@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ namespace Util
string priListIds = priObjData[0];
int projectId = int.Parse(priObjData[1]);
int prizeInId = int.Parse(priObjData[2]);
- prizeSend(projectId, prizeInId, priListIds, content);
+ prizeSend(projectId, prizeInId, priListIds, content, queueName);
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ namespace Util
- public static List<QueryCondition> condition(int projectId, List<int> ids, string content)
+ public static List<QueryCondition> condition(int listId, int projectId, List<int> ids, string content)
List<QueryCondition> dic = new();
var queryTableService = App.GetService<IPriQueryTableService>();
@@ -340,8 +340,9 @@ namespace Util
- public static string prizeObject(int prizeObjectTag, string content)
+ public static string prizeObject(int listId, int prizeObjectTag, string content)
+ Dictionary<string, object> logStepDic = new();
Dictionary<string, object> dic = new();
var prizeObjectTableService = App.GetService<IPriPrizeObjectTableService>();
var prizeObjectFieldService = App.GetService<IPriPrizeObjectFieldService>();
@@ -351,16 +352,27 @@ namespace Util
string field = prizeObjectTable.selectField;
int projectId = prizeObjectTable.projectId;
+ logStepDic.Add("奖励发放对象说明", prizeObjectTable.note);
string condi = "";
+ List<Dictionary<string, object>> condiDics = new();
var queryFields = prizeObjectFieldService.GetList(m => m.objectTableId == prizeObjectTable.id);
foreach(var queryField in queryFields)
+ string fieldName = queryField.fieldName;
string fieldEnName = queryField.fieldEnName;
string fieldQueryKind = queryField.fieldQueryKind;
string fieldQueryModel = queryField.fieldQueryModel;
string fieldQueryValue = queryField.fieldQueryValue;
string fieldQueryValueType = queryField.fieldQueryValueType;
+ Dictionary<string, object> condiDic = new();
+ condiDic.Add("字段名称", fieldName);
+ condiDic.Add("匹配条件", fieldQueryKind);
+ condiDic.Add("匹配方式", fieldQueryModel);
if(fieldQueryKind == "1") //模糊匹配
condi += " and " + fieldEnName + " like ";
@@ -369,14 +381,19 @@ namespace Util
Dictionary<string, string> req = getRequestParams(projectId, content);
string val = req.ContainsKey(fieldQueryValue) ? req[fieldQueryValue] : "0";
condi += "'%" + val + "%'";
+ condiDic.Add("匹配值", val);
else if(fieldQueryModel == "fixed_value")
- condi += "'%" + GetExpressionVal(fieldQueryValue) + "%'";
+ string val = GetExpressionVal(fieldQueryValue);
+ condi += "'%" + val + "%'";
+ condiDic.Add("匹配值", val);
else if(fieldQueryModel == "db_field")
+ string val = GetDbExpressionVal(fieldQueryValue);
condi += "'%" + GetDbExpressionVal(fieldQueryValue) + "%'";
+ condiDic.Add("匹配值", val);
else if(fieldQueryKind == "2") //精确匹配
@@ -401,6 +418,7 @@ namespace Util
val = "'" + val + "'";
condi += val;
+ condiDic.Add("匹配值", val);
else if(fieldQueryKind == "5" || fieldQueryKind == "6") //数组匹配/排除
@@ -453,6 +471,7 @@ namespace Util
val = val.TrimEnd(',');
condi += val + ")";
+ condiDic.Add("匹配值", val);
else if(fieldQueryKind == "3") //范围匹配
@@ -497,6 +516,7 @@ namespace Util
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(val[1])) condi += " and " + fieldEnName + "<='" + GetDbExpressionVal(val[1]) + "'";
+ condiDic.Add("匹配值", val);
else if(fieldQueryKind == "4") //取反匹配
@@ -520,16 +540,22 @@ namespace Util
val = "'" + val + "'";
condi += val;
+ condiDic.Add("匹配值", val);
+ logStepDic.Add("奖励发放对象查询条件", condiDics);
+ string result = "0";
var db = initDb(prizeObjectTable.databaseId);
var item = db.Ado.GetScalar("select " + field + " from " + prizeObjectTable.tableEnName + " where 1=1" + condi);
if(item != null)
- return item.ToString();
+ result = item.ToString();
- return "0";
+ logStepDic.Add("奖励发放对象", result);
+ setLogStep(listId, logStepDic);
+ return result;
@@ -556,7 +582,7 @@ namespace Util
- public static void prizeSend(int projectId, int prizeInId, string prizeIds, string content)
+ public static void prizeSend(int projectId, int prizeInId, string prizeIds, string content, string queueName)
var loopSetService = App.GetService<IPriLoopSetService>();
var recursionStartTableService = App.GetService<IPriRecursionStartTableService>();
@@ -564,387 +590,402 @@ namespace Util
var priList = prizeList(projectId, prizeIds);
foreach(var sub in priList)
- addLog(projectId, sub.id, prizeInId, content); //初始化日志
- string prizeObjectId = prizeObject(sub.prizeObj, content);
- var recursionFlag = sub.recursionFlag; //是否递归
- if(recursionFlag)
+ try
- List<QueryCondition> queryCondiDic = condition(projectId, Tools.SpitIntArrary(sub.queryTableIdList, ',').ToList(), content);
- var loopSet = loopSetService.GetFirst(m => m.listId == sub.id) ?? new PriLoopSet();
- var recursionStartTable = recursionStartTableService.GetFirst(m => m.listId == sub.id) ?? new PriRecursionStartTable();
- var tableEnName = loopSet.tableEnName; //递归查询表
- var parentField = loopSet.parentField; //父字段
- var sonField = loopSet.sonField; //子字段
