using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using MySystem.Models; using Library; namespace MySystem { public class SycnProfitServiceV2 { public readonly static SycnProfitServiceV2 Instance = new SycnProfitServiceV2(); private SycnProfitServiceV2() { } public void Start() { Thread th = new Thread(doSomething); th.IsBackground = true; th.Start(); } public void doSomething() { while (true) { string content = RedisDbconn.Instance.RPop("SycnProfitQueue2"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) { try { function.WriteLog(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\r\n\r\n", "同步分润数据"); string[] data = content.Split(new string[] { "#cut#" }, StringSplitOptions.None); int BrandId = int.Parse(data[0]); string date = data[1]; int OpType = int.Parse(data[2]); string SysUserName = data[3]; if (OpType == 0) { DoTradeProfit(BrandId, date, SysUserName); DoSubsidyProfit(BrandId, date); // RedisDbconn.Instance.AddList("PosExpiredRingQueue", "1"); } else if (OpType == 1) { DoTradeProfit2(BrandId, date, SysUserName); DoSubsidyProfit2(BrandId, date); if(BrandId == 1) { DoUserServiceFee(); } } function.WriteLog(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\r\n\r\n", "同步分润数据"); } catch (Exception ex) { function.WriteLog(DateTime.Now.ToString() + ":" + ex.ToString(), "同步分润数据异常"); } } else { Thread.Sleep(60000); } } } private void DoTradeProfit(int BrandId, string date, string SysUserName) { WebCMSEntities db = new WebCMSEntities(); OtherMySqlConn.connstr = Library.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SqlConnStr"].ToString(); string StartId = function.ReadInstance("/PublicParams/ProfitRewardRecordId" + date + ".txt"); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(StartId)) { StartId = "0"; } OtherMySqlConn.op("insert into ProfitRecord (CreateDate,CreateMan,SeoTitle,ParentNav,BrandId,UserId,DirectFlag,ProfitAmount) select now(),'root','" + date + "',(select ParentNav from Users where Id=p.UserId)," + BrandId + ",UserId,ProfitType,sum(CreditTradeProfit+DebitNonTradeCapProfit+DebitTradeCapProfit) from ProfitRewardRecord p where Id>=" + StartId + " and CheckStatus=0 and BrandId=" + BrandId + " and UserId>0 and TradeMonth='" + date + "' group by UserId,ProfitType order by UserId"); DataTable dt = OtherMySqlConn.dtable("select UserId,sum(CreditTradeProfit+DebitNonTradeCapProfit+DebitTradeCapProfit) from ProfitRewardRecord where Id>=" + StartId + " and CheckStatus=0 and BrandId=" + BrandId + " and UserId>0 and TradeMonth='" + date + "' group by UserId"); function.WriteLog("分润:" + BrandId + ":" + dt.Rows.Count, "同步分润数据"); int index = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { index += 1; int UserId = int.Parse(dr["UserId"].ToString()); decimal ProfitMoney = decimal.Parse(dr[1].ToString()); try { string content = UserId + "|" + BrandId + "|" + ProfitMoney + "|" + index; RedisDbconn.Instance.AddList("DoTradeProfitQueue", content); } catch (Exception ex) { function.WriteLog(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\n" + UserId + "," + ProfitMoney + "\n" + ex.ToString(), "同步到余额异常"); } function.WriteLog(index.ToString(), "同步分润数据"); } OtherMySqlConn.op("update ProfitRewardRecord set CheckStatus=1 where Id>=" + StartId + " and CheckStatus=0 and BrandId=" + BrandId + " and UserId>0 and TradeMonth='" + date + "'"); db.Dispose(); dt.Dispose(); RedisDbconn.Instance.AddList("DoTradeProfitQueue", "end"); SycnProfitServiceV2.Instance.StartProfit(); } private void DoTradeProfit2(int BrandId, string date, string SysUserName) { WebCMSEntities db = new WebCMSEntities(); string conn = Library.