using System; using System.Linq; using System.Data; using System.Threading; using Library; using LitJson; using MySystem.Models.Push; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace MySystem { public class PushHelper { public readonly static PushHelper Instance = new PushHelper(); private PushHelper() { } public void Start()//启动 { Thread thread = new Thread(threadStart); thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Start(); } private void threadStart() { while (true) { DoSomeThing(); Thread.Sleep(1000); } } //要执行的方法 public void DoSomeThing() { WebCMSEntities db = new WebCMSEntities(); //查找开通推送的商户 var merchants = db.Merchant.Where(m => m.Status == 1).ToList(); foreach(var merchant in merchants) { string RsaPubKey = merchant.RsaPubKey; string RsaPriKey = merchant.RsaPriKey; string AesSecret = merchant.AesSecret; string MerchantNo = merchant.MerchantNo; string MerchantName = merchant.MerchantName; //查找商户开通的推送项目 var pushObj = db.PushObj.Where(m => m.Status == 1 && m.MerchantId == merchant.Id).ToList(); foreach(var pushItem in pushObj) { string FieldList = pushItem.FieldList; string TableName = pushItem.TableName; int EncryptMode = pushItem.EncryptMode; string NoticeUrl = pushItem.NoticeUrl; string Title = pushItem.Title; int MerchantId = pushItem.MerchantId; string QueryField = ""; List PushField = new List(); Dictionary Trans = new Dictionary(); JsonData fieldJson = JsonMapper.ToObject(FieldList); for (int i = 0; i < fieldJson.Count; i++) { JsonData item = fieldJson[i]; if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["name"].ToString())) QueryField += item["name"].ToString() + ","; if(item["push"].ToString() == "1") { PushField.Add(item["name"].ToString()); Trans.Add(item["name"].ToString(), item["trans"].ToString()); } } //构造抓取数据sql string sql = "select " + QueryField.TrimEnd(',') + " from u_" + TableName + " where 1=1"; var condiList = db.PushObjCondition.Where(m => m.PushObjId == pushItem.Id).ToList(); foreach(var condi in condiList) { int QueryCondition = condi.QueryCondition; if(QueryCondition == 1) { sql += " and " + condi.QueryField + "='" + condi.QueryVal + "'"; } else if(QueryCondition == 2) { sql += " and " + condi.QueryField + " like '%" + condi.QueryVal + "%'"; } else if(QueryCondition == 3) { sql += " and " + condi.QueryField + ">" + condi.QueryVal + ""; } else if(QueryCondition == 4) { sql += " and " + condi.QueryField + "<" + condi.QueryVal + ""; } else if(QueryCondition == 5) { string[] QueryValList = condi.QueryVal.Split('|'); sql += " and " + condi.QueryField + ">=" + QueryValList[0] + " and " + condi.QueryField + "<=" + QueryValList[1] + ""; } else if(QueryCondition == 6) { string[] QueryValList = condi.QueryVal.Split('|'); sql += " and " + condi.QueryField + ">='" + QueryValList[0] + "' and " + condi.QueryField + "<='" + QueryValList[1] + "'"; } else if(QueryCondition == 7) { sql += " and " + condi.QueryField + " in (" + condi.QueryVal + ")"; } else if(QueryCondition == 8) { sql += " and " + condi.QueryField + " in ('" + condi.QueryVal.Replace(",", "','") + "')"; } else if(QueryCondition == 9) { string[] QueryValList = condi.QueryVal.Split(','); sql += " and ("; int index = 0; foreach(string QueryVal in QueryValList) { index += 1; sql += condi.QueryField + "=" + QueryVal; if(index < QueryValList.Length) { sql += " or "; } } sql += ")"; } else { sql += " and " + condi.QueryField + "='" + condi.QueryVal + "'"; } } //抓取数据开始post数据 int StartId = pushItem.QueryId; sql = sql.Replace("${QueryId}$", StartId.ToString()); sql += " order by id limit 10"; DataTable dt = CustomerSqlConn.dtable(sql, AppConfig.Base.SqlConnStr); foreach(DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { SortedList obj = new SortedList(); foreach(DataColumn dc in dt.Columns) { if(PushField.Contains(dc.ColumnName)) { string val = dr[dc.ColumnName].ToString(); string tran = Trans[dc.ColumnName]; if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(val)) { if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tran)) { if(tran.StartsWith("*")) { decimal num = decimal.Parse(val) * int.Parse(tran.Substring(1)); val = num.ToString("f0"); } } if(dc.DataType == typeof(DateTime)) { val = DateTime.Parse(val).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); } obj.Add(dc.ColumnName, val); } } } int Status = 0; string PushData = ""; string PushDataEncrypt = ""; if(EncryptMode == 1) { PushData = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj); LogHelper.Instance.WriteLog("原始数据:" + PushData, "推送数据日志"); string content = EncryptHelper.Encrypt1(obj, AesSecret); LogHelper.Instance.WriteLog("加密数据:" + content, "推送数据日志"); obj = new SortedList(); obj.Add("type", Title); obj.Add("notice_id", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); obj.Add("timestamp", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff") + function.get_Random(8)); obj.Add("content", content); string requestJson = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj); PushDataEncrypt = requestJson; LogHelper.Instance.WriteLog("请求参数:" + PushDataEncrypt, "推送数据日志"); LogHelper.Instance.WriteLog("请求地址:" + NoticeUrl, "推送数据日志"); string result = function.PostWebRequest(NoticeUrl, requestJson, "application/json"); LogHelper.Instance.WriteLog("返回报文:" + result + "\n\n", "推送数据日志"); if(result.Replace(" ", "").Contains("\"code\":\"200\"")) { Status = 1; } } PushRecord rec = db.PushRecord.Add(new PushRecord() { CreateDate = DateTime.Now, UpdateDate = DateTime.Now, Status = Status, PushData = PushData, PushDataEncrypt = PushDataEncrypt, PushObjId = pushItem.Id, MerchantId = merchant.Id }).Entity; db.SaveChanges(); if(Status != 1) { db.RePushQueue.Add(new RePushQueue() { CreateDate = DateTime.Now, RePushUrl = NoticeUrl, RePushDate = RePushHelper.Instance.GetNextTime(1), Times = 1, PushData = PushData, PushDataEncrypt = PushDataEncrypt, PushObjId = pushItem.Id, MerchantId = merchant.Id, PushRecordId = rec.Id, }); } db.SaveChanges(); StartId = int.Parse(dr["id"].ToString()); } var edit = db.PushObj.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == pushItem.Id); if(edit != null) { edit.QueryId = StartId; db.SaveChanges(); } } } db.Dispose(); } } }