- var afterPrizeFlag = loopSet.afterPrizeFlag; //发奖后是否继续
- var db = initDb(recursionStartTable.databaseId);
- string objId = prizeObjectId;
- bool op = true;
- int index = 0;
- loopAmount = 0;
- while(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objId) && objId != "0" && op)
- {
- List<QueryCondition> condiDic = loopCondition(projectId, sub, objId, content);
- if(condiDic.Count > 0)
- {
- bool prizeFlag = true;
- var conditions = recursionStartConditionService.GetList(m => m.loopSetId == loopSet.id);
- if(conditions.Count > 0)
- {
- int allCount = conditions.Count; //所有奖励条件数
- int passCount = 0; //通过条件数
- foreach(var condition in conditions)
+ addLog(projectId, sub.id, prizeInId, content, queueName); //初始化日志
+ string prizeObjectId = prizeObject(sub.id, sub.prizeObj, content);
+ var recursionFlag = sub.recursionFlag; //是否递归
+ setLogStep(sub.id, "是否递归", recursionFlag ? "是" : "否");
+ if(recursionFlag)
+ {
+ List<QueryCondition> queryCondiDic = condition(sub.id, projectId, Tools.SpitIntArrary(sub.queryTableIdList, ',').ToList(), content);
+ setLogStep(sub.id, "查询原始数据", queryCondiDic);
+ var loopSet = loopSetService.GetFirst(m => m.listId == sub.id) ?? new PriLoopSet();
+ var recursionStartTable = recursionStartTableService.GetFirst(m => m.listId == sub.id) ?? new PriRecursionStartTable();
+ var tableEnName = loopSet.tableEnName; //递归查询表
+ var parentField = loopSet.parentField; //父字段
+ var sonField = loopSet.sonField; //子字段
+ var afterPrizeFlag = loopSet.afterPrizeFlag; //发奖后是否继续
+ var db = initDb(recursionStartTable.databaseId);
+ string objId = prizeObjectId;
+ bool op = true;
+ int index = 0;
+ loopAmount = 0;
+ List<Dictionary<string, object>> loopLogDic = new();
+ while(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objId) && objId != "0" && op)
+ {
+ Dictionary<string, object> loopLog = new();
+ List<QueryCondition> condiDic = loopCondition(projectId, sub, objId, content);
+ loopLog.Add("查询" + objId + "匹配数据", condiDic);
+ if(condiDic.Count > 0)
+ {
+ bool prizeFlag = true;
+ var conditions = recursionStartConditionService.GetList(m => m.loopSetId == loopSet.id);
+ if(conditions.Count > 0)
- if(condition.startIndex <= index)
+ int allCount = conditions.Count; //所有奖励条件数
+ int passCount = 0; //通过条件数
+ foreach(var condition in conditions)
- Dictionary<string, string> logStepDic = new();
- var returnFieldId = condition.returnFieldId; //条件返回字段
- var fieldQueryKind = condition.fieldQueryKind; //匹配条件
- var fieldQueryModel = condition.fieldQueryModel; //匹配方式
- var fieldQueryValue = condition.fieldQueryValue; //匹配值
- var fieldQueryValueType = condition.fieldQueryValueType; //匹配值类型
- string checkObj = "";
- string checkTitle = "";
- if(returnFieldId.Contains(","))
- {
- string[] returnFieldIdList = returnFieldId.Split(',');
- foreach(string subField in returnFieldIdList)
- {
- string val = GetQueryTableData(condiDic, subField);
- checkObj += val + ",";
- string title = GetQueryTableTitle(condiDic, subField);
- checkTitle += title + ",";
- }
- checkObj = checkObj.TrimEnd(',');
- checkTitle = checkTitle.TrimEnd(',');
- }
- else if (returnFieldId.Contains("+") || returnFieldId.Contains("-") || returnFieldId.Contains("*") || returnFieldId.Contains("/") || returnFieldId.Contains("(") || returnFieldId.Contains(")"))
- {
- string expresssion = returnFieldId;
- checkTitle = returnFieldId;
- string[] returnFields = returnFieldId.Split(new char[] { '+', '-', '*', '/', '(', ')' });
- foreach(string returnField in returnFields)
- {
- string val = GetQueryTableData(condiDic, returnField);
- expresssion = expresssion.Replace(returnField, val);
- string title = GetQueryTableTitle(condiDic, returnField);
- checkTitle = checkTitle.Replace(returnField, title);
- }
- DataTable dt = new();
- checkObj = dt.Compute(expresssion, "false").ToString();
- }
- else
+ if(condition.startIndex <= index)
- checkObj = GetQueryTableData(condiDic, returnFieldId);
- checkTitle = GetQueryTableTitle(condiDic, returnFieldId);
- }
- logStepDic.Add("标题", checkTitle);
- logStepDic.Add("匹配值", fieldQueryValue);
- logStepDic.Add("实际值", checkObj);
+ Dictionary<string, object> logStepDic = new();
+ var returnFieldId = condition.returnFieldId; //条件返回字段
+ var fieldQueryKind = condition.fieldQueryKind; //匹配条件
+ var fieldQueryModel = condition.fieldQueryModel; //匹配方式
+ var fieldQueryValue = condition.fieldQueryValue; //匹配值
+ var fieldQueryValueType = condition.fieldQueryValueType; //匹配值类型
- var checkVal = fieldQueryValue;
- bool passFlag = false;
- if(fieldQueryKind == "1") //模糊匹配
- {
- if(fieldQueryValueType == "text")
- {
- if(checkObj.ToString().Contains(GetExpressionVal(checkVal)))
- {
- passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
- }
- }
- }
- else if(fieldQueryKind == "2") //精确匹配
- {
- if(fieldQueryValueType == "int")
+ string checkObj = "";
+ string checkTitle = "";
+ if(returnFieldId.Contains(","))
- if(int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(checkObj.ToString())) == int.Parse(Function.CheckNum(checkVal)))