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SqlConnStr"].ToString(); int startid = 0; bool op = true; while(op) { DataTable dt = CustomerSqlConn.dtable("select Id,UserId,DirectFlag,ProfitAmount from ProfitRecord where Id>" + startid + " and BrandId=" + BrandId + " and SeoTitle='" + date + "' and Version=0 and UserId>0 order by Id limit 200", conn); if(dt.Rows.Count > 0) { function.WriteLog("分润:" + BrandId + ":" + dt.Rows.Count, "同步分润数据"); int index = 0; List UserIds = new List(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { index += 1; int UserId = int.Parse(dr["UserId"].ToString()); int DirectFlag = int.Parse(dr["DirectFlag"].ToString()); decimal ProfitAmount = decimal.Parse(dr["ProfitAmount"].ToString()); var tran = db.Database.BeginTransaction(); try { UserAccount account = db.UserAccount.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == UserId); if (account == null) { account = db.UserAccount.Add(new UserAccount() { Id = UserId, UserId = UserId, }).Entity; db.SaveChanges(); } decimal BeforeTotalAmount = account.TotalAmount; //变更前总金额 decimal BeforeFreezeAmount = account.FreezeAmount; //变更前冻结金额 decimal BeforeBalanceAmount = account.BalanceAmount; //变更前余额 // account.BalanceAmount += ProfitAmount; // account.TotalAmount += ProfitAmount; decimal AfterTotalAmount = account.TotalAmount + ProfitAmount; //变更后总金额 decimal AfterFreezeAmount = account.FreezeAmount; //变更后冻结金额 decimal AfterBalanceAmount = account.BalanceAmount + ProfitAmount; //变更后余额 UserAccountRecord userAccountRecord = db.UserAccountRecord.Add(new UserAccountRecord() { CreateDate = DateTime.Now, UpdateDate = DateTime.Now, UserId = UserId, //创客 ProductType = BrandId, ChangeType = 1, //变动类型 ChangeAmount = ProfitAmount, //变更金额 BeforeTotalAmount = BeforeTotalAmount, //变更前总金额 AfterTotalAmount = AfterTotalAmount, //变更后总金额 BeforeFreezeAmount = BeforeFreezeAmount, //变更前冻结金额 AfterFreezeAmount = AfterFreezeAmount, //变更后冻结金额 BeforeBalanceAmount = BeforeBalanceAmount, //变更前余额 AfterBalanceAmount = AfterBalanceAmount, //变更后余额 Remark = DirectFlag == 1 ? "直拓商户分润" : "品牌推广服务费", }).Entity; UserProfit profit = db.UserProfit.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == UserId); if (profit == null) { profit = db.UserProfit.Add(new UserProfit() { Id = UserId, UserId = UserId, }).Entity; db.SaveChanges(); } profit.ProfitRate += ProfitAmount; db.SaveChanges(); if(!UserIds.Contains(UserId)) { UserIds.Add(UserId); } tran.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { function.WriteLog(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\n" + UserId + "," + ProfitAmount + "\n" + ex.ToString(), "同步到余额异常"); tran.Rollback(); } startid = int.Parse(dr["Id"].ToString()); function.WriteLog(index.ToString(), "同步分润数据"); } foreach(int UserId in UserIds) { RedisDbconn.Instance.AddList("UserMonthFeeQueue", UserId.ToString()); } } else { op = false; } } CustomerSqlConn.op("update ProfitRecord set Version=1 where BrandId=" + BrandId + " and SeoTitle='" + date + "' and Version=0 and UserId>0", conn); db.Dispose(); } //分润补贴 private void DoSubsidyProfit(int BrandId, string date) { WebCMSEntities db = new WebCMSEntities(); string conn = Library.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SqlConnStr"].ToString(); string StartId = function.ReadInstance("/PublicParams/ProfitSubsidyDetailId" + date + ".txt"); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(StartId)) { StartId = "0"; } CustomerSqlConn.op("insert into SubsidyRecord (CreateDate,SeoKeyword,SeoTitle,ParentNav,BrandId,UserId,ProfitAmount) select now(),'root','" + date + "',(select ParentNav from Users where Id=p.SubsidyUserId)," + BrandId + ",SubsidyUserId,sum(SubsidyProfitRate) from ProfitSubsidyDetail p where Id>=" + StartId + " and Status=0 and BrandId=" + BrandId + " and