using MySystem.Models.Main;
using Library;
using MySystem.Service.Main;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
namespace MySystem
/// 商户业绩统计工具类
public class MerchantAmountSummayUtil
#region 已激活商户-达标信息列表
/// 已激活商户-达标信息列表
/// 商户Id
/// 条数
/// 页数
public static List> ListDo(int MerchantId, int PageSize, int PageNum)
List> dataList = new List>();
var query = MerchantDepositOrderService.Query(" 1=1 and Status>0 and MerchantId=" + MerchantId + "");
if (query.Id > 0)
var month = DateTime.Parse(query.UpdateDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
var TradeMonth = "";
var TradeTime = "";
Dictionary dic = new Dictionary();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
var Status = 0;//活动交易状态
decimal TradeAmount = 0.00M;
TradeMonth = month.AddMonths(i + 1).ToString("yyyy-MM");
TradeTime = month.AddMonths(i + 1).ToString("yyyyMM");
// TradeMonth = (int.Parse("202307") + i + 1).ToString();
// TradeTime = (int.Parse("202307") + i + 1).ToString();
var check = MerchantAmountSummayService.Query(" 1=1 and IsAct=1 and TradeMonth='" + TradeTime + "' and MerchantId=" + MerchantId + "");
if (check.Id > 0)
dic = MerchantAmountSummayService.Sum("TradeAmount", " and IsAct=1 and TradeMonth='" + TradeTime + "' and MerchantId=" + MerchantId + "");
TradeAmount = decimal.Parse(dic["TradeAmount"].ToString());
if (int.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMM")) < int.Parse(TradeTime))
// if (int.Parse("202310") < int.Parse(TradeTime))//测试指定当前时间
Status = 0;
if (DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMM") == TradeTime)
Status = 1;
if (TradeAmount >= 10000 && check.Id > 0) Status = 2;
if (TradeAmount < 10000 && check.Id > 0) Status = -1;
Dictionary curData = new Dictionary();
curData.Add("TradeMonth", TradeMonth); //月份
curData.Add("TradeAmount", TradeAmount); //订单金额
curData.Add("Status", Status); //状态(-1 未通过 0 待考核 1 考核中 2 已通过 3 未参与)
return dataList;