+ string[] returnFieldIdList = returnFieldId.Split(',');
+ foreach(string subField in returnFieldIdList)
- passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ string val = GetQueryTableData(condiDic, subField);
+ checkObj += val + ",";
+ string title = GetQueryTableTitle(condiDic, subField);
+ checkTitle += title + ",";
+ checkObj = checkObj.TrimEnd(',');
+ checkTitle = checkTitle.TrimEnd(',');
- else if(fieldQueryValueType == "number")
+ else if (returnFieldId.Contains("+") || returnFieldId.Contains("-") || returnFieldId.Contains("*") || returnFieldId.Contains("/") || returnFieldId.Contains("(") || returnFieldId.Contains(")"))
- if(decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(checkObj.ToString())) == decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(checkVal)))
+ string expresssion = returnFieldId;
+ checkTitle = returnFieldId;
+ string[] returnFields = returnFieldId.Split(new char[] { '+', '-', '*', '/', '(', ')' });
+ foreach(string returnField in returnFields)
- passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ string val = GetQueryTableData(condiDic, returnField);
+ expresssion = expresssion.Replace(returnField, val);
+ string title = GetQueryTableTitle(condiDic, returnField);
+ checkTitle = checkTitle.Replace(returnField, title);
+ DataTable dt = new();
+ checkObj = dt.Compute(expresssion, "false").ToString();
- if(checkObj.ToString() == GetExpressionVal(checkVal))
- {
- passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
- }
+ checkObj = GetQueryTableData(condiDic, returnFieldId);
+ checkTitle = GetQueryTableTitle(condiDic, returnFieldId);
- }
- else if(fieldQueryKind == "3") //范围匹配
- {
- string[] val = checkVal.Split(':');
- string valLeft = val[0];
- string valRight = val[1];
- if(fieldQueryModel == "request_param")
+ logStepDic.Add("标题", checkTitle);
+ logStepDic.Add("匹配值", fieldQueryValue);
+ logStepDic.Add("实际值", checkObj);
+ var checkVal = fieldQueryValue;
+ bool passFlag = false;
+ if(fieldQueryKind == "1") //模糊匹配
- Dictionary<string, string> req = getRequestParams(projectId, content);
- if(fieldQueryValueType == "number")
+ if(fieldQueryValueType == "text")
- if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valLeft]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valRight]) && decimal.Parse(checkObj) >= decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(req[valLeft])) && decimal.Parse(checkObj) <= decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(req[valRight])))
- {
- passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
- }
- else if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valLeft]) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valRight]) && decimal.Parse(checkObj) >= decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(req[valLeft])))
- {
- passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
- }
- else if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valLeft]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valRight]) && decimal.Parse(checkObj) <= decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(req[valRight])))
+ if(checkObj.ToString().Contains(GetExpressionVal(checkVal)))
passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
- else if(fieldQueryValueType == "int")
+ }
+ else if(fieldQueryKind == "2") //精确匹配
+ {
+ if(fieldQueryValueType == "int")
- if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valLeft]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valRight]) && int.Parse(checkObj) >= int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(req[valLeft])) && int.Parse(checkObj) <= int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(req[valRight])))
- {
- passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
- }
- else if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valLeft]) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valRight]) && int.Parse(checkObj) >= int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(req[valLeft])))
- {
- passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
- }
- else if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valLeft]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valRight]) && int.Parse(checkObj) <= int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(req[valRight])))
+ if(int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(checkObj.ToString())) == int.Parse(Function.CheckNum(checkVal)))
passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
- else if(fieldQueryValueType.StartsWith("date"))
+ else if(fieldQueryValueType == "number")
- if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valLeft]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valRight]) && DateTime.Parse(checkObj) >= DateTime.Parse(req[valLeft]) && DateTime.Parse(checkObj) <= DateTime.Parse(req[valRight]))
- {
- passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
- }