TradeMonth='" + date + "' GROUP BY SubsidyUserId", conn); DataTable dt = CustomerSqlConn.dtable("select SubsidyUserId,sum(SubsidyProfitRate) from ProfitSubsidyDetail where Id>=" + StartId + " and Status=0 and BrandId=" + BrandId + " and TradeMonth='" + date + "' GROUP BY SubsidyUserId", conn); function.WriteLog("补贴:" + BrandId + ":" + dt.Rows.Count, "同步补贴数据"); int index = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { index += 1; int UserId = int.Parse(dr["SubsidyUserId"].ToString()); decimal ProfitMoney = decimal.Parse(dr[1].ToString()); try { string content = UserId + "|" + BrandId + "|" + ProfitMoney + "|" + index; RedisDbconn.Instance.AddList("DoSubsidyProfitQueue", content); } catch (Exception ex) { function.WriteLog(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\n" + UserId + "," + ProfitMoney + "\n" + ex.ToString(), "同步到补贴异常"); } } CustomerSqlConn.op("update ProfitSubsidyDetail set Status=1 where Id>=" + StartId + " and Status=0 and BrandId=" + BrandId + " and TradeMonth='" + date + "'", conn); db.Dispose(); dt.Dispose(); RedisDbconn.Instance.AddList("DoSubsidyProfitQueue", "end"); SycnProfitServiceV2.Instance.StartSubsidy(); } private void DoSubsidyProfit2(int BrandId, string date) { WebCMSEntities db = new WebCMSEntities(); string conn = Library.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SqlConnStr"].ToString(); int startid = 0; bool op = true; while(op) { DataTable dt = CustomerSqlConn.dtable("select Id,UserId,ProfitAmount from SubsidyRecord where Id>" + startid + " and BrandId=" + BrandId + " and SeoTitle='" + date + "' and Status=0 and UserId>0 order by Id limit 200", conn); if(dt.Rows.Count > 0) { function.WriteLog("补贴:" + BrandId + ":" + dt.Rows.Count, "同步补贴数据"); int index = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { index += 1; int UserId = int.Parse(dr["UserId"].ToString()); decimal ProfitMoney = decimal.Parse(dr["ProfitAmount"].ToString()); var tran = db.Database.BeginTransaction(); try { Users user = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == UserId) ?? new Users(); UserAccount account = db.UserAccount.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == UserId); if (account == null) { account = db.UserAccount.Add(new UserAccount() { Id = UserId, UserId = UserId, }).Entity; db.SaveChanges(); } decimal BeforeTotalAmount = account.TotalAmount; //变更前总金额 decimal BeforeFreezeAmount = account.FreezeAmount; //变更前冻结金额 decimal BeforeBalanceAmount = account.BalanceAmount; //变更前余额 // account.BalanceAmount += ProfitMoney; // account.TotalAmount += ProfitMoney; decimal AfterTotalAmount = account.TotalAmount + ProfitMoney; //变更后总金额 decimal AfterFreezeAmount = account.FreezeAmount; //变更后冻结金额 decimal AfterBalanceAmount = account.BalanceAmount + ProfitMoney; //变更后余额 UserAccountRecord userAccountRecord = db.UserAccountRecord.Add(new UserAccountRecord() { CreateDate = DateTime.Now, UpdateDate = DateTime.Now, UserId = UserId, //创客 ProductType = BrandId, ChangeType = 111, //变动类型 ChangeAmount = ProfitMoney, //变更金额 BeforeTotalAmount = BeforeTotalAmount, //变更前总金额 AfterTotalAmount = AfterTotalAmount, //变更后总金额 BeforeFreezeAmount = BeforeFreezeAmount, //变更前冻结金额 AfterFreezeAmount = AfterFreezeAmount, //变更后冻结金额 BeforeBalanceAmount = BeforeBalanceAmount, //变更前余额 AfterBalanceAmount = AfterBalanceAmount, //变更后余额 Remark = "直拓商户补贴", }).Entity; UserProfit profit = db.UserProfit.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == UserId); if (profit == null) { profit = db.UserProfit.Add(new UserProfit() { Id = UserId, UserId = UserId, }).Entity; db.SaveChanges(); } profit.ProfitRate += ProfitMoney; db.SaveChanges(); tran.