123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455 |
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- </van-nav-bar>
- <div class="bankcard cfff pl16 pr16 pt16 pb16" :class="banktype(bankcardinfo.BankName).color">
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- </svg>
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- <svg class="icon" aria-hidden="true">
- <use :href="banktype(bankcardinfo.BankName).icon"></use>
- </svg>
- </div>
- <div class="f12">{{bankcardinfo.BankName}}</div>
- </div>
- <div class="cardtype">借记卡</div>
- </div>
- <div class="cardnumber tc mt16 df pl16 pr16">
- <div class="num">{{splice(bankcardinfo.SettleBankCardNo,0,4)}}</div>
- <div class="num">{{splice(bankcardinfo.SettleBankCardNo,4,9)}}</div>
- <div class="num">{{splice(bankcardinfo.SettleBankCardNo,7,11)}}</div>
- <div class="num">{{splice(bankcardinfo.SettleBankCardNo,12,bankcardinfo.SettleBankCardNo.length)}}</div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="balanceinfo pl16 pr16 df f14">
- <div class="balance">可提余额:{{balanceinfo.BalanceAmount}}元</div>
- <div class="more" @click="withdrawal">全部提现</div>
- </div>
- <van-field class="inputbalancecount pl16 f16" placeholder="请输入提现金额" type="number" v-model="withdrawalcount" @input="withdrawalinput"></van-field>
- <div class="btn pl16 pr16 mt16 bc333">
- <van-button color="#FFD500" block @click="surewithdrawal">确认提现</van-button>
- <div class="f14 c333 mt16 tc" v-if="jurisdiction"> <span class="more" @click="gorealauth">修改结算卡,</span><span class="more" @click="gorealauth" style="text-decoration:underline;">点击修改认证资料</span></div>
- </div>
- <div class="withdrawalrules pl16 pr16">
- <div class="title">提现规则:</div>
- <div class="content mt8 c999" v-html="rules.Contents"></div>
- </div>
- <van-popup class="pwdPop" v-model="pwdPop" position="bottom" closeable close-icon-position="top-left" :style="{ height: '60%' }">
- <div class="tc pt16 rel aic">
- <div class="f18 c333">输入密码</div>
- <div class="pop-forgetpwd abs f14 c666" @click.stop="forgetpaypwd">忘记密码</div>
- </div>
- <div class="pt8">
- <van-password-input class="mt8" :value="value" :info="pwdInfo" :error-info="errorInfo" :focused="showKeyboard" @focus="showKeyboard = true"></van-password-input>
- </div>
- <van-number-keyboard v-model="value" maxlength="6" :show="true">
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- <script>
- // 通过 CDN 引入时不会自动注册 Lazyload 组件
- // 可以通过下面的方式手动注册
- Vue.use(vant.Lazyload);
- // 在 #app 标签下渲染一个按钮组件
- let app = new Vue({
- el: '#app',
- data() {
- return {
- //- dialogisshow:false,
- toptitleisshow:false,
- bankcardinfo:{
- SettleBankCardNo:'',
- BankName:'',
- },
- balanceinfo:{},
- rules:{
- Title:'',
- Contents:'',
- },
- withdrawalcount:'',
- pwdPop:false,
- value:'',
- pwdInfo: '密码为 6 位数字',
- showKeyboard: true,
- errorInfo:'',
- isauth:'',
- jurisdiction:false,
- warehouseuserlist:[
- //- 22263,
- 12054,
- 47901,
- 527,
- 10677,
- 16184,
- 17199,
- //- 58347,
- 11628,
- 12057,
- 25276,
- 30869,
- //- 38254,
- 3211,
- 94764,
- 596,
- 15714,
- 15511,
- 10445,
- 4216,
- 121085,
- ],
- arrearslist:[
- 510,595,
- ],
- jurisdictionlist:[
- 14,
- 129585,
- 128464,
- 416,
- 514,
- 13810,
- 24033,
- 24528,
- 26022,
- 41440,
- 47109,
- 47843,
- 58457,
- 58790,
- 70525,
- 72099,
- 72861,
- 75927,
- 82758,
- 92366,
- 99082,
- 107627,
- 121415,
- 121749,
- 122008,
- 122885,
- 123006,
- 123016,
- 123095,
- 123537,
- 123625,
- 123864,
- 124036,
- 124336,
- 124403,
- 124408,
- 124622,
- 125271,
- 125468,
- 125474,
- 125939,