- else if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valLeft]) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valRight]) && DateTime.Parse(checkObj) >= DateTime.Parse(req[valLeft]))
+ if(decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(checkObj.ToString())) == decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(checkVal)))
passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
- else if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valLeft]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valRight]) && DateTime.Parse(checkObj) <= DateTime.Parse(req[valRight]))
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(checkObj.ToString() == GetExpressionVal(checkVal))
passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
- else if(fieldQueryModel == "fixed_value")
+ else if(fieldQueryKind == "3") //范围匹配
- string checkValLeft = valLeft.Replace("#{", "").Replace("}#", "");
- string checkValRight = valRight.Replace("#{", "").Replace("}#", "");
- if(checkValLeft.Contains(",")) checkValLeft = checkValLeft.Split(',')[0];
- if(checkValRight.Contains(",")) checkValRight = checkValRight.Split(',')[0];
- valLeft = GetExpressionVal(valLeft);
- valRight = GetExpressionVal(valRight);
- if(fieldQueryValueType == "number")
+ string[] val = checkVal.Split(':');
+ string valLeft = val[0];
+ string valRight = val[1];
+ if(fieldQueryModel == "request_param")
- if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && decimal.Parse(checkObj) >= decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(valLeft)) && decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(checkObj.ToString())) <= decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(valRight)))
+ Dictionary<string, string> req = getRequestParams(projectId, content);
+ if(fieldQueryValueType == "number")
- passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valLeft]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valRight]) && decimal.Parse(checkObj) >= decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(req[valLeft])) && decimal.Parse(checkObj) <= decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(req[valRight])))
+ {
+ passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ }
+ else if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valLeft]) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valRight]) && decimal.Parse(checkObj) >= decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(req[valLeft])))
+ {
+ passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ }
+ else if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valLeft]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valRight]) && decimal.Parse(checkObj) <= decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(req[valRight])))
+ {
+ passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ }
- else if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(checkObj.ToString())) >= decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(valLeft)))
+ else if(fieldQueryValueType == "int")
- passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valLeft]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valRight]) && int.Parse(checkObj) >= int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(req[valLeft])) && int.Parse(checkObj) <= int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(req[valRight])))
+ {
+ passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ }
+ else if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valLeft]) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valRight]) && int.Parse(checkObj) >= int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(req[valLeft])))
+ {
+ passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ }
+ else if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valLeft]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valRight]) && int.Parse(checkObj) <= int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(req[valRight])))
+ {
+ passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ }
- else if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(checkObj.ToString())) <= decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(valRight)))
+ else if(fieldQueryValueType.StartsWith("date"))
- passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valLeft]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valRight]) && DateTime.Parse(checkObj) >= DateTime.Parse(req[valLeft]) && DateTime.Parse(checkObj) <= DateTime.Parse(req[valRight]))
+ {
+ passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ }
+ else if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valLeft]) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valRight]) && DateTime.Parse(checkObj) >= DateTime.Parse(req[valLeft]))
+ {
+ passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ }
+ else if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valLeft]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(req[valRight]) && DateTime.Parse(checkObj) <= DateTime.Parse(req[valRight]))
+ {
+ passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ }
- else if(fieldQueryValueType == "int")
+ else if(fieldQueryModel == "fixed_value")
- if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && int.Parse(checkObj) >= int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(valLeft)) && int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(checkObj.ToString())) <= int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(valRight)))
+ string checkValLeft = valLeft.Replace("#{", "").Replace("}#", "");
+ string checkValRight = valRight.Replace("#{", "").Replace("}#", "");
+ if(checkValLeft.Contains(",")) checkValLeft = checkValLeft.Split(',')[0];
+ if(checkValRight.Contains(",")) checkValRight = checkValRight.Split(',')[0];
+ valLeft = GetExpressionVal(valLeft);
+ valRight = GetExpressionVal(valRight);
+ if(fieldQueryValueType == "number")
- passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && decimal.Parse(checkObj) >= decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(valLeft)) && decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(checkObj.ToString())) <= decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(valRight)))
+ {
+ passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ }
+ else if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(checkObj.ToString())) >= decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(valLeft)))
+ {
+ passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ }
+ else if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(checkObj.ToString())) <= decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(valRight)))
+ {
+ passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ }
- else if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(checkObj.ToString())) >= int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(valLeft)))
+ else if(fieldQueryValueType == "int")
- passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && int.Parse(checkObj) >= int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(valLeft)) && int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(checkObj.ToString())) <= int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(valRight)))
+ {
+ passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ }
+ else if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(checkObj.ToString())) >= int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(valLeft)))
+ {
+ passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ }
+ else if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(checkObj.ToString())) <= int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(valRight)))
+ {
+ passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ }
- else if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(checkObj.ToString())) <= int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(valRight)))
+ else if(fieldQueryValueType.StartsWith("date"))
- passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ if(valLeft == "0") valLeft = "";
+ if(valRight == "0") valRight = "";
+ if(checkObj != "0" && checkObj != "")
+ {
+ if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && DateTime.Parse(checkObj) >= DateTime.Parse(GetExpressionVal(valLeft)) && DateTime.Parse(checkObj) <= DateTime.Parse(GetExpressionVal(valRight)))
+ {
+ passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ }
+ else if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && DateTime.Parse(checkObj) >= DateTime.Parse(GetExpressionVal(valLeft)))
+ {
+ passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ }
+ else if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && DateTime.Parse(checkObj) <= DateTime.Parse(GetExpressionVal(valRight)))
+ {
+ passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ }
+ }
- else if(fieldQueryValueType.StartsWith("date"))
- {
- if(valLeft == "0") valLeft = "";
- if(valRight == "0") valRight = "";
- if(checkObj != "0" && checkObj != "")
+ else if(fieldQueryModel == "query_field")
+ {
+ valLeft = GetComputeVal(queryCondiDic, valLeft);
+ valRight = GetComputeVal(queryCondiDic, valRight);
+ if(fieldQueryValueType == "number")
- if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && DateTime.Parse(checkObj) >= DateTime.Parse(GetExpressionVal(valLeft)) && DateTime.Parse(checkObj) <= DateTime.Parse(GetExpressionVal(valRight)))
+ if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && decimal.Parse(checkObj) >= decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(valLeft)) && decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(checkObj.ToString())) <= decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(valRight)))
passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
- else if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && DateTime.Parse(checkObj) >= DateTime.Parse(GetExpressionVal(valLeft)))
+ else if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(checkObj.ToString())) >= decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(valLeft)))
passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
- else if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && DateTime.Parse(checkObj) <= DateTime.Parse(GetExpressionVal(valRight)))
+ else if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(checkObj.ToString())) <= decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(valRight)))
passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
- }
- }
- else if(fieldQueryModel == "query_field")
- {
- valLeft = GetComputeVal(queryCondiDic, valLeft);
- valRight = GetComputeVal(queryCondiDic, valRight);
- if(fieldQueryValueType == "number")
- {
- if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && decimal.Parse(checkObj) >= decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(valLeft)) && decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(checkObj.ToString())) <= decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(valRight)))
+ else if(fieldQueryValueType == "int")
- passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && int.Parse(checkObj) >= int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(valLeft)) && int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(checkObj.ToString())) <= int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(valRight)))
+ {
+ passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ }
+ else if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(checkObj.ToString())) >= int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(valLeft)))
+ {
+ passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ }
+ else if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(checkObj.ToString())) <= int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(valRight)))
+ {
+ passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ }
- else if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(checkObj.ToString())) >= decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(valLeft)))
+ else if(fieldQueryValueType.StartsWith("date"))
- passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ if(valLeft == "0") valLeft = "";
+ if(valRight == "0") valRight = "";
+ if(checkObj != "0" && checkObj != "")
+ {
+ if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && DateTime.Parse(checkObj) >= DateTime.Parse(GetExpressionVal(valLeft)) && DateTime.Parse(checkObj) <= DateTime.Parse(GetExpressionVal(valRight)))
+ {
+ passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ }
+ else if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && DateTime.Parse(checkObj) >= DateTime.Parse(GetExpressionVal(valLeft)))
+ {
+ passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ }
+ else if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && DateTime.Parse(checkObj) <= DateTime.Parse(GetExpressionVal(valRight)))
+ {
+ passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ }
+ }
- else if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(checkObj.ToString())) <= decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(valRight)))
+ }
+ }
+ else if(fieldQueryKind == "4") //取反匹配
+ {
+ if(fieldQueryValueType == "int")
+ {
+ if(int.Parse(checkObj) != int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(checkVal)))
passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
- else if(fieldQueryValueType == "int")
+ else if(fieldQueryValueType == "number")
- if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && int.Parse(checkObj) >= int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(valLeft)) && int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(checkObj.ToString())) <= int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(valRight)))
+ if(decimal.Parse(checkObj) != decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(checkVal)))
passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
- else if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(checkObj.ToString())) >= int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(valLeft)))
+ }
+ else if(fieldQueryValueType == "text")
+ {
+ if(checkObj.ToString() != GetExpressionVal(checkVal))
passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
- else if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(checkObj.ToString())) <= int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(valRight)))
+ }
+ }
+ else if(fieldQueryKind == "5" || fieldQueryKind == "6") //数组匹配/排除
+ {
+ string val = ",";
+ string[] valList = checkVal.Split(',');
+ if(fieldQueryModel == "request_param")
+ {
+ Dictionary<string, string> req = getRequestParams(projectId, content);
+ foreach(string subVal in valList)
- passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ val += req[subVal] + ",";
- else if(fieldQueryValueType.StartsWith("date"))
+ else if(fieldQueryModel == "fixed_value")
- if(valLeft == "0") valLeft = "";
- if(valRight == "0") valRight = "";
- if(checkObj != "0" && checkObj != "")
+ foreach(string subVal in valList)