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { function.WriteLog(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\n" + UserId + "," + ProfitMoney + "\n" + ex.ToString(), "同步到补贴异常"); tran.Rollback(); } startid = int.Parse(dr["Id"].ToString()); function.WriteLog(index.ToString(), "同步补贴数据"); } } else { op = false; } } CustomerSqlConn.op("update SubsidyRecord set Status=1 where BrandId=" + BrandId + " and SeoTitle='" + date + "' and Status=0 and UserId>0", conn); db.Dispose(); } #region 助力宝分润展示 public void DoHelpProfit(string month) { string conn = Library.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SqlConnStr"].ToString(); CustomerSqlConn.dtable("update HelpProfitReward set Status=1 where Status=0 and TradeMonth='" + month + "'", conn); } #endregion #region 助力宝分润到账 public void DoHelpProfit2(string month) { WebCMSEntities db = new WebCMSEntities(); string conn = Library.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SqlConnStr"].ToString(); DataTable dt = CustomerSqlConn.dtable("select UserId,RewardType,sum(CreditRewardAmount),sum(CreditTradeAmt) from HelpProfitReward where Status=1 and TradeMonth='" + month + "' GROUP BY UserId,RewardType", conn); function.WriteLog("数量:" + dt.Rows.Count, "同步助力宝分润数据"); int index = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { index += 1; int UserId = int.Parse(dr["UserId"].ToString()); int RewardType = int.Parse(dr["RewardType"].ToString()); decimal ProfitMoney = decimal.Parse(dr[2].ToString()); decimal TradeAmt = decimal.Parse(dr[3].ToString()); var tran = db.Database.BeginTransaction(); try { Users user = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == UserId) ?? new Users(); UserAccount account = db.UserAccount.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == UserId); if (account == null) { account = db.UserAccount.Add(new UserAccount() { Id = UserId, UserId = UserId, }).Entity; db.SaveChanges(); } decimal BeforeTotalAmount = account.TotalAmount; //变更前总金额 decimal BeforeFreezeAmount = account.FreezeAmount; //变更前冻结金额 decimal BeforeBalanceAmount = account.BalanceAmount; //变更前余额 account.BalanceAmount += ProfitMoney; account.TotalAmount += ProfitMoney; decimal AfterTotalAmount = account.TotalAmount; //变更后总金额 decimal AfterFreezeAmount = account.FreezeAmount; //变更后冻结金额 decimal AfterBalanceAmount = account.BalanceAmount; //变更后余额 UserAccountRecord userAccountRecord = db.UserAccountRecord.Add(new UserAccountRecord() { CreateDate = DateTime.Now, UpdateDate = DateTime.Now, UserId = UserId, //创客 ProductType = 101, ChangeType = RewardType, //变动类型 ChangeAmount = ProfitMoney, //变更金额 BeforeTotalAmount = BeforeTotalAmount, //变更前总金额 AfterTotalAmount = AfterTotalAmount, //变更后总金额 BeforeFreezeAmount = BeforeFreezeAmount, //变更前冻结金额 AfterFreezeAmount = AfterFreezeAmount, //变更后冻结金额 BeforeBalanceAmount = BeforeBalanceAmount, //变更前余额 AfterBalanceAmount = AfterBalanceAmount, //变更后余额 Remark = user.RealName.Substring(0, 1) + "**:" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "交易" + TradeAmt.ToString("f2"), }).Entity; db.SaveChanges(); tran.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { function.WriteLog(DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\n" + UserId + "," + ProfitMoney + "\n" + ex.ToString(), "同步助利宝分润异常"); tran.Rollback(); } function.WriteLog(index.ToString(), "同步补贴数据"); } OtherMySqlConn.dtable("update HelpProfitReward set Status=2 where Status=1 and TradeMonth='" + month + "'"); db.Dispose(); } #endregion #region 扣创客服务费 private void DoUserServiceFee() { WebCMSEntities db = new WebCMSEntities(); int startId = 0; bool op = true; while(op) { var list = db.UserProfit.Select(m => new { m.Id, m.ProfitRate }).Where(m => m.Id > startId).OrderBy(m => m.Id).Take(50).ToList(); if(list.Count > 0) { foreach(var item in list) { UserAccount account = db.UserAccount.