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lcl 10 months ago
1 changed files with 36 additions and 26 deletions
  1. 36 26

+ 36 - 26

@@ -288,34 +288,44 @@ namespace MySystem
                                 MerchantAddInfo merchantAdd = db.MerchantAddInfo.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == order.MerchantId) ?? new MerchantAddInfo();
                                 decimal fee = order.PayMoney;
-                                string applyNo = "FZ" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff") + function.get_Random(8); //批次号
-                                string mchtNo = merchantAdd.OutMchtNo; //慧掌柜商户号
-                                string orderNo = order.SeoTitle; //交易订单号(好哒平台订单号,G开头)
-                                string acctNo = AppConfig.Haoda.AcctNo; //账户号,分账接收方账户号
-                                string sacctNo = merchantAdd.MchtNo; //账户号,收款商户号
-                                string acctType = "0"; //账户类型(0:商户收款账户(大B),1:分账接收方账户(小B))
-                                decimal settleAmount = (decimal)order.SettleAmount / 100M;
-                                decimal divideAmt = (1 - 0.0038M) * order.SettleAmount;
-                                divideAmt = decimal.Parse(divideAmt.ToString("f2"));
-                                decimal hdfee = 0.0038M * order.SettleAmount * (1 - set.GetPercent / 100 - 0.01M);
-                                hdfee = decimal.Parse(hdfee.ToString("f2"));
-                                decimal servicefee = 0.01M * order.SettleAmount - hdfee;
-                                servicefee = decimal.Parse(servicefee.ToString("f2"));
-                                decimal amount = order.SettleAmount * (1 - 0.0038M) - servicefee;
-                                amount = decimal.Parse(amount.ToString("f2"));
-                                decimal otherAmt = divideAmt - servicefee - amount;
-                                if (otherAmt != 0)
+                                if (fee >= 1)
-                                    amount += otherAmt;
-                                }
+                                    string applyNo = "FZ" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff") + function.get_Random(8); //批次号
+                                    string mchtNo = merchantAdd.OutMchtNo; //慧掌柜商户号
+                                    string orderNo = order.SeoTitle; //交易订单号(好哒平台订单号,G开头)
+                                    string acctNo = AppConfig.Haoda.AcctNo; //账户号,分账接收方账户号
+                                    string sacctNo = merchantAdd.MchtNo; //账户号,收款商户号
+                                    string acctType = "0"; //账户类型(0:商户收款账户(大B),1:分账接收方账户(小B))
-                                amount = amount * 100; //金额(分)
-                                servicefee = servicefee * 100;
-                                string seviceAmount = servicefee.ToString("f0"); //服务费
-                                string amountAmount = amount.ToString("f0");
-                                string result = HaoDaHelper.Instance.OrderDivideAccounts(OrderDivideAccountsUtil.AddValue(applyNo, mchtNo, orderNo, acctNo, sacctNo, acctType, amountAmount, seviceAmount));
-                                order.DivideLog = "请求分账日志:" + result;
-                                db.SaveChanges();
+                                    decimal settleAmount = (decimal)order.SettleAmount / 100M;
+                                    decimal divideAmt = (1 - 0.0038M) * order.PayMoney;
+                                    divideAmt = decimal.Parse(divideAmt.ToString("f2"));
+                                    decimal hdfee = 0.0038M * order.PayMoney * (1 - set.GetPercent / 100 - 0.01M);
+                                    hdfee = decimal.Parse(hdfee.ToString("f2"));
+                                    decimal servicefee = 0.01M * order.PayMoney - hdfee;
+                                    servicefee = decimal.Parse(servicefee.ToString("f2"));
+                                    decimal amount = order.PayMoney * (1 - 0.0038M) - servicefee;
+                                    amount = decimal.Parse(amount.ToString("f2"));
+                                    decimal otherAmt = settleAmount - servicefee - amount;
+                                    if (otherAmt != 0)
+                                    {
+                                        amount += otherAmt;
+                                    }
+                                    amount = amount * 100; //金额(分)
+                                    servicefee = servicefee * 100;
+                                    string seviceAmount = servicefee.ToString("f0"); //服务费
+                                    string amountAmount = amount.ToString("f0");
+                                    string result = HaoDaHelper.Instance.OrderDivideAccounts(OrderDivideAccountsUtil.AddValue(applyNo, mchtNo, orderNo, acctNo, sacctNo, acctType, amountAmount, seviceAmount));
+                                    order.DivideLog = "请求分账日志:" + result;
+                                    //开始监听分账状态
+                                    // Dictionary<string, object> req = new Dictionary<string, object>();
+                                    // req.Add("ApplyNo", applyNo);
+                                    // req.Add("OrderNo", order.OrderNo);
+                                    // req.Add("MchtNo", mchtNo);
+                                    // RedisDbconn.Instance.AddList("ProfitShareHdQueue", Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(req));
+                                }