- 127781,
- 128084,
- 128422,
- 128509,
- 128565,
- 128720,
- 128769,
- 129807,
- 130307,
- 131038,
- 132133,
- 132247,
- 132251,
- 132350,
- 132395,
- 132482,
- 132500,
- 133188,
- 133213,
- 135065,
- 135090,
- 135123,
- 397,
- 2433,
- 4507,
- 62340,
- 66873,
- 78805,
- 97351,
- 97536,
- 120666,
- 120907,
- 121282,
- 122468,
- 122526,
- 124997,
- 125377,
- 125986,
- 126722,
- 126876,
- 126889,
- 127026,
- 127544,
- 127976,
- 129358,
- 129545,
- 129643,
- 130202,
- 130629,
- 132416,
- 132642,
- 132726,
- 132908,
- 133428,
- 135539,
- 135723,
- 135835,
- 135970
- ],
- };
- },
- created() {
- //- const name = JSON.parse(PublicLib.getCookieInfo('userInfo')).RealName;
- //- this.issp = name.split('').some(item=>{
- //- return item === '*';
- //- });
- this.toptitleisshow = toptitleisshow;
- this.getrules();
- this.getbankcardinfo();
- this.getbalance();
- this.getCashauthFailInfo();
- this.jurisdictionlist.forEach(item=>{
- if(PublicLib.getCookieInfo('userId') === String(item)){
- this.jurisdiction = true;
- };
- })
- },
- watch: {
- //- 监控密码输入是否正确
- async value(value) {
- if(value.length === 6){
- //- 验证原支付密码
- const Id = PublicLib.getCookieInfo('userId');
- const res = await getRequest('api/v1/users/checkpaypwd?t='+Math.random(6),JSON.stringify({Id,PayPwd:this.value}));
- if(res.status === '1'){
- this.pwdInfo = '密码正确';
- const that = this;
- this.putwithdrawal();
- this.pwdPop = false;
- this.withdrawalcount = '';
- setTimeout(function(){
- that.value = '';
- },800);
- }else{
- this.errorInfo = '密码错误';
- const that = this;
- setTimeout(function(){
- that.value = '';
- },800);
- };
- } else if(value.length === 0){
- this.errorInfo = '';
- this.pwdInfo = '密码为 6 位数字';
- } else{
- this.errorInfo = '';
- this.pwdInfo = '再输入' + (6 - value.length) + '位密码';
- };
- },
- },
- methods: {
- gorealauth(){
- this.dialogisshow = true;
- PublicLib.Goto({Url:'user-withdrawal-authentication'});
- },
- //- 实时监控金额输入框
- withdrawalinput(){
- if(Number(this.withdrawalcount) > Number(this.balanceinfo.BalanceAmount)){
- this.withdrawalcount = this.balanceinfo.BalanceAmount;
- this.withdrawalcount = Number(this.withdrawalcount).toFixed(2);
- };
- },
- //- 忘记支付密码
- forgetpaypwd(){
- PublicLib.putCookieInfo("settingto",'forgetpaypwd');
- PublicLib.Goto({Url:'user-verification'});
- },
- surewithdrawal:undebounce(async function(){
- const Id = PublicLib.getCookieInfo('userId');
- const warehouse = this.warehouseuserlist.some(item=>{
- return Number(item) === Number(Id);
- });
- const arrears = this.arrearslist.some(item=>{
- return Number(item) === Number(Id);
- });
- if(warehouse){return tips('该账号已被冻结,请及时退货退仓,方可解除账户冻结')};
- if(arrears){return tips('该账号已被冻结,请及时还清借款,方可解除账户冻结')};
- //- 确认提现按钮
- const res = await getRequest('api/v1/users/existpaypwd?t='+Math.random(6),JSON.stringify({Id}));
- if(res.status !== '1') return PublicLib.Goto({Url:'user-setpaypwd-1'});
- if(this.withdrawalcount === '') return tips('请输入提现金额');
- if(Number(this.withdrawalcount) < 100) return tips('提现最低金额100.00元');
- this.pwdPop = true;
- }),
- //- 关闭密码输入框
- onKeyboardHide(){
- this.pwdPop = false;
- },
- //- 返回个人中心
- goback(){
- PublicLib.GoBack({Level:1});
- },
- //- 跳转提现记录
- withdrawallist(){
- PublicLib.Goto({Url:'user-withdrawal-list'});
- },
- //- 截取银行卡函数
- splice(num,begin,end){
- return num.substring(begin,end);
- },
- //- 全部提现
- withdrawal(){
- this.withdrawalcount = this.balanceinfo.BalanceAmount;
- },
- //- 获取规则
- async getrules(){
- const res = await getRequest('api/v1/pageinfo/detail?t='+Math.random(6),JSON.stringify({Id:7}));
- if(res.status !== '1') return tips('提现规则获取失败!');
- this.rules = res.data;
- },
- gtouchstart(){
- const that = this;
- this.timeOutEvent = setTimeout(()=>{
- that.longPress()
- },500);
- },
- gtouchend(){
- clearTimeout(this.timeOutEvent);
- },
- gtouchmove(){
- clearTimeout(this.timeOutEvent);
- this.timeOutEvent = 0;
- },
- longPress(){
- this.timeOutEvent = 0;
- PublicLib.SaveToSd({PicPath:'https://bs.kexiaoshuang.com/static/qrcode.jpg'});
- // 下载分享图片
- },
- //获取认证状态及失败原因
- async getCashauthFailInfo(){
- const Id = PublicLib.getCookieInfo('userId');
- const res = await getRequest('api/v1/users/cashauthfailinfo?t='+Math.random(6),JSON.stringify({Id}))
- this.isauth = res.status
- },
- //- 获取银行卡信息
- async getbankcardinfo(){
- const Id = PublicLib.getCookieInfo('userId');
- const res = await getRequest('api/v1/users/bindbankinfo?t='+Math.random(6),JSON.stringify({Id}));
- if(res.status !== '1') return tips('结算卡信息获取失败!');
- this.bankcardinfo = res.data;
- this.bankcardinfo.SettleBankCardNo = hidemiddlenum(this.bankcardinfo.SettleBankCardNo,0,5);
- //- this.bankcardinfo.BankName = '中国建设银行';
- },
- //- 获取账户余额信息
- async getbalance(){
- //- PublicLib.ShowLoading({Message:''});
- const UserId = PublicLib.getCookieInfo('userId');
- const res = await getRequest('api/v1/useraccount/myaccount?t='+Math.random(6),JSON.stringify({UserId}));
- if(res.status !== '1') return tips('余额信息获取失败!');
- //- PublicLib.HideLoading();
- this.balanceinfo = res.data;
- this.balanceinfo.BalanceAmount = res.data.BalanceAmount.toFixed(2);
- },
- //- 提交提现申请
- async putwithdrawal(){
- const that = this;
- const UserId = PublicLib.getCookieInfo('userId');
- const res = await postRequest('api/v1/usercashrecord/postwithdraw?t='+Math.random(6),JSON.stringify({UserId,TradeAmount:Number(this.withdrawalcount)}));
- if(res.status !== '1')return tips(res.info);
- tips('提现发起成功,请关注提现审核结果!');
- setTimeout(function(){
- that.getbalance();
- },800);
- },
- //- 动态匹配银行
- banktype(bankname){
- switch(bankname){
- case '建设银行':
- return {color:'CCB',icon:'#icon-jiansheyinhang'};
- case '工商银行':
- return {color:'ICBC',icon:'#icon-zhongguogongshangyinhang'};
- case '汇丰银行':
- return {color:'HSBC',icon:'#icon-huifengyinhang'};
- case '中国银行':
- return {color:'BOC',icon:'#icon-zhongxinyinhang'};
- case '农业银行':
- return {color:'ABC',icon:'#icon-zhongguonongyeyinhang'};
- case '交通银行':
- return {color:'BC',icon:'#icon-jiaotongyinhang'};
- case '招商银行':
- return {color:'CMERB',icon:'#icon-zhaoshangyinhang'};
- case '中国民生银行':
- return {color:'CMINB',icon:'#icon-zhongguominshengyinhang'};
- case '中信银行':
- return {color:'CITIC',icon:'#icon-zhongxinyinhang'};
- case '华夏银行':
- return {color:'HB',icon:'#icon-huaxiayinhang'};
- case '兴业银行':
- return {color:'CIB',icon:'#icon-xingyeyinhang'};
- case '广东发展银行':
- return {color:'GDB',icon:'#icon-guangfayinhang'};
- case '平安银行':
- return {color:'PABC',icon:'#icon-pinganyinhang'};
- case '邮政银行':
- return {color:'PSBC',icon:'#icon-youzhengyinhang'};
- case '光大银行':
- return {color:'GDBC',icon:'#icon-guangdayinhang'};
- case '贵阳银行':
- return {color:'GYBC',icon:'#icon-guiyangyinhangguiyangshishangyeyinhang'};
- case '恒生银行':
- return {color:'HSBC',icon:'#icon-hengshengyinhanglogo'};
- case '浦发银行':
- return {color:'PFBC',icon:'#icon-yinhanglogo-1'};
- case '重庆银行':
- return {color:'PFBC',icon:'#icon-yinhanglogo-'};
- default:
- return {color:'DEFAULT',icon:''};
- };
- }
- }
- });
- </script>
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