- if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && DateTime.Parse(checkObj) >= DateTime.Parse(GetExpressionVal(valLeft)) && DateTime.Parse(checkObj) <= DateTime.Parse(GetExpressionVal(valRight)))
- {
- passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
- }
- else if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && DateTime.Parse(checkObj) >= DateTime.Parse(GetExpressionVal(valLeft)))
- {
- passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
- }
- else if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(valLeft) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valRight) && DateTime.Parse(checkObj) <= DateTime.Parse(GetExpressionVal(valRight)))
- {
- passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
- }
+ val += GetExpressionVal(subVal) + ",";
- }
- }
- else if(fieldQueryKind == "4") //取反匹配
- {
- if(fieldQueryValueType == "int")
- {
- if(int.Parse(checkObj) != int.Parse(Function.CheckInt(checkVal)))
+ else if(fieldQueryModel == "db_field")
- passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ foreach(string subVal in valList)
+ {
+ val += GetDbExpressionVal(subVal) + ",";
+ }
- }
- else if(fieldQueryValueType == "number")
- {
- if(decimal.Parse(checkObj) != decimal.Parse(Function.CheckNum(checkVal)))
+ if(fieldQueryKind == "5" && val.Contains("," + checkObj.ToString() + ","))
passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
- }
- else if(fieldQueryValueType == "text")
- {
- if(checkObj.ToString() != GetExpressionVal(checkVal))
+ if(fieldQueryKind == "6" && !val.Contains("," + checkObj.ToString() + ","))
passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
+ logStepDic.Add("状态", passFlag ? "通过" : "未通过");
+ loopLog.Add("匹配情况", logStepDic);
- else if(fieldQueryKind == "5" || fieldQueryKind == "6") //数组匹配/排除
- {
- string val = ",";
- string[] valList = checkVal.Split(',');
- if(fieldQueryModel == "request_param")
- {
- Dictionary<string, string> req = getRequestParams(projectId, content);
- foreach(string subVal in valList)
- {
- val += req[subVal] + ",";
- }
- }
- else if(fieldQueryModel == "fixed_value")
- {
- foreach(string subVal in valList)
- {
- val += GetExpressionVal(subVal) + ",";
- }
- }
- else if(fieldQueryModel == "db_field")
- {
- foreach(string subVal in valList)
- {
- val += GetDbExpressionVal(subVal) + ",";
- }
- }
- if(fieldQueryKind == "5" && val.Contains("," + checkObj.ToString() + ","))
- {
- passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
- }
- if(fieldQueryKind == "6" && !val.Contains("," + checkObj.ToString() + ","))
- {
- passCount += 1; passFlag = true;
- }
- }
- logStepDic.Add("状态", passFlag ? "通过" : "未通过");
- setLogStep(sub.id, logStepDic);
+ if(loopSet.conditionMode == "all" && passCount == allCount) prizeFlag = true;
+ else if(loopSet.conditionMode == "one" && passCount >= 1) prizeFlag = true;
+ else if(loopSet.conditionMode == "two" && passCount >= 2) prizeFlag = true;
+ else if(loopSet.conditionMode == "three" && passCount >= 3) prizeFlag = true;
+ else prizeFlag = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ prizeFlag = false;
+ }
+ loopLog.Add("匹配结果", prizeFlag);
+ if(prizeFlag)
+ {
+ decimal prizeAmt = prizeSendDo(projectId, sub, objId, content, loopSet);
+ op = afterPrizeFlag;
- if(loopSet.conditionMode == "all" && passCount == allCount) prizeFlag = true;
- else if(loopSet.conditionMode == "one" && passCount >= 1) prizeFlag = true;
- else if(loopSet.conditionMode == "two" && passCount >= 2) prizeFlag = true;
- else if(loopSet.conditionMode == "three" && passCount >= 3) prizeFlag = true;
- else prizeFlag = false;
- else
+ loopLogDic.Add(loopLog);
+ var parent = db.Ado.GetScalar("select " + parentField + " from " + tableEnName + " where " + sonField + "=" + objId);
+ if(parent != null)
- prizeFlag = false;
+ objId = parent.ToString();
- if(prizeFlag)
+ else
- decimal prizeAmt = prizeSendDo(projectId, sub, objId, content, loopSet);
- op = afterPrizeFlag;
+ objId = "0";
+ index += 1;
- var parent = db.Ado.GetScalar("select " + parentField + " from " + tableEnName + " where " + sonField + "=" + objId);
- if(parent != null)
- {
- objId = parent.ToString();
- }
- else
- {
- objId = "0";
- }
- index += 1;
+ setLogStep(sub.id, "向上递归流程", loopLogDic);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ prizeSendDo(projectId, sub, prizeObjectId, content, new PriLoopSet());
- else
+ catch(Exception ex)
- prizeSendDo(projectId, sub, prizeObjectId, content, new PriLoopSet());
+ setLogFieldValue(sub.id, "errLog", ex.ToString());
@@ -952,14 +993,18 @@ namespace Util
static decimal loopAmount = 0;
public static decimal prizeSendDo(int projectId, PriList sub, string prizeObjectId, string content, PriLoopSet set)
+ var projectService = App.GetService<IPriProjectService>();
var recordService = App.GetService<IPriRecordService>();
var conditionService = App.GetService<IPriConditionService>();
var returnFieldService = App.GetService<IPriReturnFieldService>();
var queryTableService = App.GetService<IPriQueryTableService>();
var amountSetService = App.GetService<IPriListAmountSetService>();
+ var project = projectService.GetFirst(m => m.id == projectId) ?? new PriProject();
- List<QueryCondition> condiDic = condiDic = condition(projectId, Tools.SpitIntArrary(sub.queryTableIdList, ',').ToList(), content);
+ List<QueryCondition> condiDic = condition(sub.id, projectId, Tools.SpitIntArrary(sub.queryTableIdList, ',').ToList(), content);
if(sub.prizeSourceFieldType == "loop") MergeCondiDic(condiDic, loopCondition(projectId, sub, prizeObjectId, content));
+ setLogStep(sub.id, "发放奖励查询来源数据", condiDic);
var prizeSourceField = sub.prizeSourceField; //奖励金额来源字段(对应条件匹配返回字段)
var prizePercent = sub.prizePercent; //奖励比例
@@ -969,11 +1014,13 @@ namespace Util
var recursionFlag = sub.recursionFlag; //是否递归
var conditions = conditionService.GetList(m => m.listId == sub.id);
+ setLogStep(sub.id, "发放奖励匹配条件", condiDic);
int allCount = conditions.Count; //所有奖励条件数
int passCount = 0; //通过条件数
+ List<Dictionary<string, object>> logStepDics = new();
foreach(var condition in conditions)
- Dictionary<string, string> logStepDic = new();
+ Dictionary<string, object> logStepDic = new();
var returnFieldId = condition.returnFieldId; //条件返回字段
var fieldQueryKind = condition.fieldQueryKind; //匹配条件
var fieldQueryModel = condition.fieldQueryModel; //匹配方式
@@ -1294,15 +1341,17 @@ namespace Util
logStepDic.Add("状态", passFlag ? "通过" : "未通过");
- setLogStep(sub.id, logStepDic);
+ logStepDics.Add(logStepDic);
+ setLogStep(sub.id, "匹配结果", logStepDics);
bool op = false;
decimal prizeAmt = 0;
if(conditionMode == "all" && passCount == allCount && passCount > 0) op = true;
else if(conditionMode == "one" && passCount >= 1) op = true;
else if(conditionMode == "two" && passCount >= 2) op = true;
else if(conditionMode == "three" && passCount >= 3) op = true;
+ setLogStep(sub.id, "是否通过", op ? "是" : "否");
if(op) //满足条件
decimal number = 0;
@@ -1353,6 +1402,7 @@ namespace Util
if(prizeAmount > 0) prizeAmt += prizeAmount;
decimal getPrizeAmount = prizeAmt;
if(set.levelDiffFlag) prizeAmt -= loopAmount;
+ setLogStep(sub.id, "发放金额", prizeAmt);
if(prizeAmt > 0)
setLogPrizeAmount(sub.id, prizeAmt);
@@ -1361,7 +1411,7 @@ namespace Util
var sendFlag = recordService.Any(m => m.prizeObjId == prizeObjectId && m.listId == sub.id && m.requestParamField == requestParamField);
- recordService.Add(new PriRecord()
+ PriRecord item = new PriRecord()
createDate = DateTime.Now,
projectId = projectId,
@@ -1370,7 +1420,10 @@ namespace Util
prizeObjId = prizeObjectId,
requestParamField = requestParamField,
batchNo = batchNo,
- });
+ };
+ recordService.Add(item);
+ setLogFieldValue(sub.id, "prizeOutContent", Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(item));
+ setLogFieldValue(sub.id, "prizeOutUrl", project.noticeUrl);
loopAmount = getPrizeAmount;
prizeToDatabase(projectId, sub.id, content, condiDic, prizeAmt); //入库
@@ -1911,7 +1964,7 @@ namespace Util
- public static void addLog(int projectId, int listId, int prizeIn, string requestParam)
+ public static void addLog(int projectId, int listId, int prizeIn, string requestParam, string prizeInUrl)
var logService = App.GetService<IPriLogService>();
logService.Add(new PriLog()
@@ -1922,6 +1975,7 @@ namespace Util
batchNo = batchNo,
prizeIn = prizeIn,
requestParam = requestParam,
+ prizeInUrl = prizeInUrl,
public static void setLogPrizeAmount(int listId, decimal prizeAmount)
@@ -1934,13 +1988,25 @@ namespace Util
- public static void setLogStep(int listId, Dictionary<string, string> step)
+ public static void setLogStep(int listId, Dictionary<string, object> step)
+ {
+ var logService = App.GetService<IPriLogService>();
+ var log = logService.GetFirst(m => m.batchNo == batchNo && m.listId == listId);
+ if(log != null)
+ {
+ log.stepList += Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(step) + ",";
+ logService.Update(log);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void setLogStep(int listId, string key, object val)
var logService = App.GetService<IPriLogService>();
var log = logService.GetFirst(m => m.batchNo == batchNo && m.listId == listId);
if(log != null)
- log.stepList += Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(step);
+ Dictionary<string, object> step = new();
+ step.Add(key, val);
+ log.stepList += Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(step) + ",";
@@ -1954,5 +2020,18 @@ namespace Util
+ public static void setLogFieldValue(int listId, string field, string content)
+ {
+ var logService = App.GetService<IPriLogService>();
+ var log = logService.GetFirst(m => m.batchNo == batchNo && m.listId == listId);
+ if(log != null)
+ {
+ if(field == "errLog") log.errLog = content;
+ if(field == "prizeOutContent") log.prizeOutContent = content;
+ if(field == "prizeOutUrl") log.prizeOutUrl = content;
+ if(field == "stepListIndex") log.stepListIndex = content;
+ logService.Update(log);
+ }
+ }