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == item.Id); if (account == null) { account = db.UserAccount.Add(new UserAccount() { Id = item.Id, UserId = item.Id, }).Entity; db.SaveChanges(); } account.BalanceAmount += item.ProfitRate; account.TotalAmount += item.ProfitRate; db.SaveChanges(); if(CheckUser(db, item.Id)) { RedisDbconn.Instance.AddList("UserMonthFeeQueue", item.Id.ToString()); } else { RedisDbconn.Instance.AddList("PosExpiredPayQueue", item.Id.ToString()); } startId = item.Id; } list.Clear(); Thread.Sleep(100); } else { op = false; } } db.Dispose(); } #endregion public void StartProfit() { Thread th = new Thread(StartProfitDo); th.IsBackground = true; th.Start(); } public void StartProfitDo() { WebCMSEntities db = new WebCMSEntities(); Models2.WebCMSEntities db2 = new Models2.WebCMSEntities(); bool op = true; while (op) { string content = RedisDbconn.Instance.RPop("DoTradeProfitQueue"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) { if(content == "end") { op = false; } else { try { string[] data = content.Split('|'); int UserId = int.Parse(data[0]); int BrandId = int.Parse(data[1]); decimal ProfitMoney = decimal.Parse(data[2]); int index = int.Parse(data[3]); string IdBrand = UserId + "_" + BrandId; if(BrandId == 2) { Models2.UserMachineData MachineData = db2.UserMachineData.FirstOrDefault(m => m.IdBrand == IdBrand); if (MachineData == null) { MachineData = db2.UserMachineData.Add(new Models2.UserMachineData() { IdBrand = IdBrand, }).Entity; db2.SaveChanges(); } MachineData.TradeProfit += ProfitMoney; db2.SaveChanges(); } else { UserMachineData MachineData = db.UserMachineData.FirstOrDefault(m => m.IdBrand == IdBrand); if (MachineData == null) { MachineData = db.UserMachineData.Add(new UserMachineData() { IdBrand = IdBrand, }).Entity; db.SaveChanges(); } MachineData.TradeProfit += ProfitMoney; db.SaveChanges(); } function.WriteLog(index.ToString() + "--" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff"), "同步分润队列数据"); } catch (Exception ex) { function.WriteLog(DateTime.Now.ToString() + ":" + ex.ToString(), "同步分润队列数据异常"); } } } else { Thread.Sleep(1000); } } db.Dispose(); db2.Dispose(); } public void StartSubsidy() { Thread th = new Thread(StartSubsidyDo); th.IsBackground = true; th.Start(); } public void StartSubsidyDo() { WebCMSEntities db = new WebCMSEntities(); bool op = true; while (op) { string content = RedisDbconn.Instance.RPop("DoSubsidyProfitQueue"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) { if(content == "end") { op = false; } else { try { string[] data = content.Split('|'); int UserId = int.Parse(data[0]); int BrandId = int.Parse(data[1]); decimal ProfitMoney = decimal.Parse(data[2]); int index = int.Parse(data[3]); string IdBrand = UserId + "_" + BrandId; UserMachineData MachineData = db.UserMachineData.FirstOrDefault(m => m.IdBrand == IdBrand); if (MachineData == null) { MachineData = db.UserMachineData.Add(new UserMachineData() { IdBrand = IdBrand, }).Entity; db.SaveChanges(); } MachineData.OtherProfit += ProfitMoney; db.SaveChanges(); function.WriteLog(index.ToString() + "--" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff"), "同步补贴队列数据"); } catch (Exception ex) { function.WriteLog(DateTime.Now.ToString() + ":" + ex.ToString(), "同步补贴队列数据异常"); } } } else { Thread.Sleep(1000); } } db.Dispose(); } #region private bool CheckUser(WebCMSEntities db, int Id) { DateTime ExpireDate = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM") + "-01 00:00:00").AddDays(-90); //创客认证超过90天比对时间 //超过90天创客判断 return db.Users.Any(m => m.Id == Id && m.AuthFlag == 1 && m.AuthDate < ExpireDate); } #endregion } }