/scaffolding configuration modification etc.
- `workflow` Workflow improvements
- `ci` Continuous integration
- `types` Type definition file changes
- `wip` In development
## Browser support
The `Chrome 80+` browser is recommended for local development
Support modern browsers, not IE
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## Maintainer
## Donate
If you think this project is helpful to you, you can help the author buy a glass of juice 🍹 Show your support
## License
In principle, no fees and copyrights are charged, and you can use it with confidence, but if you need secondary open source, please contact the author for permission!
[MIT © xiaoxian521-2023](./LICENSE)
## Backers
Thank you very much for your support, I believe the project will get better and better :heart:
| xueyuheng | taolei1990 | hang-kim | madwolfcrazy | limuen | BenLakes |
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| mollerzhu | TLovers | cnyyk | | | |
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## Contributors
Thanks to all the people who contribute :heart:
## `Star`
Many thanks to the kind individuals who leave a star. Your support is much appreciated :heart:
## `Fork`
It's so cool that you study hard :heart: