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  92. <div class="df index_userinfo" @click="userinfobtn"><img class="userimg" :src="userphoto"><span class="username">{{username}}</span><img class="vm" src="./static/images/user-b-alliance.png" alt="" v-if="LeaderLevel === 2" style="width:1.7rem;margin:0 10px;"><img class="vm" src="./static/images/user-s-alliance.png" alt="" v-if="LeaderLevel === 1" style="width:1.7rem;margin:0 10px;"><img class="vm" src="./static/images/user-certified-warehouse.png" alt="" v-if="AuthFlag === 1" style="width:1.7rem;"></div>
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  130. <div class="df"><strong class="db f16 flex1">本月计奖交易</strong></div>
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  137. <div class="tc detail rel">
  138. <div class="index-num-b f18 b">{{teamperformance}}</div>
  139. <div class="f12 c333">本月交易额(元)</div>
  140. <van-row class="pt16 pb8">
  141. <van-col span="12">
  142. <div class="index-num-b f16 b">{{addcustomer}}</div>
  143. <div class="f12 c333">新增创客</div>
  144. </van-col>
  145. <van-col span="12">
  146. <div class="index-num-b f16 b">{{merchant}}</div>
  147. <div class="f12 c333">激活商户</div>
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  172. <div class="bgcfff noticepanel"><img class="group-title abs" src="./static/images/groupup-dialog.png">
  173. <div class="tc f18 b c333 pt32">重要通知</div>
  174. <div class="f14 c333 mb pt16">创业帮8月线上招商会邀请函</div>
  175. <div class="f14 c333 mb em2 pt16">面对支付行业重新洗牌带来的巨大机遇,我们选择迎接变化,享受变化。</div>
  176. <div class="main em2 f14 c333 pt6">8月6号晚20:00创业帮创客学堂崔老师同优秀的各地区市场领导人一起分享</div>
  177. <div class="main em2 f14 c333 pt6">创业帮究竟有什么样的魅力?</div>
  178. <div class="main em2 f14 c333 pt6">支付行业究竟有何魅力?</div>
  179. <div class="main em2 f14 c333 pt6">面对支付行业竞争,如何破局,快速起量?敬请期待!</div>
  180. <div class="spcolor tc mt32 f14" @click="monthmeet">点击查看详情加入会议</div>
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  184. <van-popup class="noticedialog activedia index-notice" v-model="noticedialog" :close-on-click-overlay="false">
  185. <div class="bgcfff noticepanel"><img class="group-title abs" src="./static/images/groupup-dialog.png">
  186. <div class="tc f18 b c333 pt32">重要通知</div>
  187. <div class=" f14 c333 mb pt16">好消息!公司总部决定,加强培训以助力市场!!</div>
  188. <div class="main em2 f14 c333 pt6">本月除周一晨会,线上领导人会议等。将于8月12-14日在内蒙古呼和浩特市举办第一期地区菁英班,以助力当地及周边各省市场。</div>
  189. <div class="main em2 f14 c333">周边各省及在内蒙古有伙伴的各地领导人,皆可报名,现外省学员名额已不多。外省学员报名截止日期8月10日24时。</div>
  190. <div class="spcolor tc mt32 f14" @click="goqr">点击前往报名</div>
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  195. <div class="bgcfff noticepanel"><img class="group-title abs" src="./static/images/groupup-dialog.png">
  196. <div class="tc f18 b c333 pt32">重要通知</div>
  197. <div class="f14 c333 mb pt16">8月15日创业帮每周一线上晨会邀您参与</div>
  198. <div class="f14 c333 mb pt16 em2">成功八部第五步&第六步讲解与跟进</div>
  199. <div class="main em2 f14 c333 pt6">好的思维会变成好的想法,好的想法会变成好的行动,积极的行为会成为积极的习惯,积极正面的习惯会往往就会决定人生的命运。</div>
  200. <div class="main em2 f14 c333">21世纪最广阔的资源是人脉,支付行业不是产品买卖行业而是人与人的事业,POS机只是产品工具如何有效裂变身边的资源看本次晨会……</div>
  201. <div class="spcolor tc mt32 f14" @click="goservicedetail">点击查看详情加入会议</div>
  202. </div>
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  211. <div class="tc f16 b c333 mb">预发货确认</div>
  212. <div class=" f14 c333 mb pt16">是否确认已收到来自:<span class="f14 c333" v-for="item,index in getsetsnlist.StoreList" :key="item.StoreId">{{item.StoreName}}{{index !== getsetsnlist.StoreList.length - 1 ? '、':''}}</span><span class="f14 c333">的{{getsetsnlist.SnList.length}}台预发货机具</span></div>
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  215. <template #icon>
  216. <van-checkbox class="mr16" checked-color="#FFD500" v-model="checked"></van-checkbox>
  217. </template>
  218. <template #title>
  219. <div>全选</div>
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  223. <van-cell-group>
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  225. <template #icon>
  226. <van-checkbox class="mr16" :name="item" ref="checkboxes" checked-color="#FFD500"></van-checkbox>
  227. </template>
  228. <template #title>
  229. <div>SN:{{item.SnNo}}</div>
  230. </template>
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  232. </van-cell-group>
  233. </van-checkbox-group>
  234. </div>
  235. <div class="f12 c999 tc mt8">*注:请仔细核对SN后确认,确认接收机具后若出现机具丢失等问题,则需承担相应损失。</div>
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  269. <div class="bgcfff borderr8 c333">
  270. <div class="f16 mb">8月11日功能更新公告</div>
  271. <div class="f14 mt8" style="line-height:1.5;">为了更好的帮助创客展业,提升数据稳定性,创业帮于8月11日正式更新,详情如下:</div>
  272. <div class="f14 b mt20">【 功能新增 】</div>
  273. <div class="df jcsb mt8 aic">
  274. <div class="f14">分仓申请补货体系</div>
  275. <div class="f12 spcolor" @click="miniW(1)">查看详情</div>
  276. </div>
  277. <div class="f14 b mt20">【 功能优化 】</div>
  278. <div class="f14 mt12">部分UI升级</div>
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  511. // 通过 CDN 引入时不会自动注册 Lazyload 组件
  512. // 可以通过下面的方式手动注册
  513. Vue.use(vant.Lazyload);
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  519. data() {
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  613. };
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  615. created() {
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  632. loading:async function(){
  633. this.pageffect('./static/pag/index-redpackage.pag');
  634. //- 版本升级弹窗
  635. if(!this.isSpecial){
  636. await this.groupupfn();
  637. //- 预发货
  638. await this.getsetfn();
  639. //- 盟主体系弹窗
  640. //- await this.leaderfn();
  641. //- 88奖励活动倒计时
  642. await this.eightactivefntime();
  643. //- 88奖励活动
  644. await this.eightactivefn();
  645. //- 6奖励活动
  646. await this.recommendactivefn();
  647. //- 升级弹窗
  648. await this.islevelfn();
  649. //- h5活动
  650. await this.h5activefn();
  651. //- 菁英班弹窗
  652. await this.noticefn();
  653. //- 月初启动会
  654. await this.monthmeetfn();
  655. //- 周一晨会
  656. await this.Mondaydialogfn();
  657. }else{
  658. //- 预发货
  659. await this.getsetfn();
  660. //- 88奖励活动倒计时
  661. await this.eightactivefntime();
  662. //- 88奖励活动
  663. await this.eightactivefn();
  664. //- 升级弹窗
  665. await this.islevelfn();
  666. };
  667. //- 页面入口挂载左右滑动效果
  668. bouncefn();
  669. baywindow();
  670. },
  671. },
  672. computed:{
  673. isnotice:function(){
  674. return PublicLib.getCookieInfo('noticeiscount') !== "";
  675. }
  676. },
  677. methods: {
  678. //- 周一晨会通知弹窗
  679. Mondaydialogfn() {
  680. const nowdate = new Date().getDate();
  681. const nowdate2 = new Date().getDay();
  682. let num = PublicLib.getCookieInfo('noticeisdialogactive') ? Number(PublicLib.getCookieInfo('noticeisdialogactive')) : 0;
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  685. // if (PublicLib.getCookieInfo('dialogistrue') !== 'true') {
  686. if (num <= 1) {
  687. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('dialogistrue', 'true');
  688. num++;
  689. this.Mondaydialog = true;
  690. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('noticeisdialogactive', num);
  691. } else {
  692. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('Mondaydialog', nowdate);
  693. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('noticeisdialogactive', 0);
  694. };
  695. };
  696. },
  697. //- 盟主弹窗(一天一次)
  698. leaderfn() {
  699. const nowdate = new Date().getDate();
  700. if (PublicLib.getCookieInfo('dialogistrue') !== 'true' && PublicLib.getCookieInfo('leaderdialog') !== String(nowdate)) {
  701. // if (PublicLib.getCookieInfo('dialogistrue') !== 'true') {
  702. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('dialogistrue', 'true');
  703. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('leaderdialog', nowdate);
  704. this.leaderdialog = true;
  705. };
  706. },
  707. goraffle(){
  708. PublicLib.Goto({Url:'active-raffle'});
  709. },
  710. onSelect(option){
  711. if( === '微信'){
  712. PublicLib.ShareAppMessageImage({Title:'开店宝商家入驻', Detail:'开店宝新增商家后台自助管理', Icon:'', Url:this.kdburl});
  713. }else{
  714. PublicLib.ShareTimelineImage({Title:'开店宝商家入驻', Detail:'开店宝新增商家后台自助管理', Icon:'', Url:this.kdburl});
  715. }
  716. },
  717. onquerycount(option){
  718. if( === '微信'){
  719. PublicLib.ShareAppMessageImage({Title:'创业帮商户查询达标奖', Detail:'关注公众号点击底部菜单查询押金', Icon:'', Url:this.queryurl});
  720. }else{
  721. PublicLib.ShareTimelineImage({Title:'创业帮商户查询达标奖', Detail:'关注公众号点击底部菜单查询押金', Icon:'', Url:this.queryurl});
  722. }
  723. },
  724. goservicedetail(){
  725. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('noticeType', '系统消息');
  726. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('noticeArticleDetail', 27);
  727. PublicLib.Goto({ Url: 'notice-detail' });
  728. },
  729. monthmeet(){
  730. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('noticeType', '系统消息');
  731. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('noticeArticleDetail', 25);
  732. PublicLib.Goto({ Url: 'notice-detail' });
  733. },
  734. goqr(){
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  736. PublicLib.Goto({Url:'mall-detail'});
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  738. gorecommendactive(){
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  747. PublicLib.Goto({Url:'welcome'});
  748. }else if(type === 10){
  749. PublicLib.Goto({Url:''});
  750. }
  751. },
  752. raffle(){
  753. PublicLib.Goto({Url:'active-raffle'});
  754. },
  755. //- h5活动弹窗(一次)
  756. h5activefn(){
  757. const time = new Date().getHours();
  758. const nowdate = new Date().getDate();
  759. if(PublicLib.getCookieInfo('dialogistrue') !== 'true' && PublicLib.getCookieInfo('activedate') !== String(nowdate)) {
  760. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('dialogistrue','true');
  761. this.H5ac = true;
  762. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('activedate',nowdate);
  763. };
  764. if(PublicLib.getCookieInfo('dialogistrue') !== 'true' && PublicLib.getCookieInfo('activedate2') !== String(nowdate) && time >= 21) {
  765. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('dialogistrue','true');
  766. this.H5ac = true;
  767. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('activedate2',nowdate);
  768. };
  769. },
  770. //- 升级弹窗(升级之后一次)
  771. groupupfn(){
  772. if(PublicLib.getCookieInfo('groupup') !== '0.1.7' && PublicLib.getCookieInfo('dialogistrue') !== 'true' && this.browsernum === '1.6.0') {
  773. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('dialogistrue','true');
  774. this.groupupdialog = true;
  775. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('groupup','0.1.7');
  776. };
  777. },
  778. //- 88奖励活动(一天两次)
  779. eightactivefn(){
  780. const nowdate = new Date().getDate();
  781. let num = PublicLib.getCookieInfo('eightactive') ? Number(PublicLib.getCookieInfo('eightactive')) : 0;
  782. if(PublicLib.getCookieInfo('isnowdate2') !== String(nowdate) && PublicLib.getCookieInfo('dialogistrue') !== 'true' && Number(nowdate) < 16) {
  783. if(num <= 1){
  784. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('dialogistrue','true');
  785. num++;
  786. this.eightactive = true;
  787. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('eightactive',num);
  788. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('isnowdate2',0);
  789. }else{
  790. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('isnowdate2',nowdate);
  791. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('eightactive',0);
  792. };
  793. };
  794. },
  795. //- 66奖励活动(一天一次)
  796. recommendactivefn(){
  797. const nowdate = new Date().getDate();
  798. if(PublicLib.getCookieInfo('recommendactive') !== String(nowdate) && PublicLib.getCookieInfo('dialogistrue') !== 'true' && Number(nowdate) < 8) {
  799. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('dialogistrue','true');
  800. this.recommendactive = true;
  801. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('recommendactive',nowdate);
  802. };
  803. },
  804. //- 88奖励活动倒计时(一天两次)
  805. eightactivefntime(){
  806. const nowdate = new Date().getDate();
  807. let num = PublicLib.getCookieInfo('eightactivetime') ? Number(PublicLib.getCookieInfo('eightactivetime')) : 0;
  808. if(PublicLib.getCookieInfo('isnowdatetime') !== String(nowdate) && PublicLib.getCookieInfo('dialogistrue') !== 'true' && Number(nowdate) < 16 && Number(nowdate) > 12) {
  809. if(num <= 1){
  810. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('dialogistrue','true');
  811. num++;
  812. this.eightactivetime = true;
  813. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('eightactivetime',num);
  814. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('isnowdatetime',0);
  815. }else{
  816. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('isnowdatetime',nowdate);
  817. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('eightactivetime',0);
  818. };
  819. };
  820. },
  821. //- 启动会(按需)
  822. monthmeetfn(){
  823. const time = new Date('2022/8/6 20:00:00').getTime();
  824. const nowtime = new Date().getTime();
  825. const nowdate = new Date().getDate();
  826. if(PublicLib.getCookieInfo('dialogistrue') !== 'true' && PublicLib.getCookieInfo('dialogmeet') !== String(nowdate) && nowtime < time) {
  827. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('dialogistrue','true');
  828. this.dialogisshow = true;
  829. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('dialogmeet',nowdate);
  830. };
  831. },
  832. //- 升级弹窗(升级一月一次)
  833. async islevelfn(){
  834. const nowmouth = new Date().getMonth() + 1;
  835. if(PublicLib.getCookieInfo('thismonth') !== String(nowmouth) && PublicLib.getCookieInfo('dialogistrue') !== 'true'){
  836. const UserId = PublicLib.getCookieInfo('userId');
  837. const res = await getRequest('api/v1/users/checkuserlevel?t='+Math.random(6),JSON.stringify({UserId}));
  838. if(res.status === '1') {
  839. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('dialogistrue','true');
  840. this.nowlevel =;
  841. this.islevel = true;
  842. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('thismonth',nowmouth);
  843. };
  844. };
  845. },
  846. //- 菁英班弹窗
  847. noticefn() {
  848. const nowdate = new Date().getDate();
  849. const time = new Date('2022/8/10 23:59:55').getTime();
  850. const nowtime = new Date().getTime();
  851. // if(PublicLib.getCookieInfo('dialogistrue') !== 'true' && PublicLib.getCookieInfo('noticeabout') !== 'false'){
  852. if (PublicLib.getCookieInfo('dialogistrue') !== 'true' && PublicLib.getCookieInfo('noticeisdialog33') !== String(nowdate) && nowtime < time) {
  853. // if (PublicLib.getCookieInfo('dialogistrue') !== 'true') {
  854. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('dialogistrue', 'true');
  855. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('noticeisdialog33', nowdate);
  856. this.noticedialog = true;
  857. };
  858. },
  859. //- 去资质
  860. goquali(){
  861. PublicLib.Goto({Url:'qualifications'});
  862. },
  863. //- 吸顶状态
  864. sticky(status){
  865. if(PublicLib.getCookieInfo('userId') === '598'){
  866. this.topisshow = status
  867. };
  868. },
  869. lookdetail(){
  870. PublicLib.Goto({Url:'year-report4'});
  871. },
  872. //- 押金查询分享
  873. weixin2(){
  874. PublicLib.ShareAppMessageImage({Title:'创业帮商户查询达标奖', Detail:'关注公众号点击底部菜单查询押金', Icon:'', Url:this.queryurl});
  875. },
  876. weixinfriend2(){
  877. PublicLib.ShareTimelineImage({Title:'创业帮商户查询达标奖', Detail:'关注公众号点击底部菜单查询押金', Icon:'', Url:this.queryurl});
  878. },
  879. //- 开店宝分享微信
  880. weixin(){
  881. PublicLib.ShareAppMessageImage({Title:'开店宝商家入驻', Detail:'开店宝新增商家后台自助管理', Icon:'', Url:this.kdburl});
  882. },
  883. //- 分享微信朋友圈
  884. weixinfriend(){
  885. PublicLib.ShareTimelineImage({Title:'开店宝商家入驻', Detail:'开店宝新增商家后台自助管理', Icon:'', Url:this.kdburl});
  886. },
  887. //- 更新跳转URL
  888. async onRefresh(type = ''){
  889. //- await this.getsuerinfo();
  890. //- await this.getteamachievement();
  891. //- await this.gettopbanner();
  892. //- await this.getheadline();
  893. //- await this.verificationrealauth();
  894. this.getsuerinfo();
  895. this.getteamachievement();
  896. this.getheadline();
  897. this.verificationrealauth();
  898. await this.getwarehouselist();
  899. if(type === ''){
  900. await this.getquickentrance();
  901. }else{
  902. await this.getsetfn();
  903. };
  904. this.isLoading = false;
  905. //- 骨架屏隐藏
  906. this.loading = false;
  907. },
  908. //- 获取用户个人信息
  909. async getsuerinfo(){
  910. const Id = PublicLib.getCookieInfo('userId');
  911. const res = await getRequest('api/v1/users/personalinfo?t='+Math.random(6),JSON.stringify({Id}));
  912. if(res.status === '1') {
  913. this.username =;
  914. this.rankgrade =;
  915. this.userphoto =;
  916. };
  917. if(',135158') > -1){
  918. this.isSpecial = true;
  919. };
  920. this.gettopbanner();
  921. //- 储存用户信息
  922. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('userInfo',JSON.stringify(;
  923. },
  924. //- 获取计奖交易
  925. async getteamachievement(){
  926. const UserId = PublicLib.getCookieInfo('userId');
  927. const res = await getRequest('api/v1/usertradedaysummary/thismonth?t='+Math.random(6),JSON.stringify({UserId}));
  928. if(res.status === '1') {
  929. if(UserId === '1'){
  930. const data = 5
  931. let day = new Date().getDate();
  932. if(day === 1){
  933. day = 30;
  934. };
  935. day = day > data ? day : data;
  936. //- = + 53218560.58;
  937. = + 53218560.58 + ((day - data) * 10000000);
  938. };
  939. this.teamperformance = abs(;
  940. this.merchant =;
  941. this.addcustomer =;
  942. };
  943. },
  944. //- 获取快捷入口列表
  945. async getquickentrance(){
  946. const res = await getRequest('api/v1/indexiconlist/list?t='+Math.random(6),JSON.stringify({PageSize:8,PageNum:1}));
  947. if(res.status === '1') {
  948. //- TODO:动态生成入口
  949. if(PublicLib.getCookieInfo('userId') === '0'){
  950. this.entrancelist = [
  951. {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn1@3x.png',Title:'创业帮产品',Url:'product-center'},
  952. //- {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn2@3x.png',Title:'特训营',Url:'trainingCamp'},
  953. {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn5@3x.png',Title:'我的创客',Url:'creater-list'},
  954. {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn6@3x.png',Title:'我的商户',Url:'merchant-list'},
  955. {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn4@3x.png',Title:'邀请好友',Url:'invite-frend'},
  956. //- {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn10@3x.png',Title:'开店宝开户',Url:'user-feedback'},
  957. {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn15@3x.png',Title:'产品资质',Url:'qualifications'},
  958. {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn8@3x.png',Title:'商户验证',Url:'merchant-verification'},
  959. {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn16@3x.png',Title:'押金查询',Url:'querycount'},
  960. //- {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn3@3x.png',Title:'51海报',Url:'year-report4'},
  961. //- {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn13@3x.png',Title:'售后换新',Url:'product-aftersale-1'},
  962. //- {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn13@3x.png',Title:'升级测试',Url:'levelup'},
  963. {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn14@3x.png',Title:'仓库管理',Url:'warehouse-management'},
  964. {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn7@3x.png',Title:'市场活动',Url:'market-active'},
  965. //- {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn7@3x.png',Title:'创业帮产品',Url:'product-center'},
  966. //- {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn11@3x.png',Title:'10亿H5',Url:'year-report'},
  967. //- {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn12@3x.png',Title:'码牌',Url:'merchant-create'},
  968. //- {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn1@3x.png',Title:'商户创建',Url:'merchant-establish'},
  969. //- {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn8@3x.png',Title:'进件查询',Url:'merchant-incoming'},
  970. //- {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn2@3x.png',Title:'暂存箱',Url:'merchant-temporary-storage'},
  971. //- {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn4@3x.png',Title:'邀请好友',Url:'invite-frend'},
  972. ];
  973. }else{
  974. const indexbanner = [
  975. {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn1@3x.png',Title:'创业帮产品',Url:'product-center'},
  976. {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn5@3x.png',Title:'我的创客',Url:'creater-list'},
  977. {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn6@3x.png',Title:'我的商户',Url:'merchant-list'},
  978. {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn4@3x.png',Title:'邀请好友',Url:'invite-frend'},
  979. //- {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn10@3x.png',Title:'开店宝开户',Url:'user-feedback'},
  980. //- {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn12@3x.png',Title:'码牌',Url:'merchant-create'},
  981. {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn14@3x.png',Title:'仓库管理',Url:'warehouse-management'},
  982. {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn15@3x.png',Title:'产品资质',Url:'qualifications'},
  983. //- {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn8@3x.png',Title:'商户验证',Url:'merchant-verification'},
  984. {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn16@3x.png',Title:'押金查询',Url:'querycount'},
  985. {Icon:'./static/images/main-btn7@3x.png',Title:'市场活动',Url:'market-active'},
  986. ];
  987. indexbanner.forEach(item=>{
  988. if(this.warehouse.length !== 0){
  989. this.entrancelist.push(item);
  990. }else{
  991. if(item.Url !== 'warehouse-management'){
  992. this.entrancelist.push(item);
  993. }
  994. }
  995. });
  996. }
  997. }
  998. },
  999. //- 获取顶部banner
  1000. async gettopbanner(){
  1001. const res = await getRequest('api/v1/advertisment/indextop?t='+Math.random(6),JSON.stringify({PageSize:8,PageNum:1}));
  1002. if(res.status === '1') {
  1003. this.banner =;
  1004. };
  1005. if(this.isSpecial){
  1006. //- const arr = this.banner;
  1007. this.banner = [];
  1009. if(item.Id === 20 || item.Id === 25){
  1010. this.banner.push(item);
  1011. };
  1012. });
  1013. };
  1014. },
  1015. //- 获取创业帮头条信息
  1016. async getheadline(){
  1017. const res = await getRequest('api/v1/sysrechargerecord/headline?t='+Math.random(6),JSON.stringify({PageSize:8,PageNum:1}));
  1018. if(res.status === '1') {
  1019. this.toutiao =;
  1020. };
  1021. },
  1022. //- 跳转特训营
  1023. trainingCamp(){
  1024. PublicLib.Goto({Url:'trainingCamp'});
  1025. },
  1026. //- 跳转商城
  1027. mall(){
  1028. PublicLib.Goto({Url:'mall'});
  1029. },
  1030. //- 跳转消息
  1031. notice(){
  1032. PublicLib.Goto({Url:'notice-center'});
  1033. },
  1034. //- 跳转我的
  1035. user(){
  1036. PublicLib.Goto({Url:'user-center'});
  1037. },
  1038. async verificationrealauth(){
  1039. const Id = PublicLib.getCookieInfo('userId');
  1040. const userinfo = await getRequest('api/v1/users/personalinfo?t='+Math.random(6),JSON.stringify({Id}));
  1041. //- 是否实名认证完毕
  1042. if( !== 1) {
  1043. this.realauth = true;
  1044. }else{
  1045. this.realauth = false;
  1046. };
  1047. },
  1048. entrance(Url){
  1049. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('isApp','true');
  1050. if(Url === 'user-feedback'){
  1051. return this.showShare = true;
  1052. //- return = true;
  1053. };
  1054. if(Url === 'querycount'){
  1055. return this.showqueryShare = true;
  1056. //- return this.queryshow = true;
  1057. };
  1058. if(this.realauth){
  1059. PublicLib.ShowDialog({
  1060. Title:'暂未实名认证',
  1061. Message:'是否去实名认证?',
  1062. ConfirmText:'去实名',
  1063. CancelText:'暂不实名',
  1064. ConfirmAction:'app.goAuth()',
  1065. CanelAction:''
  1066. });
  1067. return;
  1068. };
  1069. //- 跳转对应的快捷入口页面
  1070. PublicLib.Goto({Url});
  1071. },
  1072. goAuth(){
  1073. PublicLib.Goto({Url:'user-realauth'});
  1074. },
  1075. goactive(){
  1076. //- 88活动
  1077. return PublicLib.Goto({Url:'welcome-double'});
  1078. },
  1079. bannerbtn(id){
  1080. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('indexBannerId',id);
  1081. if(id === 25){
  1082. //- 88业绩翻倍活动
  1083. return PublicLib.Goto({Url:'welcome-double'});
  1084. }else if(id === 20){
  1085. //- 888.88红包活动
  1086. return PublicLib.Goto({Url:'active-raffle'});
  1087. }else if(id === 27){
  1088. //- 盟主体系
  1089. PublicLib.Goto({Url:''});
  1090. return;
  1091. }else if(id === 28){
  1092. //- 推荐王
  1093. PublicLib.Goto({Url:'new-pag2'});
  1094. return;
  1095. }else if(id === 26){
  1096. //- 立刷0押
  1097. PublicLib.Goto({Url:''});
  1098. return;
  1099. }
  1100. PublicLib.Goto({Url:'welcome'});
  1101. },
  1102. //- 跳转业绩
  1103. achievement(){
  1104. if(this.realauth){
  1105. PublicLib.ShowDialog({
  1106. Title:'暂未实名认证',
  1107. Message:'是否去实名认证?',
  1108. ConfirmText:'去实名',
  1109. CancelText:'暂不实名',
  1110. ConfirmAction:'app.goAuth()',
  1111. CanelAction:''
  1112. });
  1113. return;
  1114. };
  1115. PublicLib.Goto({Url:'product-myperformance'});
  1116. },
  1117. //- 服务中心
  1118. server(){
  1119. PublicLib.OnlineService();
  1120. //- PublicLib.Goto({Url:'user-service-list'});
  1121. },
  1122. //- 点击头部个人信息
  1123. userinfobtn(){
  1124. PublicLib.Goto({Url:'user-info'});
  1125. },
  1126. //- 获取仓库入口
  1127. async getwarehouselist(){
  1128. //- this.warehouse = [];
  1129. const UserId = PublicLib.getCookieInfo('userId');
  1130. const res = await getRequest('api/v1/storehouse/indexlist?t='+Math.random(6),JSON.stringify({UserId,PageSize:15,PageNum:1}));
  1131. if(res.status === '1') {
  1132. //- this.warehouse = [];
  1133. //-,index)=>{
  1134. //- if(item.BrandId){
  1135. //- this.warehouse.push(item)
  1136. //- };
  1137. //- });
  1138. this.warehouse =;
  1139. };
  1140. },
  1141. //- 跳转对应仓库
  1142. gowarehouse(id,name,brandId){
  1143. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('warehouseId', id);
  1144. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('warehouseName', name);
  1145. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('brandId', brandId);
  1146. if(PublicLib.getCookieInfo('userId') === '598'){
  1147. PublicLib.Goto({Url:'warehouse-management-afterSale'});
  1148. }else{
  1149. PublicLib.Goto({Url:'warehouse-management-afterSale'});
  1150. }
  1151. },
  1152. //- 预发货方法
  1153. async getsetfn(){
  1154. const ToUserId = PublicLib.getCookieInfo('userId');
  1155. const res = await getRequest('api/v1/pos/presendstockdetail/waitconfirms?t='+Math.random(6),JSON.stringify({ToUserId,PageNum:1,PageSize:10}));
  1156. if(PublicLib.getCookieInfo('dialogistrue') !== 'true' && && !== 0){
  1157. this.getsetsnlist =;
  1158. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('dialogistrue','true');
  1159. this.getsetdialog = true;
  1160. };
  1161. },
  1162. snnolist(){
  1163. return>item.Id).join(',');
  1164. },
  1165. //- 预发货处理
  1166. getsetagreen:undebounce(async function(Status){
  1167. if(this.result.length === 0)return tips('请选择SN号');
  1168. const ToUserId = PublicLib.getCookieInfo('userId');
  1169. const res = await postRequest('api/v1/pos/presendstockdetail/confirm?t='+Math.random(6),JSON.stringify({ToUserId,Status,Ids:this.snnolist()}));
  1170. if(res.status !== '1') return tips(;
  1171. if(this.result.length === this.getsetsnlist.SnList.length){
  1172. this.getsetdialog = false;
  1173. }else{
  1174. this.result = [];
  1175. PublicLib.putCookieInfo('dialogistrue','');
  1176. this.getsetfn();
  1177. };
  1178. setTimeout(()=>{
  1179. if(Status === 1){
  1180. tips('预发机确认收货');
  1181. }else{
  1182. tips('拒绝预发机收货');
  1183. };
  1184. },700);
  1185. }),
  1186. toggleAll(status) {
  1187. this.checked = !this.checked;
  1188. this.$refs.checkboxGroup.toggleAll(!status);
  1189. },
  1190. toggle(index) {
  1191. this.$refs.checkboxes[index].toggle();
  1192. setTimeout(()=>{
  1193. if(this.result.length !== this.getsetsnlist.SnList.length){
  1194. this.checked = false;
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  1196. this.checked = true;
  1197. };
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  1219. </html>